Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Sasha » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:11 pm

Aiko chuckles a bit darkly. " I gave you time to leave now you shall burn." She says her anger getting the best of her due to the flareon dna in her making her have a short temper. Orange fur starts to cover her and her tail seems to burst into flames showing she enter rage mode. " Now You face my rage for coming into my town." She lets lose a flame thrower form her mouth but doesn't aim for the pokemon instead she aims for the rocket grunts
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Postby Shadowmaster » Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:48 pm

The three Rocket member look scared when they see the flames, but one snaps out of it. "Grimer, Light Screen." He said. The flames are deflected away from the members. "What are you?" they asked.

OOC: Now to wait for everyone to post.
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Postby Sasha » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:15 pm

She grins darkly. " I'm your worst nightmare and i hate people like you Now i'll say it again get out of this town and never return or i'll reduce you to ash."
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Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:26 pm

Joule comes out with her Pikachu. "You folks know what happens when you Team Rocket jerks get a jolt from a Pikachu? Show them, Sparky....Thunder Bolt!" She starts to send her Thunder Bolt attack at the Team Rocket Members as her Pikachu does...

Sparky and Joule: "Pi-KA-CHU!!!!"
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:30 pm

Mel follows with her Chikorita that's still out. "Chikorita, show these bad guys who there dealing with, Razor Leaf!" Chikorita said as it did so.
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Postby AshK » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:46 pm

"Okay Torterra use Plant Frenzy on those Grunts to send them blasting off again." Erin said.

*The Freenzy Plant Attack connected head on with the center one blasting that one off.*

"As for the other two Charizard Pikachu I choose you! Pikachu use Volt Tackle! Charizard use Flaming Sky Aerial Attack!" Alex said.

"We hear you loud and clear Erin! Volt Tackle, Flaming Sky Aerial Attack" Charizard and Pikachu said in unison as the last two Rocket Grunts were sent blasting off again.

(OOC: I'm not sure what attacks my character knows. Can you help me out? I know of Confusion and Psybeam that an Espeon can learn.)
Last edited by AshK on Thu Jul 19, 2007 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:53 pm

Joule shields her eyes as Team Rocket goes Blasting off again, and the sound of their disappearance *ding*..."That will teach you not to mess with us!"
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Postby AshK » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:05 pm

"Good riddance to bad Rubbish! I have dealt with Team Rocket before. They never seem to give up. They kept on coming after my Espeon even when it was an Eevee. The times that they actually succeeded it wasn't for very long." Erin said as she watched the spectacle of Team Rocket blasting off again.

"Good job Pikachu, Charizard, and Torterra! Return you deserve a good long rest. Espeon do you want to go inside your Pokeball and rest for a little bit?" Erin asked.

"Um you know what I know this will be kind of strange for me, but yeah. I do need to rest. Go ahead Erin. I will go into my Pokeball." Espeon said as he got ready to be called back.

"Okay thanks for your help Espeon. Return." Erin said.

"Now what are we supposed to do with those five jokers over there?" Erin asked.
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Postby Sasha » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:07 pm

Aiko smirks. " I believe I have them under control."
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Postby AshK » Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:16 pm

"We are going to help you Aiko. We are all in the same position. We want to protect this town as much as you do. Don't be so selfish. We have to work together as a team. That is the only way we can combat Team Rocket. I deal with Team Rocket all the time in my journeys. We have to work together. That's our best bet. United we stand, divided we fall." Erin said.
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:04 pm

"Agreed." Mel said nodding.
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Postby Gee-chan » Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:33 am

OOC: yeah, i would have posted earlier, i.e. as soon as i received comfirmation that I could but it was like 1 o'clock in the morning when I posted (i'm in the UK) so I only just got the message. anyway im here now with a long post but hopefully a good one.

He was running.

He was running despite the large gash in his leg. Weaving his way around the labyrinth of nameless alleyways and dark streets that he had lived in all his life, Tom did not run for himself, he ran for the injured female absol he carried in his arms. Behind him he heard the shouts of his pursuers, a group of 5 thugs. Tom had always been a thief, living on the streets often led people down that route, but only if they could pull it off. Tom was one of those who could, and could do it well, however this caused him to become arrogant and that is what led him to this situation.

