by Mistress Guendolen » Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:08 pm
She- she's trying to steal him! I don't believe it! The no-good- two-faced- and- and I thought she was nice! I tried to help her! And all along she's using her cuteness and uncertainty to worm in, knowing I don't stand a chance when we stand side by side.... She took a few deep, hitching breaths. "You guys just go ahead and talk," she said, voice suspiciously watery. "I- I'm going to check on Steve-" She spun around to leave, not wanting her apparently now rival to see her show weakness. "You'd rather be with her, fine. I understand. It's no contest- it makes sense. I'll just get out of your way, now." She took another deep breath and pushed towards the door, hot tears spilling down her cheeks. I don't believe it- I was happy- not anymore- never speak to them again-
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa