Okay, I'm going to kick this off. Events are happening both here and on IRC, and I'm not going to leave ANYONE who has expressed interest out. Sign-ups are welcome, especially if you're wanting to see where this is going before you do something.
Now, as for this setting/Thread, this is MoS's city. Here, Shadow, Shade, Shard, and the horseman can talk amongst themselves, plot for upcoming battles, etc. All who are 'serving' under MoS should probably post here as well.. Other than that, ask me questions in PM format, or start up an OOC discussion thread. I'll have a description for the city up soon enough.
Shadow sat on the edge of the platform his palace was on.. Sakura petals drifted in an invisible wind around him. He sighs, looking over the silver metropolis that was his domain. "I hope they all find me soon.." An invitation was sent in the form of a black sakura petal..
"Seek the first King of Shadows above your heads."