by Asch » Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:01 pm
OOC: I know Garath suggested I wait until the new day begins before making my first post, but I came up with an angle thats good enough for me to start now. ^^;
IC: "Frick, I can't believe Allan coaxed me into staying up this late watching anime at his place..." A red headed boy muttered to himself, partially yawning as he headed back to his dorm. It was late, thus dark, and sitting in front of a flashing screen for six hours had temporarily messed up his vision. "'David! I picked up a new magical girl anime today! I know how much you love magical girl anime!' He says. We didn't even watch it! He made me sit through Black Lagoon the entire time!" David once again mumbled, this time while bringing the grey hood of his sweater over his head to keep his head warm. David wasn't an otaku like his friend Allan, but he had an interest in that sort of stuff. For some reason, he found himself drawn to magical girl anime, and he always had. He kept his interest in anime and manga on the downlow, however, only his close friends knew about it.
Those details, though, are irrelevant to the situation at hand. While navigating the outside path to his dorm so late at night, David accidentally kicked an object on the ground that sounded like glass clinking as it flew a few feet before him. Curious, he got on his knees and felt around for the object, eventually taking hold of it. He wasn't exactly sure of what it was, but by shaking it he could tell it contained a liquid. David's mouth was still dry from the beer he had at Allan's, and this unkown fluid didn't smell TOO bad. He figured it was a foreign drink, and took a swig. When he found it didn't taste too bad, he drank the rest, dropping the fluids container back onto the ground. When he got back to his dorm a few minutes later, he collapsed onto his bed and began to drift to sleep. He had Environmental Resources early in the morning after all.
OOC: If anything is wrong I'll fix it. ^^;