City of Otaku: LAZY BUMS F@$% POST: or at least inform me


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Postby Kumi-chan » Tue Feb 20, 2007 3:48 pm

(Okay so school sucks. It keeps me from being able to keep track of things sometimes. ZF I give you permission to beat me hard and fast if you wish to.)

Tommy winces as she comes to. “Shut up stupid thing…uhhh oww that hurts.â€
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Tue Feb 20, 2007 8:29 pm

"THEN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL THE BARNEY!!!!
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Postby Kuda » Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:54 am

(unlike Kumi :P I don't have a reason to neglect on the posting...@_@ I simply forgot about the fact that I was in this RP >> but same as what Kumi said, you have permission to smack me over the head with an anti-personnel level mallet if you wish to)

Zeon Kamen pays no heed...or not much since one can barely see whats under that mask of his anyways...can he even see through it himself? who know?! The masked fighter takes the moment to casually disappear off screen to reappear a few floors up.

"Gah, what a horrible horrible looking thing..." he says before pulling out a rocket launcher and firing it towards it.
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Postby ZeroForever » Sat Feb 24, 2007 10:29 pm

(still a few more but eh whatever i'm to surprised... at least a few of you noticed.)


Michael - your death is of minor inconvince to you as you wake up somewhere you know you've been before at least the angelic side of your self had been before... the set up of the waiting room of this particular god was the same as always, pristine white with random archic symbols everywhere. Stacy, god's angelic secretary was in the center of the room at her white desk, looking the same as always with her overly large bosum and white robe. "MICHAEL, GOD WILL SEE YOUR USELESS SELF NOW" .... and lets not forget the sonic mocking shout that she had which threw you off the coach you found yourself woking from.

Leon - well death doesn't become you as the you can feel that girls voice, no hand pulling you up from the darkness of the soul that was enveloping you mentally and well physically also the location that was you had turned into a black void... you could feel her filling you as well as several other products namely the dark aflac mecha duck and angelic maschoist effect, as they fought over dominance of your body and soul... the conflict was releasing unrestrained chaotic energy into the entire area... the random energy disablized the gravity as well as many other things in the localized mile around you.

Ceri/Cutie Angel - you still need to post.

Andrea - still need to post.

Ryu - well you hero killing instincts tells you that the most danger comes from either A) the sentai senshi B) the kamen C) Cutie Angel, your kill the weak instincts tell that you should gank A) the sissy senshi Lily B) the annoying chibi andrea and you OH @#% OF METER was telling you to get away from the ground zero of the void that was the remains of Leon

Lily - any empathy you might have gotten from the initail comment lost all effect as the naruto filler had killed any feelings people may have had with you. Instead the comment seems to have enraged the barney which the proceed to grab the nearest building and throw it at you... you can only stare as the starbucks flys accross the street at the starbucks your currently inhabiting. the coffee smell surrounds you and makes you think how about those triple fudge mocha latte's with extra cream and sugar?

Tommy/sailor sentai - Well with a starbucks incoming on you and lily... for some reason you were daydreaming about Zeon Kamens ripe ass cheeks. at least until a explosion rocks the building in it's flight as the the mask protects you from the starbucks smell as will as the air pressurer that gusts pass you as what was once a building turned into large flying flaming debris towards you guys.

Zeon Kamen - Your missle connects with the barney right after it throws the starbucks the explosion shatters the building into hundreds of pieces which continue on there path into the building where the girls were. The barney doesn't look to happy with that though as it prepared a plasma blast from the mouth only to be sent staggering momentaily agian as the void shocked it with a energy pulse from the void that was leon. Also the school building your standing on doesn't look in the best condition as the void that is leon causes it to lift off the ground. Well those are of secondary concern as several random demon shadow things attack you from various directions.
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Postby Amy-chan » Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:09 pm

((Sorrry for the delay in posting.))

Cutie Angel strikes a pose and proclaims "Cuteness is to be used to make people go 'Awww' and feel warm inside! Using it to further evil is wrong! In the name of Cuteness I will punish you!" Upon finishing she makes a cute face, points at the demons, and says “Kawaii Chibi Surroundâ€
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Postby Teddy » Wed Feb 28, 2007 5:17 pm

Leon just laid there, bordering death and such. He WAS releasing an incredible amount of energy though, so that counts for something.
Ohahaha. Oh, Xia.
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Postby ZeroForever » Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:09 pm

(prods the not really around posting people once more even though they most likely won't notice for some months... either way i'm gonna try pushing this forward some more this weekend, so try to post before then people.)
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Postby Kumi-chan » Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:37 am

Tommy shakes her head then jumps over picking up Lily and jumps over taking her the safety.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:47 pm

Ryu glances at where Leon is. "As much fun as it would be to kill someone, I believe saving myself now would be more beneficial to me." he said as he began to run from the area.
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:29 pm

Lily, trapped under rubble, inches closer to her goal. "Must...get...mocha...with...fudge..."

