World of Darkness : wolves among us


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World of Darkness : wolves among us

Postby Baku Genkaku » Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:22 pm

Play as human for now, create a backstory, and i will introduce the weird stuff as we go.

Summary:Something is stiring in the spirit wilds....the Shadow Realm has gone mad in a sense....snow in the end of the month of April, and the temperature is dropping further....Power outages, and lootings have occured all over the city of New York. And strange deaths have occured, where the faces of many victoms have been ripped off, with little or no blood found outside the body. The killer has even been given a name...."Face-Off" You all live in the apartments near the Empire State Building, it is 3:45 in the morning, and there has been a killing on the 6th floor of your building.
The cop bending over the body covers it with a sheet as fast as he can, so as to not alarm the crowd in the hallway more than they already are. "Poor SOB....he didnt see it coming. There are no signs of any struggle at all", he says as he helps load the body onto the stretcher, leaving behind the tape outline of the body.
As the body gets loaded up he turns to the crowd and begins to send you all back to your rooms, and informs you to lock your doors.
"We will have security inside the building for the next couple of days, so rest assured, you are safe." ... spojo3.jpg
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Postby AnimaVex » Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:22 pm

A teenager blinks. "Wow. So this is how one of the victims of this guy looks like, huh?" He closed his eyes, took a long sigh, and reopened them, still staring at the place where the body was. "This place's been getting weirder and weirder as the year's progressed. By the end of classes, who knows what might happen. He looks at the people, obviously worried and wondering who might be next; then, he looks at the police officer. He's hiding his fear and sadness. It must be hard on him to be able to do so little when it's his job to protect people.

The university student lingers around for a minute and, after the officer asks him to return to the apartment, he does so, taking a final look at the outline before wishing the officer "Good luck and godspeed" and closing the door. As the teenager tries to go to sleep, he feels uneasy and isn't able to fall asleep easily. Door's locked, and I'm safe in my apartment, but why is it that I still feel this uneasy?
The wind is coming, and it tells a story more often silenced than not.

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Postby Tala » Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:27 pm

*A girl saw the body and as soon as she did she ran to her apartment and locked and barricaded her door*
I am safe. He cannot kill me in here.
*In her room are charms what are said to ward away evil. The charms line the walls and celling*
*the girl goes to her room and falls asleep*
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Postby Baku Genkaku » Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:53 pm

Tsaile: as you sleep, you have a dream of the murder....The man is walking down the hall to his apartment when the lights went out that night. He pauses and looks around uneasily behind him. His head is blocking your view of something that has dropped down infront of him. His breath becomes suddenly visible in the darkness. He turns, only to scream and fall back. As he exits your view you see before you a twisted huminoid form made of red knarled flesh, with no facial features except for a mouth with an overly elongated lower jaw, forced open in a permanent yawn.

Then you wake up. Your alarm clock went off. As you reach for the alarm, you find a white faceless mask made of plaster next to it. ... spojo3.jpg
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Postby Queen Octavia » Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:42 pm

Steve wakes up and yawns a little as he pushes his too-long brown hair off of his face. "I really need to get this cut" he tells himself for the twentieth time. He ignored the commotion last night, seeing no need to leave his apartment to investigate.

Reaching into his fridge, he found that he was out of milk. "Damn." he thought. "I'll need to get some more of that this afternoon." he jumped into the embrace of his couch and resumed the SciFi novel where he had left off last night.

Steve had inherited a tidy sum of money from his parent's estate, and was not too sorry at their passing. They had never shown him much love. He had very good marks in acheiving his undergrad business degree, but has been wasting his life away in this apartment for the past three months.
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Postby Baku Genkaku » Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:47 pm

Steve: as you read your book and begin to nod off the words seem to spin on the page before you, reforming as: get out of the building before it is too late! as you snap awake you realize that you slept through the whole morning, and it is now noon. ... spojo3.jpg
"Breathe, breathe in the air. Don't be afraid to care."- Pink Floyd, Breathe
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:05 pm

A young man, by the name of Derek, was delivering some groceries to his sister and his apartment. He heard about this evil serial killer "Face Off," and went to protect his sister at all costs. "Hey, sis, it's me, Derek...I got some food for us. You okay?"

