Garath's Potion Madness!


Moderator: Mistress Guendolen

Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:40 pm

OOC: Oops, sorry. I thought you said she was blonde. I'll go fix that. And hey, up until just now he was definitely implying that he'd been interested in Rhiannon for a while.... Given that she's just realized that she likes him, she's not backing down when she thinks he might be going for someone little and cute. This does give things an interesting facet.... Right now reality was rearrange by the black potion so that Mitsuko is now Rhiannon's roommate, and since we're the only other girls present, I think Kristine has a room to herself for the moment.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:46 pm

Kristine sits outside the nurse's office, with her legs crossed, waiting for the nurse to call her in or to let Allen tell her what is going on. She couldn't help wondering about Clark and why he seemed to like her all of a sudden, as well as Rhiannon.
Must be my new body and the clothes I was wearing when I changed into this....I don't want to cause any trouble with Rhiannon for thinking Clark was asking me out or something.... She thought to herself as she waited for someone to talk to before the nurse or counselor came.
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Postby Meru » Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:55 pm

(You can make up whatever kind of answer you want to this question. Been in a class with me before, know me through one of your friends, etc...)
"Kristine, so how do you know of me? I mean, I don't remember you at all, but you seem to know my name, so I was just wondering.. How you knew my name." Allen asks Kris, having followed her, along with the rest of the people, to the medical office. "But now that I think about it, if these potions did have these effects... Then it probably wouldn't be best to go around and tell everyone about what happened."
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Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:01 pm

Clark sat there with Kristine as they waited, folding his hands on his lap and trying to look as calm as possible.... But really, his "calm" is another person's nervous. He wondered if Kristine felt the same.... Maybe he should say something?

"Hey, um, Kristine? It's.... It's going to be alright, ok? Don't worry."

He tried to grin at the end, but it ended up as a small smile. Well, better than nothing....
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:13 pm

Kristine responds to Allen..."Uhmmm...I heard your name from the others,...and" She sees Clark sit next to her..."Yeah, thanks, Clark. I'm feeling a bit's just that...Rhiannon might think you are trying to hit on me...." she blushes a bit...

Oh, Geez, what if Clark is trying to ask me out or something....? She says to herself...Maybe it's some sort of side affect of the girlifying potion...guys would find the new girl attractive...
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:28 pm

Rhiannon was just coming back from a quick visit to the restroom when this comment was made. She had stubbornly insisted on going with them to the nurse's office, but then had to make a quick stop of her own after getting there. And overheard this exchange....
She froze in her tracks. She knew she wouldn't be able to move until she heard the answer to what Kristine had just said. H-hitting on her? Th-the guy who usually tuns beet-red when a girl so much as looks in his direction? I thought- with the closet- that maybe- so yeah, I'm not a typical "cute" girl, I do sports and don't dress up unless it's a special occasion or whatever, but maybe he might- be able to like me.... But- but no, of course not, they always go for the tiny petite cute little things, even if the cute little thing in question was a guy just a few minutes ago! The only guys who hit on me, I'm never interested in. But as soon as I figure out why, that I like someone already, he starts drooling over a typical cute girl! I don't wanna let go, but if he really wants her, I don't know that I can stand in the way of that.... Her hands clenched in fists at her sides as she stood behind them, waiting, quivering with tension, for Clark to respond to what Kristine had just said. But I also don't know if I can stay just a friend and watch him be with her, either....
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:42 pm

Clark was never given the chance to respond.

"Ms Kristine?" A man of rather average height and look calls, having just walked out of one of the near by rooms in the office area.

(Say brown hair, balding, glasses. Stripped shirt, tan work pants.)

It happened to be during a time of school that the office was normally understaffed and rather empty, so he appeared to be the only current person even IN the office.

"I'm Mr. Lenrez, the counciler. I'm afraid the nurse is out at the moment, but if you'd like for me to see you first it's fine with me."

He waited paintently for an answer.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:55 pm

Kristine saw the counselor..."uhm, okay...I guess I'll go talk to you. Is it okay if my friends come with me, or you just need to see me alone?" She stood up and went in to talk with the counselor....
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:01 pm

Rhiannon found her voice enough to say, "G-good luck- we'll be right out here...." She wasn't sure if she sounded a little shaky or not, but she hoped not. And she truly did feel bad for Kristine; the poor thing was in a tight fix, with this, and quite understandably very confused. I want to help the girl who's basically my romantic rival. This is so crazy.... She sat down quietly on the bench next to Clark. What do I say, what do I do.... She wasn't used to being in this sort of situation. So instead, she quietly reached over and took his hand, holding it without saying a word.
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Postby Mystic Mina » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:02 pm

"Hit.... On.... Her?" Clark whispered to himself, his face burning a bright red. He just wanted to help the girl! It was just a coincidence that she had flowing hazel rivers of silky hair, beautiful shining sapphire eyes, and.... Such a cute, lovable face....

"Agh.... I thought.... Rhia...."

No, Rhiannon wouldn't want to be with Clark. She was smart, funny, athletic, and had a great body to boot. Why would she want to waste her time on Clark, who spent nearly all of his time burying his head in books and sitting in front of a computer playing games? There was no chance.... But maybe....


It didn't matter if she had been a man or rat or anything before the potion had hit her. The girl was friendly, and kind.... She had accepted Clark honestly....

Slowly, Clark released his grip on Rhia's hand. This was for the best... Right? She deserved more than he had to offer.
Last edited by Mystic Mina on Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:03 pm

Mr Lenrez stepped slightly to the side to let Kristine into his office.

"It works best if I talk to just you. I realize the need to have friends support you, but they can also cause interferance to the counsiling. I'm very sorry but they'll have to wait outside here." He says.

He gives a slight node to the others and then closes the door, offering for Kristine to have a seat in front of him as he sits down at his desk.

(NOTE: This means everyone is outside the room. That means the only person you can hear Kristine is Mr. Lenrez)

"So Ms Kristine was it? I can't seem to find you in the school directory. Are you a new transfer student? It says here you recently moved into an unocupied dorm in the girls dormitory..."
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:03 pm

Kristine finds a seat in the counselor's office..."So, what do you want to talk to me about, sir?" She sits with her legs crossed, waiting for the counselor to begin his questioning.
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:07 pm

(Heh, guess you missed it Kris. No problem. Check the post right above yours, and you'll see Mr. Lenrez's questions.)
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Postby Kris_Roth » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:07 pm

Kristine nodded to Mr. Lerenz..."I'm sorry if I broke the rules, Mr. Lerenz. I am, in a way, a transfer student, if you would call it that. If you want me to register for classes, I will, under my new name and gender. It's just that.....I just don't feel ready to live in the guy's dorms in my...condition, sir." She lowers her head, waiting for Mr. Lerenz to continue....
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Mar 25, 2007 5:08 pm

Rhiannon's eyes went down. So that settles it. He doesn't even want me to touch him.... Never minded before. But now he's met his dream girl. Her face flushed, and she blinked, rapidly; there was a rising moisture behind her eyes. No. Can't cry. Can't. Not in front of people like this.... It's just not fair. I find a great guy- he's smart, great sense of humor, and yeah, he's kind of skinny, but I've never liked muscley guys anyway, and he looks so cute in those glasses.... She looked at him sidelong, biting her lower lip. What do I do? Should I just tell him how I feel? Or- Her eyes scanned his face, lingering on his mouth. Maybe I should just-
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