by Meru » Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:09 am
Allen had been standing outside of the room for a while now. At least long enough to hear a large part of the insanity.
"I can't believe it... They got themselves into a worse situation than before.... And involved another idiot in this all... While that blathermouth Kristine just keeps on going on about herself, she probably doesn't really care about anything else other than talking about herself since she got changed. It's almost like she never really existed or lived until that point, in a creepy sorta way... Eh, it's probably nothing like that, I'm just a little upset still over this whole potion thing. But with how they've gone and blown everything up again, it's a wonder why I felt like coming back here. It's like trying to pour water onto a flame that will burn forever. There's no use in me being here, they'll just drag me into their craziness. Might as well just look around this place at least, for any potions lying around.[i]" She thinks to herself, complaining inwardly about what Rhia and Clark/Ruth have gotten themselves into this time. What with the pregnancy, and now a nurse knowing about it. And surprisingly, believing it. But she's probably a nut.
"Taking advantage of male pattern baldness is about as low as you can get! I won't allow it!"-Croix from La Pucelle