by Mistress Guendolen » Sat May 19, 2007 1:54 pm
"Just how do you know that white is a cure, anyway?" she said to "Jade." Do you know who made these potions? What they are? Where they came from? what that 'Garath' person is and why he randomly left these things just lying around to cause trouble? You- you're acting really weird. Suspicious.... Come to that, this thing seems kinda suspicious, too. I can't quite explain it, but... the vibe feels different. Admittedly I never handled a white potion, but this doesn't seem like any of the others. I've never been one to talk about energies and so forth, but that's what this feels like. You get the same feeling, buddy?" she said to Clark, who was hovering by the bottle. Hm, maybe this might make the weird water-girl slip up and let out who she really was....
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa