Evil Genius Alex wrote:"That's not good to here. And this won't be bittersweet either. It seems the new strain is more powerful than I had previously thought."
(OOC: sounds "AIDS" ish doncha think? xD )
I looked at Mat, then back to the others.
"no... i.. kinda like being this way too... but ill at least help for the cure."
I turned toward mat again.
"this seems like quite a change for you. earlier you were a scared little girl hiding in a closet at the school, now your the bad ass tomboy, and yes i say tomboy because truth is you are a girl for now. but be it you stay this way or get the cure we'll need all the help we can get, and we sure as hell don't need an altitude."
I go towards Alex.
"that could pose a problem for any sort of cure... i mean unless we can find an exact chemical opposite.. which seemed impossible for the last one, we just got lucky when a chemical strengthened the white blood cells enough to reverse the virus and give us an immunity to it."