When he first saw the group he had thought them an easy target, slow and dumb. As it turns out he had been right for 4 of them, the other however was also an experienced thief and as soon and Tom had tried his pockets he was caught. As soon as he was caught the group all drew their Pokemon at him. The fight at first seemed short-lived as Tom’s absol perfectly launched herself from the top of a nearby building launching a shadow ball as she fell, quickly dispatching a kadabra and a hitmonlee, and landing perfectly on her feet to launch a quick attack on a startled wartortle, sending it flying. As this happened a sandslash raced up behind her only to be leaped over and taken out with a highly effective razor wind. Then as she turned around the absol was suddenly met with the stinger of a charging beedrill which hit her on the horn stunning her for a second before the other stinger met her in a swift uppercut, the bug attributes of the attack causing it to inflict massive damage as well as sending her crashing into a wall. Slowly she got up and leaped at her assailant with a quick attack only for it to be dodged. As soon as it dodged the beedrill initiated a double team technique, making a double of itself and both flew down to rain down on the absol with a flurry of quick jabs. The absol took the blows, all the while her sickle crackling with dark energy. Suddenly she made her move with a fury swipe to the beedrill in front of her. The attack hit perfectly only to have the beedrill flicker and fade away. Meanwhile the other beedrill charged forwards seeing a chance. Absol tuned her head and thrust the end of her sickle at the charging Pokemon catching it in the chest. For a second there was silence, then there was a loud crack as the energy surrounding the absol's scythe discharged into her opponent, sending both of them flying, the beedrill smoking slightly.

"Absol!" screamed Tom running to the side of his injured partner.

"Impressive" stated the ringleader of the group, however this is where you pay and we take that friend of yours as a 'repayment' for your insolence." He glanced at one of his cronies who was returning his Pokemon to its poke-ball. Seeing the glance he nodded and reached to his belt, pulling out a long sharp knife.

Seeing the knife Tom picked up the absol and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. As re ran he caught his leg on something cutting it deep and painfully. He winced with the pain but did not stop running, more concerned with his Pokemon than he was for himself. However he could not keep it up, he was loosing blood fast and the added weight of his absol was waring him down fast. Eventually he stumbled and fell. As he struggled to get to his feet he heard the sound of the gang catching up with him.

He was trapped.

Standing painfully he made up his desperate resolve, running forward he raised his fist in a futile attempt to drive off his pursuers. The thug with the knife easily blocked his attack and made a thrust with the knife. Tom suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest, looking down he saw the knife buried there are stumbled back, turned around and crouched over his fallen friend. Suddenly there was another pain, this one however was in his head and then in his stomach. He doubled over quivering on the ground as the pain spread and intensified until he was no longer aware of the pain of the wounds in his chest and leg. The pain was such that he didn't notice that his skin was slowly taking on a light purple hue which then started to darken heavily. His face softened and became less angular while his shoulders, arms and legs became slightly slimmer and his hands softened, his fingers becoming longer and thinner. As the changes wracked his body he had no choice but to cry out but as he did so he heard his voice turn to a low growl then become a high pitched, girl like scream. His hips started to expand outwards and his hair grew to fall down to his waist which itself was becoming much thinner. Soon his hair became much darker and his eyes, although not changing colour, became wider and slightly more rounded, his chest expanded outwards to form a pair of ample breasts that pushed out at his top and his groin seemed to contract on the outside and expand on the inside as him manhood was converted making him decidedly female. Finally the knife fell out of his chest and he seemed to fade for a second and his wounds stopped bleeding although still gaping open.

