by Mistress Guendolen » Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:42 pm
"Gaaah!" This time, she yelled it for real. "I swear I'm surrounded by lunatics! All you guys do is drink these things willy-nilly, and then we have to try to sort out a mess that gets bigger and worse every second, when all I wanna do is go off somewhere quiet and-" She derailed herself enough before blurting out that what she really wanted to do right now was get her new boyfriend (well, sort of boyfriend, anyway) off alone somewhere and work on that whole "shyness with girls" thing, or for that matter, take the time to actually sort out their relationship status.... But people with potions were cutting off attempts at every turn! "Ah, this is driving me insane!" Then she saw Clark going for the potion. "No, don't you dare!" She darted into the fray, trying to snatch it first. "I swear, Clark, you are not getting turned into a girl before I've even gotten a chance to make out with you!" she yelled, not really caring who heard at this point.
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa