by Mistress Guendolen » Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:07 pm
Just for a second, the pain abated- faded. Rhiannon let out a gasp of relief, started to straighten up. But then-
It felt as though her shoulder blades were being ripped asunder. She screamed, collapsing on her hands and knees on the floor, hunched over as though trying to make herself into a tiny ball. It hurts- hurts- burning- fire- She screamed again, this time trailing off into a choking gasp. Her eyes squeezed shut, hot tears of pain hovering beneath the surface, tears she wouldn't shed. No- be strong- not weak- but- "Hurts... burns..." she gasped, throat raw from screaming. And still the sensation, that her very bones were being reshaped, torn from her flesh and hammered out in fire, reforged, remade....
After what felt like an eternity, the pain abated. Rhiannon collapsed face-down on the floor. She felt oddly... heavy.... And there was still a strange sensation in her back, no more pain, but something else. Barely conscious by now, she blinked, muzzily, as a shimmering crimson feather fluttered down from somewhere up above, landing delicately on her hand. She still felt too weak to look around and see where it had come from. And therefore did not realize she now had a pair of enormous, shining, crimson, orange, and gold phoenix wings erupting from her back....
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa