Garath's Potion Madness!


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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Jun 06, 2007 1:07 am

Kristine, the brunette co-ed, and former male, was awakened by Alice's yelling, and rubbed her eyes...she went to check on the noise. "Hey, I'm trying to sleep...." She was wearing a blue t-shirt, and black sweatpants.
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Postby Asch » Wed Jun 06, 2007 6:27 am

"...Potions? Wha? You must ALL be crazy. Then again, I'm a fox right now so perhaps there is some truth to your stories..." David muttered as he watched the trauma before him. "I did have a strange drink on the way home tonight, but I didn't think it'd be a potion or anything..." He attempted to think of what he could do, but what COULD he do? "So... guess I'll be hanging with you guys a bit... name's David. something strikes me a bit awry about you folks... and yet again, this is coming from a talking fox..."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:25 pm

"Let me guess- you found a random bottle of liquid and decided to leave your wits behind and drink it, right? What's with you people? Is anyone other than me using their head as something other than a place to hold their hair? Didn't you think that oh, perhaps this is something toxic or poisonous? And now look where it's got you!" Rhiannon was so flustered by yet another victim of common sense loss that she didn't even see Kristine.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:27 pm

Steve, not having noticed anything odd because of the spray, decides to go look for the others. When she finally spots them, she runs up to them. "Hey guys, any luck with a cure?"
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Postby Kris_Roth » Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:48 pm

Kristine rubs her eyes sleepily, "No, Stephanie, I have not seen anything since I was going to bed...I heard everyone was still up, and they woke me up." She then saw the anthro arctic fox boy..."Wow, are we getting a lot of interesting exchange students in. My roomate Yumiko's a cat girl, and Mitsuko is a dog girl."
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Postby Asch » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:07 pm

(Kris, he's not an anthro, he's completely fox.)

"Yes, it WAS random and I DID drink it. It was dark, and I it didn't smell that bad, OKAY? And BESIDES, it doesn't look like YOU are one to talk." David shouted at Rhiannon, making sure to emphasize some words. It was only moments later that two more freaking looking people showed up. One, however, was a succubus that seemed overly tempting to David for some reason. If he wasn't a fox and confused enough as it was, he may have been flirting with her. He shook his head, before continuing, "So, is there a cure or ANYTHING? The last thing I want is to be stuck in THIS FORM!"
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:14 pm

"It didn't smell bad and it was dark? Is that any reason to randomly drink something you find lying on the ground? Do you normally do that?!" She briefly wondered if he'd been high or something, but decided not to mention that possibility. "And I most certainly can talk, because I, unlike everyone else, didn't drink one! It got spilled on me while trying to stop someone else from playing with the bottle! We thought the cure was the stuff in white bottles, but we found a white bottle, and my new- well, sort-of boyfriend- drank it to stop being a pocket-sized faerie, and did for a minute- but then turned into that!" A hand flailed towards little schoolgirl Clark. Her breath hitched sharply, and for some reason, her stomach gave a brief lurch. Must be stress, anger, and disappointment, all bundling together with exhaustion to attack her....
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Postby Asch » Wed Jun 06, 2007 8:57 pm

"Geh, this is obviously getting us nowhere!" David spat... as much as a fox could, before prancing into the room without invitation. "As much as I'd like to believe it isn't my fault, it is. However, now I'm convinced the only way back is via potion. And you guys have NOTHING to complain about. At least you have human forms, and you aren't talking animals... I'd rather suffer any of the fates you guys have taken over this!" He was generally selfish when he was angry, which often lead to conflict. He wasn't usually this angry, he was a good natured kid, but he was terribly confused and lost. "Do you guys know the whereabouts of any of these other potions? I want to find one to change us back pronto... Hey, anyone got the time? I can't exactly go to Environmental Studies like this, unless I want to be the topic of the day..."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:14 pm

"Unfortunately not. Something... we don't know what, something wierd... sent them flying all over campus, and now we're trying to find them. And it's about one in the morning, I think, so your class doesn't start any time soon...." Rhiannon yawned, hugely. She was suddenly so drained....
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Postby Meru » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:08 pm

"AHHHHH!!! QUIET EVERYONE! We aren't going to get anywhere like this! We just need to get some sleep, so we won't be so cranky and tired and upset! And the in the morning, we can just talk about this situation and attempt to deal with it. All we need to know is which one is the cure potion, find all of it left, and then use it on those who are the worst off. And then use the blue potion on those who are female and were male. That will solve most of the problems. Alright?" Allen shouts, trying to be heard through the yelling and accusing and whatnot.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:12 pm

"Okay. Okay! I... God, we all need some sleep, you're right. Who all's stuck? My room seems to be a waystation for everyone who got the brunt of a bad change, just now...." she muttered, shaking her hair off her face. She was really not feeling very well.... I don't need this stress, none of us do.... "C-c'mon, everyone, let's... try to rest or something...." She steered girl-Clark back into her room.
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Postby Asch » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:20 pm

David was already curled up, asleep on the floor. It had been a rough night, and he was just hoping he could wake up to a new day.
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Postby Meru » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:23 pm

Allen heads into the room and falls asleep. On the floor. Somewhere. She has been pretty tired this whole time as well, and just now used up the last of her energy shouting.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:28 pm

"Gah. Can't some of them go bunk up with Kris, too? We're all in this together.... I feel like I'm running a halfway house." She dropped limply on the bed. "Just sit with me for a bit? Please?" she said softly to Clark, patting the spot next to her.
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Postby Mystic Mina » Wed Jun 06, 2007 10:37 pm

"O-Ok." Clark whispered meekly, shuffling over to Rhiannon's bed and sitting herself on it. She had been so afraid when everyone started shouting at each other. Everything seemed to be falling apart....

"R-Rhia? Could I.... Could I sleep here for a bit?" The girl asked. Clark didn't care about being in the same bed as Rhiannon anymore; she just wanted to be close to someone she knew and loved.
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