by Mistress Guendolen » Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:34 pm
"Are you- do you mean you want me to stay and keep you company? Because if- if you need that, then I can...." I want to run to help him, but if someone here needs my support, I can't abandon her. Not after what's she had to put up with today, like, well, becoming a she in the first place.... This is so crazy. I just hope we can work something out that won't hurt anyone too much. But if he goes for her- and he probably will, stand us next to each other and it's no contest who any guy would go for- I don't know if I can stay friends with either of them and watch them be together without yelling and breaking something.... "And- I can loan you some clean clothes, I'm a bit taller and bulkier, but it'll be better than what you've got on now...." Yeah, oversized big-mouthed tomboy, that's me. No guy would take me when he could have a sweet, cute little thing like her. Still, maybe I'm a cock-eyed optimist, but I'm gonna try.... "I- I can even give you a snack, if you want. Or... maybe we could order a pizza or something."
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa