by Mistress Guendolen » Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:49 pm
"What I want to know," Rhiannon said as everyone else was running around, "is how the heck this succubus thing happened in the first place. I mean, Coach Jack took the potions! Steve wasn't in his office when the box was open, he couldn't have grabbed one... uh-oh, one couldn't have gotten overlooked in the lab or something, could it? There might even be more than one now on the loose!" Before she could fully explore this train of thought, she saw Allen and Kristine coming back with Kazuki. And he looked.... He looks... almost like he was... crying?... That's... kind of weird, I've never seen him look so... human... before. That just made things even odder. "Hey, any of you see what direction Steve ran in, anyway? I... think that's the bigger concern...."
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa