Garath's Potion Madness!


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Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:37 pm

"W-Who am I? You don't remember who I am, Rhia? I'm- GASP!"

Suddenly, everything seemed to hit Clark at once. The strange weakness in his limbs. The shorter height. The cold breeze between his knees. The weight of his new golden hair on his head. The tightness on his chest. Everything.

"I'm.... I'm.... Clark?"

The new girl promptly fainted and fell to the floor in a heap.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:41 pm

"You- you're- you-" Rhiannon gaped. This had to be a nightmare, borne of all the crazy things that had happened today. It couldn't be. No, it couldn't.... She couldn't possibly have Clark taken away from her now, not when they hadn't had the chance to even have a go at a relationship. I didn't even get the chance to kiss him properly yet! "This can't be true!" she said. "It can't- can't- can't-"
But- something in those movements had struck a chord. Something familiar, deeper down.... She crawled over to the other girl, shaking her. "Please wake up! Please! You've got to wake up and tell me this isn't real! Drat it, can't we get a lucky break some time?!"
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Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Jun 04, 2007 10:56 pm

Clark whimpered as she slowly came back the the conscious world. This couldn't be happening to he- him! He had finally confessed his feelings for the girl of his dreams, and now all of his hopes had vanished all because sh- HE had been so damn impatient to return to normal. Tears were beginning to well up behind her closed eyes.

"I'm.... I'm so sorry, Rhia." Clark choked as she.... She began to cry. "I'm so, so sorry...."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:05 pm

Rhiannon hugged Clark close, eyes squeezed shut as she tried not to cry herself. But a few hot tears trickled out despite themselves. "Don't- don't say that- it- it's these potions- God, if I ever see the guy who made them, I swear I'm gonna bash his head in for what he's done to us! I- I thought there was a silver lining, at first- I mean, I realized how I felt when we were hiding in the closet- but this- God, he's royally screwed us over!" She was holding the newly made girl so tightly her joints were stiff, knuckles white. Her shoulders shook as the tears escalated, pouring forth. "Damn it, why did this have to happen now? We didn't even get the chance to do anything, to make a go at this!"

OOC: You know, just once I'd like to have a roleplay boyfriend who gets to stay male for a significant period of time of the relationship.... :? Probably too much to ask in these parts, but hey, I can dream, right?
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Postby Meru » Tue Jun 05, 2007 1:48 pm

(It's still night right? If not, then I'll just edit this post)
"Ah, finally here.. But I shouldn't follow them yet, they... probably have things they have to deal with.... I'll just wait for a bit, see if they found anything, and then just hope we find a blue or white potion tommorrow... So we can at least get me, or someone else back to normal." She thinks to herself.
And thusly waits! And only knocks on the door to Mitsuko/Rhia's dorm room just now, hoping that they can let her stay the night. Just for tonight. Obviously, because Allen wasn't going to stay Alice for long, or at least not too much longer than necessary.
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Postby Asch » Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:08 pm

(Actually, after the wise words of Meru, I've decided to go with brown. XD
EDIT: Garath explained all to me via PM.)

While asleep, David wasn't aware of it, but he was sweating at a nearly dangerous level as a series of physical changes began to occur. He woke up with a start only twenty minutes after he had originally gone to sleep, only to find his room completely black. In fact, he couldn't see a thing. It took him a minutes of crawling around to realize he was under her bedsheets. How is it possible that I'm crawling around under my bed? It's not like I'm short or anything... He thought wearily to himself. It had taken him so long to realize due to his fatigue. He came to realize the reality of his situation, however, as he took a wrong step and spilled out the side of his bed onto the hard, wood flooring.

Everything was... huge? Now that all of the various electronics in his room were providing light, he came to notice a couple of various things related to that. First of all, there was what seemed to be a long muzzle protruding from his face, covered in soft white fur with a black nose that twitched when he wanted it to. He shook her head, thinking it was a dream, before looking down at his feet, which were now seemingly white paws. He then proceeded to looking around at himself, and found himself in the form of an arctic fox. Of course, David thought he was dreaming, and that this was all for fun. He climbed up onto his windowsill and jumped down, before running around the campus franticly.

Reality finally caught up to him when he accidentally ran smack dab into a very low glass window. He felt pain, meaning he wasn't dreaming. David continued to wander the campus, panting from exhaustion. Since he was distracted, he didn't notice a human body up ahead near a door, and accidentally bumped into it. "Hey, you! A little help down here?!" David called up to the person. While traveling around, he found he could speak English. This would definately get their attention, either in a positive or a negative way. "Got any clue what could turn someone into a fox out of the blue? This is quite frustrating and I need help figuring out what's going on..."
Last edited by Asch on Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:58 pm

(Oh yeah. One quick note I forgot to mention. You're animal form CAN talk human)
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Postby Asch » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:04 pm

(Might of helped earlier. XD Ah well, going back to edit...)
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:13 pm

(You could have just waited for the person to post a reply and THEN found out you could speak english. Don't stress so much :P

Also for the sliver spray. This isn't going to be easy to do without a post like this.

The Sliver spray makes the 'sprayed' attractive to all members of the oppostie sex. So all males are now going to be VERY intrested in 'succubus' Steve. >:D)
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Postby Mystic Mina » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:42 pm

"I'm- I'm sorry, Rhia. I'm sorry I made you cry.... Sniff...."

Clark wiped the tears away from Rhiannon's eyes with the back of her hand as she pulled bot herself and the other girl up to their feet. She was still sniffling quite a bit, but she had calmed down considerably.

"Please.... Please don't cry, Rhia. We'll find a way to fix this.... We won't let this stupid potion separate us. We're much tougher than that, right?"

It was a bit weird trying to comfort Rhiannon when she was now quite a bit shorter than her.... About half a head shorter.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jun 05, 2007 10:51 pm

Rhiannon sniffled herself, nodding. It was strange; she'd always hated to have anyone see her cry, seeing it as a sign of weakness. But here, now, it didn't matter. "Right. We'll stick together. And yeah, I'll get you back to a guy even if it- okay, I was going to say 'even if it kills me,' but I'm not about to go that route. As dag nab it, when you're a guy again, I'm going to be there to enjoy the end results!" She hugged the now-smaller girl again. Then the knocking on the door registered. "Oh, man, who's that?... I hope I didn't wake up one of my neighbors...." She kept an arm around Clark, bringing him- her- along as she opened the door.
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Postby Meru » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:04 pm

Allen stared at this fox. She had seen weird things in just this one day, but... a fox of this color, in this area? This was very unusual... But it could be just a pet that ran away! Yes, that must be it! Or so Allen thought, until suddenly the fox spoke. Using a human voice and human words. Talking about needing help, and having turned into a fox...
"Ahh.. This is right up my alley.. I think. You drank a potion, right? They've been spread everywhere! Everywhere... So you just picked one up, without thinking, and drank it down, right? And that's how you ended up in this situation. Like all of us did... Ah, it seems like everyone's under the influence of a idiocy spell today! People just pick up potions and drink them, without thinking about the consequences! Why oh why does this just keep on happening? This is all Rhia's fault! And Clark too. And everyone else who found that box. It's all their faults! That this all happened..." Allen yells at the fox, letting out more anger and frustration and all out on it. When it probably doesn't deserve this all, but eh, this is a guy who has gone over the edge and is still falling.
And then when Rhia opened the door, it looked like Allen/Alice was too busy talking to an Artic Fox. Which shouldn't really exist around in this area, what with it being too hot for them, and also the entirely wrong environment.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:11 pm

Rhiannon blinked. There was Meru- that was Meru, right? Another one in girl form. Yelling... at a small white fox?... She slowly started to close the door again, but then heard the bit about how this was her fault. "Excuse me!" she said, stepping out into the hall. "Just how is this my fault? We found that box- we didn't make anyone do anything?! I certainly didn't hold people down and pour potions down their throats! Or hold them prisoner and make them drink things! No! If everyone but me decided to throw their common sense out the window today, it's their fault, not mine! I wish we'd never found those things!" Her breath came out in heaving gasps as she ground to a halt.
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Postby Mystic Mina » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:26 pm

Clark cringed when she heard Meru blame her and Rhiannon for the trouble the potions caused. It.... It was Clark's fault, wasn't it? If she hadn't tried to find out the mysteries behind the potions.... If she hadn't been so stupid to mess around with forces beyond her comprehension, then everyone would have been fine. Allen wouldn't be a female, Jade would have never turned into a living body of water, Rhiannon wouldn't have to go through the pain of dealing with her....

"I'm.... I'm sorry....." Clark managed to squeak as she looked down to the floor in complete shame. It was all her fault....
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:30 pm

Rhiannon turned around. "Sorry for what?" she said. "Yeah, you drank that white potion- so that was a slip. But you don't need to keep saying it! It- it's like these potions do something to people's heads, make them forget and do things they'd never normally do! And that's not your fault! It's the fault of the nutso who made and then lost the blasted things! Oh, if I had him in front of me right now I'd wallop him good, not just for what he did to you, but to everyone else too!"
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