Would you acctually??

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a) Something serious.
b) Something awesome.
c) Something silly.

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If given the chance would you accept being TGed

Yeah, as long as Its not permanent or just for a week or so
well I would but no. What if I get stuck?
ummm, no
WHAT??!! What kind of question is that, What kind of freak would want to change their anatomy?! (resounding no)
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Postby Musashi » Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:32 pm

Well, and so I was saying from my experience of being female that I have just as many hassles as anyone else. :P And every other female I've known has too. And there are some female-specific things I've gone through that I would certainly not call fun. >_>;

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Postby Alissa of Someday » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:10 pm

If I had that chance for the second choice most definately--I'm less resolute about the possibilty of perminance, though...
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Postby Beyond » Thu Mar 22, 2007 7:43 pm

Once I readed in this forum...

Either gender is fine. It just depends on what you want to do...
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Postby Sensei Kimiko » Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:41 am

I am assuming that when you saw TG in the poll, you mean MtF transformation rather than the more textbook TransGender, since that could easily describe a lot of MSF. That could be the crossdresser crowd on through those with gender diffusion (which likely includes me), to those who are TS and are pre or post op.

I mean there are more than a few people that choose to live as the other sex. I know a few full timers that either can't afford, are too afraid to, or kinda enjoy buring the line and live full time as women without surgury. I also know MSf is home to at least one post op. From what I gather, for knowing her and a few others, it is worth the short term pain.

It seems to me that the the overwhelming majority of transformation fans come in two categories:

The first group are the RPers. This group usually prefers long drawn out, detailed transformations. They seem mostly interested in exploration and work hard to get into the role. For them it might be expressing a part of them that doesn't normally get to come out or simply a chance to look at life from a different perspective. Frequently this group goes in cycles.

The other main group are the escapists. This group almost universally favors the *zap* type change. The details of the change are usually glossed over and whatever change occurs usually highlights the postive atributes and rarely consders the drawbacks. Whatever the change be, the core reasoning seems more a desire to escape thier current existance rather than a strong desire to join said group. This group usually seems to want to be TFed with solid regularity.

In my general opinion, both sides of the gender divide have thier pluses, for example women interact with each other on a level men just can't seem too crossinginto each others bubbles a lot. Men on the other hand enjoy far more options in the job market. The also have thier negatives, women lauded for being passive and pliant, men also expected to be strong and not allowed to display emotions publicly. So I don't think there is a blanket answer as to which gender/sex is better. There is only a which end of the gender continium that fits for each person.
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Postby Musashi » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:03 am

Sensei Kimiko wrote:I am assuming that when you saw TG in the poll, you mean MtF transformation

Personally, when I see "TG" I assume it includes both directions. :o Otherwise I figure it'd just say specifically MtF.
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Postby Raijin » Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:19 pm

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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:27 pm

Well kimiko when I asked about TG I was meaning it to go either MtF or FtM depending on what gender the person making a vote is (i'm not going to say how that applies to me as I enjoy to make people guess from intellegent observations, I see that people should define you as what you chose to do rather than your anotomical and genetic composition)

But I think im probably in the RPer sect. I seriously would like to find out what it is like to be the other gender but I find it hard to express it to people I know. A place like this is somewhere I can say without people I know finding yet another excuse to make my life mysery (actually on that note if I was TGed then people wouldn't recognise me and I would be able to start anew). As for which TG method I like, that would be long and slow. I like to see the phycological effects and mental adaption methods employed by the people in that situation.
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Postby Helel » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:15 pm

*sits on Nikkou's head*

yes, Guendolen. Your assumption was right. *I* was the other person that voted "no."

Being an Eagle Scout, and a Vigil Honor with Boy Scouts, I really don't have any reason to change my gender since I'm happy with the way I am now, and for those things I don't like, I have the ability and power to fix them without changing my gender. :P
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Mar 26, 2007 9:28 pm

Well, I'm glad I'm in good company here. :) **hug** Yeah, I too am fine with my fundamental bits being as they are. The annoying sides can be worked around, and I can try to improve the things I don't like, though sometimes I do wish there was a way to just magically get rid of them. :?
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Tue Mar 27, 2007 7:51 pm

I've divulged my answer to this question before, but allow me to do so again here (Plus, no telling who hadn't seen my answer before)

(Also when I do posts like these, I tend to type a lot. So please forgive me if my post seems rather long...)

I'm happy being a guy. I have no desire to change my gender permenantly.

For short time however... I'd do it in a heartbeat.

My reasons for wanting to be female are out of extreme curiosity.

You can think of me as a scientist. Life is different for both male and females. What one would experiance as a guy, whould most likely be slightly different if one was a female.

What would this be like to a person who was once one gender, but is now the other?

I'd like to become female and live for about a month. That'd be enough time to learn everything I'd wish to.

Yes that includes the period. I have no doubt I'd hate the entire experiance, but the knowledge I'd gain from such a thing is too desirable to pass up.

I want information. Information I can't get any other way other then actually becomming female.

I would worry about getting stuck, but I figured since I'll never actually get the chance to become female and get to run my tests, It's not worth worrying about something that won't happen.
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I am with Garath here...

Postby Beyond » Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:45 pm

Yeah, wont happen. Period.

But it's kinda nice to imagine stuff.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Wed Mar 28, 2007 4:38 am

Menstruation isn't natural! It isn't normal! It's dysfunctional! I bet that, if human females instead had estrus, there'd be at least a little less in the con department to consider. It's a shame that humans ended up as the rare few that waste the uterine lining instead of reabsorbing it.

And I finally decided to choose something on the poll. I chose "no" because I don't think a physical change would be all that rewarding. For one, I don't like the world's cultures, and how people get these ideas of how either sex should be and thus to that end put certain pressures in place to try and influence/convince people to turn out how they'd like. For another, living as one would still be brief and it'd be hard to really get the sort of adventures out of it that I'd like to have, that is either impossible or extremely hard to do in this world. Finally, it's just not "anime." Becoming female, for me, would only be worth anything if it happened in a spiritual realm, or at least in another reality. Basically: you can change the bird in the cage, but the fact would remain that it is a bird in a cage. That's how it is to me.
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Postby Queen Octavia » Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:01 pm

I'm another for the "no" side. I just find it thouroughly amusing, and the worlds where it's possible are much more interesting than our drab ol' reality. It'd make for an interesting short term experience, but those females definately got the short end of the stick ;p.
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Postby Aaron » Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:52 pm

It might be fun to try for a little while, but certainly not for any long length of time, and certainly not permanently.
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Postby Xia » Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:10 am

you forgot "hmmmmm...."

I really couldn't say
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