by Mistress Guendolen » Sun Feb 18, 2007 11:43 pm
Cassia shrugged. "Eh. To each their own. Me, I get a real charge out of it. Hitting a home run and having to tear from base to base, trying to get there before they get the ball.... Dodging the goalie, or better still, being the goalie and keeping them from dodging you.... It's a rush like you wouldn't believe. And gymnastics... nothing like whipping through a triple tumbling pass and sticking the landing to get your heart pounding. It's fantastic. And don't worry, Alexis, you'll be just fine in gym. It's really not all that demanding. Just wear your uniform, do your best, and don't cause any trouble, and you'll be completely fine. Athletically inept people pass without a problem, because of those couple of things."
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa