by Stellar » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:45 pm
(Oohh That makes alot more sence now that I think about it >.> the direction the water flows and whatnot in the game. Okay, it's Zora's River XD)
Jaradu, not too far upstream, you find a Gerudo knocked out covered in mud and rubble, several scrapes and gashes are visible over her body.
(Guen, technically we exited the cellar and are in the back room of the tavern now)
"Don't worry, the family that runs this tavern is well aware of what lies beneath their land." Zelda replies as she makes her way out of the back room and through the tavern.
Shindo sighed, "Well I can't rea-" something stopped the boy mid scentence. Achoo, you may notice the direction Shindo is looking and see Princess Zelda, a Goron, and a Gerudo come from the back of the tavern.
The boy is silent for a moment as he watches the trio make their way through the tavern, "That's it. We don't need this spell. Come on," Shindo tossed the book on the ground, grabbed a sack that had been sitting on the table then stood up.
"Dragon Roost? That's a strange name for a town," Domi added it's two cents. "Hey, what's your name Zora lady? I'm Domi, and this is my Kokiri boy Remi."
~Wearing Vintage Misery~