Derek thought...I'm definetly moving us out of here. It's not healthy and safe for us.

OOC edited, and Kai, you are Derek's sister. What's her name in this rp?
Last edited by Kris_Roth on Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Baku Genkaku » Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:07 pm

ooc: dont know it is why the holy water and wards? a gun seems more likely at the moment, so give a valid reason for the wards and water... ... spojo3.jpg
"Breathe, breathe in the air. Don't be afraid to care."- Pink Floyd, Breathe
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Postby Tala » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:22 pm

OOC:No water. My char, Kate, THINKS it is supernatural and she is paranoid about things like this. She is very supersticius.

IC:*Kate walked to the door*

What is the last planet in the solor system?

OOC:I am going by what the scientests think that pluto is not a planet. the answer is neptune. K.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:26 pm

Derek nodded..."Neptune, Kate. You know they just disproved Pluto as a planet due to it's strange orbit and size."
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Postby Kuda » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:29 pm

"Hol---his face ripped right off..."

Julian shakily watched as the police moved the body away and promptly returned to his room when told. As soon as he entered he quickly locked the door, using the other two locks that the room came with; he would need to install a few additional ones later.

"Well shoot...first time living on my own and there's a homicidal maniac on the loose." The college student says to himself as he went to his room to resume studying, eyeing the door every so often, wishing he had the foresight to bring along something to defend himself when he decided to move in here.

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Postby The Fungus from Yuggoth » Thu Apr 19, 2007 1:12 am

"Christ another one..." Ken says distantly as he tries to make his way through the mess, trying to to stare at the grisly site before him, suddenly quite thankful for the less than legal handgun he kept hidden in his less than fashionable coat (a gift from his marginally insane uncle). It was just his luck that he had gotten an apartment in the worst part of town, but money was tight and thus he'd just have to rely on himself and his illegal firearm for protection. Well at least this palce can't get any weirder, he thought as he went into his small, dimly lit apartment.
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Postby Queen Octavia » Thu Apr 19, 2007 2:27 am

Steve was never one to be superstitious, but he didn't ignore gut feelings either. He made a happy compromise and rationalized his departure by going to buy some more milk. He threw on his coat and began climbing down the stairs to exit the building.
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Postby AnimaVex » Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:41 am

Baku Genkaku wrote:Tsaile: as you sleep, you have a dream of the murder....The man is walking down the hall to his apartment when the lights went out that night. He pauses and looks around uneasily behind him. His head is blocking your view of something that has dropped down infront of him. His breath becomes suddenly visible in the darkness. He turns, only to scream and fall back. As he exits your view you see before you a twisted huminoid form made of red knarled flesh, with no facial features except for a mouth with an overly elongated lower jaw, forced open in a permanent yawn.

Then you wake up. Your alarm clock went off. As you reach for the alarm, you find a white faceless mask made of plaster next to it.

"Yaah!" The teenager falls from his bed, startled by the mask. The alarm continues to beep annoyingly as he looks back up, above the bed, at the mask. What is it? He thinks as he slowly rises and walks over to it. He shuts off the alarm and looks at it. "Then again, it reminds me of that... thing, if you can call it a dream or nightmare. I still remember it... even moreso than any other dream."

He hits his head with his right hand's palm a few times. "Maaan... get out of my head. It's bad enough we have a murderer on the loose, but now this freaky dream?" He reaches for the mask and examines it for a bit.
The wind is coming, and it tells a story more often silenced than not.

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Postby Tala » Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:24 am

*Kay unlocks her door*

Correct. You still human? Not vamp or lycan?
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