The fact that she's actually moving the large boulder she's trapped under is a testament either to strength, willpower, or just being too focused on the coffee to realize she's in pain.
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Postby ZeroForever » Sat Mar 10, 2007 11:22 am

Michael - that white hall way from gods reception room to his actually office was quite large wasn't it... one post later your still walking down it. (post you bum, and see me)

Leon - As the forces at hand within your body seemed to have reached a balancing point aka the calm after the storming seemingly hit. Switching scenes quickly to the the being's that had a hand in your transformation, you notice they were noteably playing mai jong over the results the betting chips different amounts of essence being traded around. Either way it seems the game had ended for better or worse though the chips were split rather evenly between the 3 entities playing. Back to his actually physical being however the body was torn apart into millions of pieces of scattered flesh the pulsing void energy surrounding him began to introvert back into the pieces creating a a localized gravity pulse which well increased the gravity for everyone in ther region. As the pieces began to reform, the ground zero school building changed with him the aetherial energy obscuring all vision. As the final pulse finished it's self off, the school... had it's own clock tower now, err what? Your own physical reformation was however still no where to be seen. (see me)

Zeon Kamen - good thing your a kamen of else those energy pulses wouldn't be very fun to deal with. anyways post you bum

Tommy/sailor sentai - escaping the stabucks with the delilrous lily, you jump bit to close to the barneysauros for confort as it's hand swipe almost takes your head off, The gravitation pulse actually saving your life as the increased weight lowered the height of the jump. Taking someone to safety was easy to say... noteably not really easy to do when in a battle royal.

Lily - (hmm note that kumi already picked up your character first... though i'll just rearrage it so that your post happened first so it makes sense still.) Your senses return to you slowly after Sailor sentai removes you from the starbucks, only to almost die has the barney just misses both of you by inchs, the strike instead annilating the pieces of the 2 starbucks that once was.

Ryu - hmm despite getting one of the most powerful bio armors ever created....the bushification earlier seemingly had kept, which would explain the sissy behaviour... the gravity change barely even registered with you with the armor on however your master namely the barneysaures wasn't very happy with you as the armor took over and returned to the battle field all the while... punishing you with images of fat yaoi cosplayer pr0n, and the promise of turning you into that if you don't complete your job.

Andrea - chibi + gravitational effects = pancake? either way i'm not quite sure what happened to the bounty huntered that was andrea. (post you bum)

Ceri/Cutie Angel - even in the air however you were subjected to the power of the void energies that leon was giving off which made flying much harder when your weight increased several times instant from graviation forces, that and as stated above chibi + gravitional effects don't really work well together though the gravity also seemed to be slowing down the demons. Unfortunately the prinny took advantage of the lack of anyone keeping track of it and decided to gank you while the lesser demon spawns had your attention... the gank came in the form of a rather large prinny beam to you backside.
the anti-thesis of myself... come see, feel, know the truth beyond truths it'll just cost your soul.....
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:51 pm

Lily looks at Tommy. "I got it! Toss the Prinny at the Barney!"
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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:04 pm

"Arrgh, fine. I'll kill them, just stop the punishment. I suppose I'll take care of the chibi first." Ryu said as he walked back over to the battleground, and toward his intended target.
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Postby Amy-chan » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:43 am

ZeroForever wrote:Ceri/Cutie Angel - even in the air however you were subjected to the power of the void energies that leon was giving off which made flying much harder when your weight increased several times instant from graviation forces, that and as stated above chibi + gravitional effects don't really work well together though the gravity also seemed to be slowing down the demons. Unfortunately the prinny took advantage of the lack of anyone keeping track of it and decided to gank you while the lesser demon spawns had your attention... the gank came in the form of a rather large prinny beam to you backside.

((From my post back on January 9
Chibi Amanda wrote:Upon viewing the scene, Cutie Angel landed.
Also, the chibis that I summoned are made of solid energy. Would the gravity pulses really have a noticeable effect on them?

I am assuming that the prinny's energy beam packs quite a wallop, and is not intended to transform.))

Cutie Amanda jumped high into the air (despite gravity effects) hands flying to her abused backside and uttered a piecing (but cute) scream "Yeeeeeeooooooowch!!"

After a sudden and undignified landing, Cutie turned, fire in her eyes to see who had done that. Upon seeing the prinny, the fire died and she looked confused. "B...but how can I avenge my poor posterior's pride on such a cute little penguin?"
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Postby Chibi MitchellTF » Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:28 am

Lily continues her yelling. "Throw it at the Barney! It'll be fine! Prinnies like to blow up!"
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