by Stellar » Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:21 pm
(XD no problem Muffin, and no one's giving you attention [not to say that in a bad way], Kumi, Xiao and Shadow are in the Goron City, far accross Hyrule from where you're at =p)
"Great Nayru!" One of the carpenters exclaims seeing the princess get hit.
"Go get the potions you gawking nitwit!" The mill owner slaps the back of the carpenters head.
"Potions? We're carpenters! We're tough, we don't keep sissy juices around!"
"That's just great. I suggest you start running into town then to buy some!" The mill owner exlaimed.
Despite the pain and the wolfos head still being attatched to her shoulder Zelda couldn't beleive her ears. "Thank you Shale," she mumbled.
"Hey! Goron! Bring 'er in here!" The mill owner waived to the entrance of the mill, "Hey big nose!" The mill owner turned to Achoo, "You look homely, come help me clear a path and get the bed made up!" he shouted before going inside the mill.
Damali and Jaradu anything you can do to help would certainly keep the mill owner from shouting anymore XD
The goron let out a low depressed moan, "No fire?... I know. Stay here." He curled himself up and rolled away.
Domi floated out, "Hey! He mentioned secret passage ways! But... they're all blocked. I wonder if there's any way we could open the one we need."
(Xiao, you've got your rps mixed up XD you're Rodin here in the Harp of Anon)
~Wearing Vintage Misery~