Garath's Potion Madness!


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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:14 pm

(OOC: It's cool. I'm very happy you all want to RP this so enthusiastically. Sadly if you go too far it'll mess up what the potion does. I can allow some delayed reaction, but I don't want it getting too far ahead.

If you are anxious to continue. PM me. Or if you see me on AIM, AIM me. I'll try to keep AIM open all day when I'm home.

Warning you all now: I work in the morning till 3pm Eastern Time. So I can't do much then. Also on Friday I'm just about occupied all day.

Oh and BTW- The Purple Spray used?

"The Sprays effect as been appyled" >:D)
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:24 pm

OOC: Sorry if we got carried away. Guess we just like to roleplay.... I guess this means you don't want us posting anymore until you say so?
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Postby Mystic Mina » Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:26 pm

OoC: I think its alright to post now, since he stated that the potion has been activated. But we should wait for Kohaku, no? I'd like to see what the potion did to him..... ^_^
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:27 pm

(Yeah it's safe to post now. Though waiting for Kohaku probably would be for the best.)
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Postby Kohaku » Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:53 am

Kazuki, sighs, turning around and gives a short bow in Rhiannon's direction.

"I'm ... I'm very sorry... Rhiannon-san, I shouldn't have insulted you and... your friends in such a manner. I apologise profusely for any harsh, rude or provocative manner that I have taken with you or your friends since we first made acquiantance."

Kazuki also gives a short bow to Clark, "I apologise for wrecking your project also... please, inform me as to any means by which I can recompensate you."

Then, obviously flustered, Kazuki pulls his timetable out from his backpocket, "Uh, let's see, I have a... lecture now, yeah, lecture. Right. Social Sciences."

Quickly packing his bag full of papers and books, slinging it over his right shoulder, Kazuki proceeds to head back down the path towards the college, a look of confusion and embarassment on his features.
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Postby J/M (sry couldn't log in) » Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:54 am

I get up and go over to them."hmm... may i have a couple...? i wanna see what they do." I reached for 5 differently colored bottles.
J/M (sry couldn't log in)

Postby Amy-chan » Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:37 am

((I want to join if I may.))

*Dr. Francine Steely, Ph. D., slowed down from where she had been hurrying toward a group of students that had just a moment ago seemed on the verge of a fight. As one of the most senior faculty here, she often tried to help keep the peace by reasoning with the young people. She stopped just for a moment, took off her glasses, rubbed the bridge of her nose with the thumb and index finger of her other hand, and then replaced her glasses.

She wondered if she should still say something to the ones that were still standing in a group. She had a couple of them in her classes. One of them was even a student that loved to learn, which were the kind that helped her keep teaching. There were so many college kids nowadays that just wanted an easy course.

She decided to approach them anyway. As she walked up, she saw they were looking at something in a box. She decided to address one of the students that she knew by name.*

"Hello Clark,": she said, "what's that you and your friend have there?"
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Wed Mar 14, 2007 3:47 pm

(There is no limit to how many people can play. Please if you want to jump in. Feel free!)

(And now that's been said. I've kept quiet about it for a while now, but something has been bothering me. It's just. Some of you are like "Hey! Magic Potions! Let's use them!"

This world ISN'T a magical world. Shouldn't you think this is like a joke or something? It's just to me it seems a little TOO accepting. Eh, it's a minor point, but like I said it's been bothering me.)
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Postby Kohaku » Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:04 pm

(OOC: I kind of agree, if we all just go "Hey magic potions, let's use them!" then we'll have probably gone through the entire list by the end of the next three pages, taking the element of surprise out of it too quickly and killing the RP, which is a shame 'cause it'd be great it we could keep this RP going for a long while. Remember there's only fifteen different potions, and only five vials of each, and while that is 75 potentials, they'll run out quick if we take continuous lucky dips.)
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:33 pm

Rhiannon stared after Kazuki, open-mouthed. "Was he... just... apologizing? And- being polite? To us? I... think the world is about to come to and end...." The she glanced over and saw the professor. "Oh. Uh... afternoon, Doc...."
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Postby Mystic Mina » Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:59 pm

Clark just stood there with an obviously flustered look. His eyes kept staring forward into empty space.

"Yeah...." he said absently, not noticing the arrival of the good doctor when she came by. But he did see Josh picked up several of the potions, and that immediately sent a giant warning siren through his mind.

"NO!" cried Clark, snatching away the potions and putting them back away in the box. "I thought the labeling on the box was innocent enough, but if it can make Kazuki turn into.... THAT, I don't want to mess around with these anymore!"

Suddenly, an idea.

"Eh, Dr. Steely? Do you mind if we use your lab? I want to investigate these chemicals with my friends."

"To find out what the hell just happened to Kazuki just now...." thought Clark to himself.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:07 pm

"Oh, yeah! That's a great idea! It's an- for extra credit, you know? And of course in the name of academic improvement," she added, putting on her best smile for the teacher's benefit.
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Postby Mystic Mina » Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:22 pm

OoC: A quick warning ahead! I have to go to an appointment, and won't be able to post 'till around 8:00 PST. If Garath or anyone else needs to RP as me in order to get things moving, please, FEEL FREE! I'd hate if I spoiled everything....
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:57 pm

Steven puts everything back into the box. "Yeah, I agree, we should find out what this stuff is. Especially since it seems to have had a reaction on our 'friend' over there." he says.
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Postby Josh-May » Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:42 pm

"lets call it Alchemy club" i said randomly.
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