Ellf wrote:(You just had to use the words "magic missiles" and damn, good explanation for why balefire didn't work. I love it when another Wheel of Time reader knows what they're talking about.:lol: )
"I claim Self-defense! They were shooting at me first! As for the escape... well...." Ellf-chan is cut off by the magic missiles connecting. She looks battered, but still standing after they hit.
"Damn -huff- you... -huff- Contra... -huff- this... -huff- is... -huff- All YOUR FAULT!" Ellf-chan's power output seems to be skyrocketing as she begins chanting...
"Darker than darkness, deeper than night. Sea of Chaos, the swaying one, the golden king of darkness. Here I beseech to thee; here I swear to thee. To all the fools who stand in my way, with my power and your power, equally grant them destruction! Giga Slave!" Ellf-chan launches the blast straight towards the tour group, and then she passes out.
(Ignoring, for a moment, that Keebler completed such a long and dangerous cast while he was supposedly under attack, the scene freezes and Kaze plushie turns toward Rags)
Kaze plushie: Say, you might know. Wouldn't the giga slave typically fit under the category of spell warned against in the initial rules? As a spell that has a blast radius close to, if not exceeding, that of a city?