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Postby Raleigh » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:09 pm

*Blinks.* Fail. *Activates a trap door that drops Mets into a pit with aligators.*
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Postby Metroidvania » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:10 pm

(launches myself up, now with a new alligator leatherworking skin)

That wasn't very nice...
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Postby Raleigh » Sat Apr 21, 2007 10:11 pm

Sorry, recently watched Excel Saga again. I had to use that on someone.
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Postby Raleigh » Mon Apr 23, 2007 8:54 pm

Hm. seems I leff out that you don't have to play humans in this rp if you don't want to. Most any race you can think up is available, if for no other reason than the worlds they have access to.
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Postby Raleigh » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:36 pm

Right, so we're moved to our own universe now.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:10 pm

I see that! So do we re-post our characters elsewhere here, or is in this thread good?
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Postby Raleigh » Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:11 pm

This thread is alright for now. Whenever you feel your character needs to have their profile updated, put it under the character's thread please.
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Postby Xiao » Thu May 10, 2007 10:17 pm

Hope it's not too late to make a character, and that this one is OK...

Name: JOEL 0887 (Jointly Operated Emulation of Life, Serial Number 0887)
Gender: None, appears male
Age: Six months, looks to be in late teens
Eye: Yellow
Hair: Mossy Green
Oh, did I mention he is an android?

Bio: JOEL was originally created as a gift for the Guild, as an easily-expendable person to carry out more lethal missions that most wouldn't want to risk their lives on. He operated in this way for five of the six months in which he has existed, blindly following orders, not capable of free thought or preference, in every way a machine. However, during a particular mission, a downed power line swung down and sent an electrical pulse through his system. His make up was different than most machines, the equivalent of his skin is a tough membrane that resists large amounts of electricity, though not enough to completely negate the direct contact with the line. Several of his data codes and operating systems were scrambled and codes rewritten. When he was reactivated, he had been returned to the guild, but things seemed different. He found that the programs seemed to be working for him, not with him. That he had control over his actions, the changes in code had given him a will and a sense of ethics. He still works missions, though now as a person and not as a tool, though isn't quiet used to being sentient yet.

Appearance: Has a relatively small build and a Caucasian complexion. While in the guild, JOEL normally wears a normal T-Shirt and dark blue jeans. Changes clothes to blend in with realms while on missions.

If one were to simply glance JOEL, they wouldn't find much wrong with him, except maybe his hair. Externally, he resembles a human very well. However, his stiff movement, and lack of eating or breathing might tip them.

JOEL specializes in firearms and normally has a modified pistol that resembles a German Luger in a holster at his side.

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Postby Raleigh » Fri May 11, 2007 11:37 am

No problems, nice to see a robot popping in.
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