Slowly he (well technically now she) rose to her feet and turned to face the group behind her, now standing about a foot shorter. As she saw the 5 startled and amazed men she was consumed by her pain and anger. She walked forwards, her eyes slowly glowing blue until it was impossible for the 4 thugs to look at anything else. At that moment Tom said one word and although the word that came from her mouth was in fact "gengar" there was an echo that filled the mind of the 4 men, the echo of the word "hypnosis" ricocheting in the voice they had just heard screaming out in agony. A few seconds later the 4 crumpled to the ground. Tom suddenly grabbed her head, her mind filling with a sharp pain and the glow subsided from her stare. Taking another step forwards Tom's eyes changed colour, now glowing a bright blood red. She looked up at the unconscious men and the echo returned, this with the words "dream eater". The sleeping men were slowly surrounded with a red blanket of energy which then started to move towards the newly morphed girl who began to absorb it. The pain in Tom's mind intensified but as she began to drain the energy of the thugs it subsided, her wounds also closed up and healed leaving no trace of their existence and her hair began to wave, then began to move like long, black, falling flames. She took another step forwards the glow once again fading and continued to walk until she was only a meter away from the remaining thief. As she did so the man tried to turn and run but stumbled and fell, he looked behind him and in sheer terror of what he had seen began to crawl backwards, backing into a wall. Tom reached the man and crouched in front of him, her eyes now glowing a dark green. Slowly her hand became filled with a dark shadow as the echo from her mind now said "night shade". With that she put her palm on the man's head and with a cry of terror his rolled back and he lost consciousness.

The pain in Tom's head brought her out of her trance as she clutched her head in agony. At that moment she remembered her absol, who was still lying in the street, breathing with difficulty. She staggered over to her and began to cry. As she did so her eyes changed red once more and the energy gathered again around the unconscious men. As the energy began to move Tom looked around and before she could take any stopped the energy stopped it and with all her will redirected it to cover his absol. The pain in her head erupted with new fury but he endured, he had to save his friend. Slowly the energy soaked into the soft fur of the absol and she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing that her friend was okay Tom said one word, this time in human-speak

"Absol..." she said weakly and then passed out.

OOC: sorry if my char seems too powerful but its like a case of dead man's grip and even though she survived due to the dream eater, the rest of the fight still almost killed her. Oh well, thats psycique (sp?) pwers for you.
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....

Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:47 am

Tom: When you awaken, you will see that you are now in the back room of a Poke-center. Nurse Joy is in the corner talking to an elderly man, and both of them looked a bit worried. Your Absol is sleeping in a little bed by your own bed.

Everyone else: "So, your those kids they were talking about." the boss said. "Well, I see you also have skills as trainers. You two, take care of them."

Two of the five step forward. "Yes sir." They throw their pokeballs.

"Go, Arbok!" Jessie said.
"Go, Weezing." James said.

"You two had better not screw this up." the boss said.

OOC: No prob Gits, it's cool. Note to everyone else, you can beat these guys, but don't make them blast off. As I said, they kinda need to be around. Anyway, keep going.
Last edited by Shadowmaster on Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gee-chan » Tue Jun 19, 2007 8:23 am

After a long while Tom slowly starts to wake up. She still has a pounding headache as she gets up and the rest of her body feels strange. She slowly stumbles over to the bed next to her where she sees her absol sleeping peacefully, all traces of her previous injuries gone. As she sees this she suddenly remembers the knife being stabbed into her chest shortly before she passed out. She puts her hands to her chest but stops as soon as she feels something, something she knew wasn't there before. Lookig down she found no wound, only a damaged and blood-stained shirt, however the curve of the shirt revealed to Tom a pair of breasts pushing out of her chest, one of which she had her hand on. As she contiued to stare in disbeleife he also noticed that his hand was different, not only thin and womanly but also a very dark shade of purple.

Hearing voices behind her she turned around and saw two people leaving a conversation to look at her and get up from their seats. Tom took a step back but fell into the bed she had just been lying on, however instead of falling onto it she fell through it, emerging underneath the frame.

"Well that decides it then" said one of the people, a fairly young woman with pink hair and a nurses uniform, "looks like she's a ghost type hybrid, i'm guessing a Gengar by the fact she still has her arms and legs."

"Yes" replied the other, a short elderly man, "I wonder how they managed to get a DNA sample from a pokemon that can become non-corporial at will."

