The Mage Star is Complete


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Postby Snow Dragon » Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:13 pm

Colonel Caprice wrote:Not understanding the source of all the whispering, Caprice happily entered the room.
"Sooo...what am I s'posed to do~? ^_^"

Stormtrooper plushie #406: Uh... well, we're in charge of making sure the Mage Star is kept safe from infiltration, sabotage, and prison breakouts. Your job is to decide where we should be, when, and what we should be doing.
Black aMage #9: For example, there's a tour scheduled for later today that could possibly include infiltrators and spies! Should we blow them up, or capture them and THEN blow them up?
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Postby Snow Dragon » Tue Jul 03, 2007 7:16 pm

Rei wrote:*Uses the panel to teleport to the Mage Star.* Ugh.. artificial teleportation is still disorienting.

(From behind Rags)
"And personal teleportation is an unforgivable annoyance."
(The plushie that stands before... or below, rather, Rags and Katt is a thin, somewhat regal-looking man that looks like a cross between Sesshomaru and Belldandy, taking into account his long, snow-white hair and exquisite, flowing robes)
Kaze plushie: I'm Kaze Toren. I'll be your tour guide this evening.
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Postby Raleigh » Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:07 am

Greetings Mr. Toren. So what will we be seeing first?
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Postby Snow Dragon » Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:13 am

Rei wrote:Greetings Mr. Toren. So what will we be seeing first?

Kaze plushie: Ah, a respectful one, aren't you? Well, this is the first tour and all, so I thought we'd swing by the hangar bays first, drop in on the Ice 8 cannon primary projector, go through the Hall of Stag and then break for lunch before moving on.
(He hesitates for a moment)
Kaze plushie (pointing to Katt): Is your friend there okay? She hasn't said a word since she got here. A bit of vertigo from the teleport, perhaps?
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Postby Raleigh » Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:17 am

I don't think anything was wrong with him but I am not certain. Most likely it was the teleporter if I had to hazard a guess.
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Postby Just some lady » Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:21 am

BD wrote:Stormtrooper plushie #406: Uh... well, we're in charge of making sure the Mage Star is kept safe from infiltration, sabotage, and prison breakouts. Your job is to decide where we should be, when, and what we should be doing.
Black aMage #9: For example, there's a tour scheduled for later today that could possibly include infiltrators and spies! Should we blow them up, or capture them and THEN blow them up?

Frowning, Caprice thought for a moment to herself.
"What if we feed them brownies and ask them whether they're 'in-fil-tra-tors' or not fiiirst~?"
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Postby Snow Dragon » Wed Jul 04, 2007 8:10 pm

Colonel Caprice wrote:Frowning, Caprice thought for a moment to herself.
"What if we feed them brownies and ask them whether they're 'in-fil-tra-tors' or not fiiirst~?"

Stormtrooper plushie #406: Well, as you're the boss, we can do pretty much whatever you want...
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Postby Ellf » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:41 am

From deep within the Mage Star's brig....

"You can't lock me up like this! I oughta have you all strung up by your entrails! I'm supposed to be Security Detail, I swear!"
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Postby Snow Dragon » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:58 am

Ellf wrote:From deep within the Mage Star's brig....

"You can't lock me up like this! I oughta have you all strung up by your entrails! I'm supposed to be Security Detail, I swear!"

Black Mage plushie #39: Oh, really? So what's your rank, chuckles? (He pokes a finger through the bars of Keebler's cell, an electric spark on the tip)
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Postby Ellf » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:03 am


Ellf pulls out his wallet and begins rifling through it, pulling out random cards.

"Akatsuki member... wait, wrong universe.... Brotherhood Tactical Officer... Ah hah! Here it is!"

Ellf hands a card to the Black Mage that says on it "Pie security detail Tech Sargent."

"Stag gave it to me, I swear."

Of course, I never said which Stag.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:10 am

Ellf wrote:"Umm...."

Ellf pulls out his wallet and begins rifling through it, pulling out random cards.

"Akatsuki member... wait, wrong universe.... Brotherhood Tactical Officer... Ah hah! Here it is!"

Ellf hands a card to the Black Mage that says on it "Pie security detail Tech Sargent."

"Stag gave it to me, I swear."

Of course, I never said which Stag.

(The Black Mage plushie's glowing eyes narrow, and he throws the card back into the cell)
Black Mage plushie #39: What kind of idiot do you take me for?! That card doesn't even spell "Sergeant" correctly! FRY!! BOLT 3!!
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Postby Ellf » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:18 am

Ellf lies down on the ground, blackened and his hair frazzled out from the electricity. "You'd be surprised what you can live through..." Ellf coughs out a tuft of smoke before standing up looking surprisingly refreshed.

"Thank God I lined this floor with Healing potion wax when we were building this thing."

Ellf seems to be concentrating on the black mage plushie intently, the jewel on the bracelet that happens to be on his right arm glowing slightly. "You do understand what it means for me to be not so nice, right?" Ellf's form slowly shifts to that of a fairly good looking redheaded woman. The jewel on the bracelet glows brighter now as Ellf's eyes take on a pale sheen and the Witchblade armor forms on her.

"I will leave this cell, through you if I must."
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Postby Snow Dragon » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:25 am

Ellf wrote:Ellf lies down on the ground, blackened and his hair frazzled out from the electricity. "You'd be surprised what you can live through..." Ellf coughs out a tuft of smoke before standing up looking surprisingly refreshed.

"Thank God I lined this floor with Healing potion wax when we were building this thing."

Ellf seems to be concentrating on the black mage plushie intently, the jewel on the bracelet that happens to be on his right arm glowing slightly. "You do understand what it means for me to be not so nice, right?" Ellf's form slowly shifts to that of a fairly good looking redheaded woman. The jewel on the bracelet glows brighter now as Ellf's eyes take on a pale sheen and the Witchblade armor forms on her.

"I will leave this cell, through you if I must."

(Instantly, the detectors in the cell block determine the source and degree of the threat of the prisoner, and dozens of magitech mechanisms go off in Keebler's cell to suppress the growing threat)
(Slow, stop, and silence spells fill the cell in sequence, and a shield covers the door interior as a ceiling panel slides open to reveal a blue crystal that crackles with electricity)

(Outside the cell, the Black Mage plushie winces and turns away as continuous flashes of blazing light fill pour through the small window on the cell door)
Black Mage plushie #39: Ouch... that's a shame. She was pretty hot, for a split second there.
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Postby Ellf » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:28 am

Ellf-chan is lying on the ground once more, still in full witchblade armor.

"This is somehow my fault, isn't it? Do you find this funny?"

Ellf pulls out the AMG remote and presses the button as the witchblade armor deactivates. "Hope this works." A wave of antimagic energy is sent out which disables magic powered systems for five seconds, just long enough for Ellf to get out of the cell, if it works.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Thu Jul 05, 2007 2:33 am

Ellf wrote:Ellf-chan is lying on the ground once more, still in full witchblade armor.

"This is somehow my fault, isn't it? Do you find this funny?"

Ellf pulls out the AMG remote and presses the button as the witchblade armor deactivates. "Hope this works." A wave of antimagic energy is sent out which disables magic powered systems for five seconds, just long enough for Ellf to get out of the cell, if it works.

Black Mage plushie #39: Would somebody like to explain to me how the prisoner got put away with all his or her gear? Seriously, don't we FRISK people anymore, or is that considered a violation of people's civil rights now?
(He turns toward a console)
Black Mage plushie #39: Get a Stormtrooper plushie squad down here, STAT! We have a prison break in progress! The security systems are temporarily off-line! Get your uselessly armored plush asses into GEAR, you hear me?!
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