by Sensei Kimiko » Fri Mar 23, 2007 12:41 am
I am assuming that when you saw TG in the poll, you mean MtF transformation rather than the more textbook TransGender, since that could easily describe a lot of MSF. That could be the crossdresser crowd on through those with gender diffusion (which likely includes me), to those who are TS and are pre or post op.
I mean there are more than a few people that choose to live as the other sex. I know a few full timers that either can't afford, are too afraid to, or kinda enjoy buring the line and live full time as women without surgury. I also know MSf is home to at least one post op. From what I gather, for knowing her and a few others, it is worth the short term pain.
It seems to me that the the overwhelming majority of transformation fans come in two categories:
The first group are the RPers. This group usually prefers long drawn out, detailed transformations. They seem mostly interested in exploration and work hard to get into the role. For them it might be expressing a part of them that doesn't normally get to come out or simply a chance to look at life from a different perspective. Frequently this group goes in cycles.
The other main group are the escapists. This group almost universally favors the *zap* type change. The details of the change are usually glossed over and whatever change occurs usually highlights the postive atributes and rarely consders the drawbacks. Whatever the change be, the core reasoning seems more a desire to escape thier current existance rather than a strong desire to join said group. This group usually seems to want to be TFed with solid regularity.
In my general opinion, both sides of the gender divide have thier pluses, for example women interact with each other on a level men just can't seem too crossinginto each others bubbles a lot. Men on the other hand enjoy far more options in the job market. The also have thier negatives, women lauded for being passive and pliant, men also expected to be strong and not allowed to display emotions publicly. So I don't think there is a blanket answer as to which gender/sex is better. There is only a which end of the gender continium that fits for each person.
LorekeeperEirien: That is quite possibly the most hillariously disturbing comment I've heard all day
Kimiko (^o^)