"Who are you? what do you want?" Tom asked in a panic, "What's happening to me?"

"It's okay," said the woman coming closer, as she did so Tom instantly recognised her as Nurse Joy, "you and your absol are fine here."

"Absol? Wait she was injured!" said Tom

"Your absol is fine, she's just resting." said Joy reassuringly, "It's you I was more worried about, You've been unconscious for 2 days now."

"Yes, your absol turned up here and alerted us to the fact that there was something wrong with you and tht you were unconscious in an alleyway after being attacked by a group of men." said the elderly man, "When we got there we had expected to find an injured young man alone in the road, however we found a young woman who seemed to have passed out, laying close to 5 men who were in a similar condition. They however were not covered in blood and nor had skin the colour of the night sky."

"So I'm in a pokemon center?" ssked Tom

"Yes" replied Nurse Joy, "We would have sent you to the hospital however it seems you are part of a small epidemic we have been having recently."

"You mean there are others who are like this?" Tom said jesturing to herself.

"Yes." replied the man, "We are not entirely sure why but several teenagers have been spontainiously developing traits that are identical to those of pokemon. We can only guess it dereives from some kind of experiment on these individuals at birth."

"What so i'm some kind of half pokemon freak?" asked Tom

"Well I wouldn't use that wording but essenceially, yes. From what we can gather you are a gengar cross." replied the man.

"But why...These?" at this point refering to her chest.

"Yes, that seems to be a side effect of some of the changes." said Joy sadly, "We've had a few cases of the transformation including a gende change."

Tom began to hold his head again. "This...This is just too much" she said and lost consciousness again. When he did so both Joy and the man lifted her back onto the bed.

"I'm still worried about her, Proffesor Oak" said Joy, "None of the others were unconscous for this long. What do you think could be the cause?"

"I think I may have an idea," replied Oak, "It probably has something to do with the state those men were in when we found her."

"You mean she may have used her powers? So soon?" asked Joy

"It may be." he replied, "Unfortuatly I cannot be certain what effect using the psychic powers of a genger may have had on her mind so soon after the transformation. I'm afraid all we can do is wait and see."
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....

Let the loli's hit the floor.....

Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!
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Postby AshK » Tue Jun 19, 2007 10:53 am

(OOC: Nice Posts Gits! Welcome to the game.)

*Erin sees Jessie and James.*

"Not you two rejects again! Why don't you just give up you know you will never win." Erin said.

"Excuse me twerp, but who are you?" Jessie asked.

"Let's just say that we have encountered each other quite a bit before. I have also encounterd Cassidy and Biff Before too or is it Botch? I can never remember... only I wasn't like this." Erin said pointing to her chest.

"What are you talking about twerp? We have never seen you before." James said. Go Wheezing use Smokescreen." James said.

"Charizard I choose you use your wings to blow the Smokescreen away." Erin said.

"Right away Erin!" Charizard said as it blew the Smokescreen away.

"Maybe this will jog your memory a bit. Espeon I choose you!" Erin said.

"Alright! It's time to battle! What should I use Erin?" Espeon asked.

"Espeon use Psybeam Confusion Combination attack!" Erin said.

"Right away Erin! Psybeam Confusion Combination Attack!" Espeon said.

*Arbok and Wheezing were knocked into to Jessie and James.*

"That's just great! Return Arbok! Go Lickitung!" Jessie said as she recalled Arbok and sent out Lickitung.

"Return Wheezing! Go Victreebel!" James said as he recalled Wheezing and sent out Victreebel.

*Victreebel bit James' head as usual.*

"Not me the Twerps!" James said.

"Bel!" Victreebel said as it joined the fray.

"No way you can't be that twerp that always beats us? You're a girl! He was a guy!" Jessie said.

"What is that supposed to mean! I so seem to be doing a totally excellent job beating you so far! Do'h why am I talking like that?" Erin said angrily towards Jessie.

(OOC: Shadowmaster could you please PM me the attacks that Erin knows and when I can have her use them. Right now she has her Holographic Watch Activated.)
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