by Terri Violet Tsukino » Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:51 pm
Terrence/Zelda throws her hands in the air with a hearty "Wahoo!" as she wins the match. Her victory celebration is cut short, however, when she notices her reflection in the mirror as a beautiful princess with extravagant clothing and elven features. Her trembling hands touch her ears in astoundment and fright...but she then calms down somewhat as she finds herself intoxicated with both her own beautiful, maidenly reflection, and the strange sense of physical cozyness and emotional comfort her elegant garments are causing to wash over her. She even waves to her reflecton with a friendly smile...but she suddenly snaps back to reality and realizes something is very wrong. Terrence/Zelda screams in panic, picks up her skirt, noticing the white tights and pink slippers under her gown for the first time, and then runs as fast as she can to the apartments, hoping to find the manager.