by Mistress Guendolen » Sun Jun 10, 2007 10:13 pm
Rhiannon jerked in her sleep, making a bizarre noise at the yell. "Uhhll?" Her head lifted off the pillow. Her eyes were crusty, like when you didn't get enough sleep after an all-nighter or whatever. Was last night a dream?... She belatedly realized that someone else was in bed with her- cuddled up with her, in fact. It was... the feminized Clark. Her mind cursed, wishing that part had been a bad dream....
That was when her stomach lurched. She took a quick, sharp breath. It felt almost like when she'd had stomach flu. She just knew she had to get to the bathroom as soon as possible.... Cold sweat forming on her face, she clumsily clambered over Clark's feet- her limbs didn't seem to be working so well- and scrambled for the door. She only just made it in time before the sickness it.
In the back of her mind, she knew this was weird. Rhiannon had always had a strong, solid stomach, able to withstand large amounts of spicy food at one time. Now, the thought of anything more than dry toast made her stomach lurch even more. Was this stress-related, perhaps? If it wasn't biologically impossible, she'd think it was morning sickness....
Adding to the magical kitten girl huggle at a time mraa