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Postby Tala » Sat Feb 17, 2007 9:58 pm

(OOC:Kris, I though kikki you your name. My mistake)
Ryko:Yes you have to work transformed.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:08 pm

"...Well there goes my chance of a way to skip wearing those frilly outfits..." Kenji said.
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Postby Tala » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:10 pm

Kyte:Kenji, what do you mean.
You and I don't have to wear uniforms and we get to stay ourselves.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:12 pm

"...Well your father said, "Yes you have to work transformed." so I just assumed..." Kenji said sweatdropped.
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Postby Tala » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:16 pm

Ryko:The transformed thing is so we can get better busness.
Kyte:It would not make sence to have the cooks transformed because the coustermers wouldn't see us. And besides what would the healh dept. do if they say a cat and a rabbit in the kicten?
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:24 pm

"Yeah...we could be the cooks." Kenji said still in a sweatdropped state.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:29 pm

OOC: Alexis will be taking over for Kikki, since Kikki is one of the adults/parents in this rpg.

IC: Alexis nods..."All right. I'll have to change into my monkey form.." she holds up her power pendant. "Power Pendant, MewtaMorphosis!" The transformation sequence changes Alexis's outfit into the orangish-yellow jumpsuit, with matching leggings, brown gloves and shoes, a brown monkey tail and small monkey ears. Her hair darkens a bit. Her weapon, the Golden Tambourine, appears in her hand. "Ta da!" She says, "Not bad, Na no Da!"

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Postby Tala » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:39 pm

Kyte:we are the cooks kenji.

*ryko looked at his watch*

Ryko:We have got to go.
kyte:later suckers.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:46 pm

"Well first off...I was in the other room and didn't hear that...and if no one has anything else to say to me, I'll be off." Kenji said as he left.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:47 pm

Alexis looks over at Cassia, and the others..."Uhm, what about school and work stuff, and the evil stuff we are supposed to fight. My mom told me all about the aliens and their crazy monsters they created. Just have to keep a look out for unusual animals roaming around.."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:34 pm

Cassia was, in the meantime, looking quite disgruntled at the presented uniform. "You expect me to wear this?" she said. "Uh-uh and no. I can deal with the whole working-transformed thing, even though I don't know how the heck we're going to explain that, unless we're some completely amazing cosplayers or something. But I put both feet down at a frou-frou maid dress. Nope. I'm not wearing that." She folded her arms with the maid dress still dangling out of one hand, wearing a distinctly peeved expression. "I mean, what if other people on the baseball team come in here? I'll never hear the end of it, at practice!" She shuddered. "Talk about all respect going down the toilet. I dunno anything about having to fight monsters, Alexis. We'll cross that bridge when it comes. But I'll show you around school as soon as you're registered."
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Postby Tala » Sun Feb 18, 2007 2:03 am

*Back at his house kyte was dabating in his mind with Kate*

Kate:You never let me out except to fight.
Kyte:I don't want to lose what reptuation I have.
Kate:But I just want to go to school for one day.
Kyte:I said no. You will cause to many problems.
Kate:Meanie. I never have any fun.
Kyte:I don't care. I am just bairly safe from the bullies and if I let you go I will never be able to get back to where I am now.
Kate:I promase not to do anything embarssising.
Kyte:For the last time no. Now let me sleep.
Kyte:Lets make a deal; The one who has a better argument and can turn dad to their saide can go to school.
Kate:Ok. Lets go.

*kyte walks down to the living room where his dad is*

Kyte:Dad, I made a deal with Kate. We will have a debate. The winner will go to school tomarrow and the loser will not interfer with the other's day.
Ryko:Ok. Lets do this.

*After a very long debate ryko stood up and anounced the winner*

Ryko:The winner is...Kate.
Kyte:Tomarrow will end badly. Wait, Dad we will not be able to hide my tail if I transform. The ears are easy. But a tail is diffrent.
Ryko:I have just the solution.
*Ryko rulls out a bracelet from his pocket*
Ryko:This will allow Kate to take over w/o the ears and tail appering. Also, It allows you to transform and be male.
Kate:Horray. I will need some cloths to wear for school. I know shopping spree.
Kyte:This is going to end horably.

*After a long trip at the mall(to long to discribe) Kate and Ryko walk into the house*

Kate:That was fun.
Kyte:That was the worst thing ever. I hope I never have to do that again.
Ryko:If Kate keeps getting better at debates she my be end up being your soul body and you will be the one with the powers.
You need to get to bed. It will take you a while to get ready for school.

*Kate goes to her room and puts away the cloths, leaving one outfit out for the next day*

kyte:God kill me now.

*kate/kyte go to sleep. kyte dreading waking up*
'Adrift upon the sea of time, the lonely god wanders from shore to distant shore, upholding the laws of the stars above.' - written by Arya in Brisingr
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Postby Josh-May » Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:06 pm

-Later at may's house-
"May! since your a girl now you've got to learn how to BE one, instead of moping over it! ive changed your school information, so you wont have a problem with classes. Ive also set out a nice outfit for you, i think you will like it!"

