by Mistress Guendolen » Wed Feb 21, 2007 9:33 pm
"Wow, you're kidding! An extra tip just because we had to deal with some perverts who couldn't keep their hands to themselves? Wow, if she comes back we're going to have to do something extra-special for her!... And I'm sorry you never got to know your grandma, Alexis. At least I know mine on Dad's side. Mom's mom still lives in Japan, so I've never met her."
OOC: Y'know, am I the only person who thinks a close-up of an eight year old's backside as she bends over is kinda creepy? I mean, yeah, I know it's to show the tail popping out, but still.... It just feels kinda wrong, to me, for some reason. Guess I'm weird or something.
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa