by Meru » Sun May 20, 2007 9:31 pm
"Yes, but I'm not insane! They are the crazy ones! They are why I've ended up this way! And now I have to help them fix everything, or else this will all bother me later. Abandoning them all. Because I just can't do that! So do you understand now, that it's not me that's insane, it's all of them! For drinking these potions, and turning all weird, and all! And I bet Jack is out there somewhere, trying to get the police's attention. Unless that lavender potion turned him into like a child. And he lacks credibility as himself now." Allen continues to rant. Man, he's like a broken record. Reason should beat up the others sometime, and get back control. But he's probably too busy trying to get them all under control right now, what with all that is going on.
"Taking advantage of male pattern baldness is about as low as you can get! I won't allow it!"-Croix from La Pucelle