I groaned.

"OH by the way, here is your pajamas!"
She handed me THE most girliest clothes, pajama wise, in this universe!

"Rainbows, unicorns, and hearts on pink pajamas. sometjhing tells me that this is going to happen for a long time now..."

I went to my bedroom and put on the somewhat smaller pajamas, they only reached half my forearm, and calves on my legs.

"they arent burning the flesh off my body .. i suppose they arent that bad..."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Feb 18, 2007 1:17 pm

The uniform was a bone of contention all the way home. Cassia adamantly insisted that she was not wearing anything so silly, while her mother was just as adamant that the she should wear it without complaining; the assertion that she would "look so cute in it" did nothing to help matters.
Finally, Cassia had had enough. "All right, all right, I'll tell you what," she said. "We're home now, where no one will see me. I'll put on the blasted thing. Then you can see how ridiculous it'll look. And in that case, will you still force me to wear the wretched thing?"
Mint considered this for a moment. "Yes, do try it on. I want to see how you will look in it... but first, show me your animal form. I would like to see the full effect, after all."
Cassia gave her a funny look, but said, "Okay...." It felt very strange indeed to be undergoing a semi-magical transformation as a performance for one of her parents. The fact that this parent had been doing the same thing in her own youth only made it weirder.... But change she did, in that odd pocket dimension of light, music, and that unusual lingering scent of sweetened spice. At the end she stood, a little awkwardly, as her mother paced in a circle around her, studying. "Very similar," she mused. "Your outfit has a mood much like to my own. The dress was strapless, and didn't have an underskirt, but the overall structure is a lot alike.... Your gloves are longer and boots taller, as well. Otherwise, it is uncannily similar. I guess you do follow in my footsteps in one area." She looked rather pleased about this idea. "Now, if you wouldn't mind trying on that uniform, now?..."
"I just knew you wouldn't forget about that," Cassia grumbled. She snatched the offending dress up and stalked to her room, muttering to herself the whole time she put it on. "Skirt too floofy, this dumb petticoat itches, if I move faster than a walk everyone'll see from here till tomorrow- heck, there's not even a hole for this stupid tail! I'll flash everyone if I just bend a bit! And this stupid frilly hat'll keep falling off, and what use is an apron this little, anyway?..." And so on did the complaints continue, until she got back to her mother's room. "Right. This outfit should be used as an example in the dictionary, right next to the definition of 'ridiculous.' Satisfied? Can I take it off now?"
Mint clapped her hands, expression of pure delight. "Ridiculous? My dear, you look adorable! Why, you bring to mind how we looked back in our own day.... And we were quite popular, I'll have you know. That outfit suits you so well.... And you know, now I see benefit to all those athletic things you do. The skirt is short, and you're in very good shape, and can really carry it off...."
Cassia looked at her mother, aghast. "What are you saying? This- adorable? Me? No way! You- you're just saying that because you want me to wear the blasted thing! I should've known better- of course you'd be biased-"
"Settle down right now, young lady. Of course I'm not biased." Cassia snorted, but Mint soldiered on. "You know that I believe that to be ladylike is to always dress in a becoming and stylish fashion. If I truly thought this dress looked absurd on you, I would look for an alternative outfit for you. But it does suit you, whether you like it or not. Just wait until some boys come into the cafe- you'll see."
Cassia shuddered. "Boys from my school gawking at my legs. Just what I need.... Yup, all respect completely and utterly is going to go out the window."
Her mother was looking rather peeved. "All right, then, I'll get some more opinions, if you like. Allow me to make a phone call or two." She punched a number into her cell phone. "Hello? Zoey? Yes, it's me. Can you come over here for a moment, please? It's Cassia. She's experiencing uncertainty over whether or not the uniform for her new job suits her, and I'm having a hard time convincing her that it's becoming.... Some more opinions would help. Could you come and let her know what you think? Please contact at least some the others and bring them along. I do believe she needs extra convincing, after all...." After a few moments of pleasantries, she hung up. "There. Now hopefully you will have a variety of people assuring you that this is best course for you. Are you satisifed now?"
Cassia was standing in a half-hunkered posture, compulsively holding her skirt down in a futile attempt to make it longer. "Turning me into a fashion dummy on parade for a bunch of people who'll only back you up on all this? Yeah, Mom. Real satisfied, sure...." Her disgruntled expression said otherwise.

OOC: Okay, this means that anyone who wants to can turn up and offer an opinion on the dress in question. (It's red, by the way, unless the GM decrees otherwise.) Feel free to have fun in your responses to the thing. :) And I'd really like at least one or two replies, so anyone who wants to, go right ahead.... And I imagine it probably does look pretty cute, even if she'll never admit it. :L)
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Postby Tala » Sun Feb 18, 2007 5:57 pm

*Ryko got a call from Zoey*

Ryko:I will go help.

*Ryko showed up at Cassia's house*

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