Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby AshK » Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:24 pm

"I so haven't gotten an answer from Professor Palm either. I tried to contact him, but it's like he's mad at us for some reason and doesn't feel like answering. I sense there is someone else here too it is probably one of the others I like think. Like let me try to contact Professor Palm again," Erin said.

"Professor Palm can you hear me? Like this is Erin. What is wrong? Are you mad at us?" Erin thought as she blocked her mind from the other presence that was there.

(OOC: People are really slow to post on this RP for some reason. I wonder if Shadowmaster is busy. I haven't even seen him on TACGFI!(Take a Chance! Go for it!) Everyone is probably busy since yesterday was Independence Day. They are probably recovering from all the various Independence Day Parties around this country. It isn't just this RP that hasn't been posted on in a while, the other RP's that I am part of have been quiet as well. Everyone is probably busy right now. They may be on a little later, but you are probably in bed right now.)
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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:41 pm

Prof. Palm teleports in. "I had to check something. It seems Team Rocket has evacuated the city, so there is no need at the moment to move you. I still think it would be wise for us to teach you all better control of your powers, so I will get in touch with some of my colleagues and see when they can get here." he said. "All that remains now is to find out exactly what the hybrids are after,and we're hoping our friends from the future can help us with that. All of you should take this time to rest, and..." he was cut off by heavy pounding at the door, followed by it crashing down. The Umbreon hybrid and Glaceon Hybrid each stepped in.

"Hello, Prof." the Umbreon said. "We're here to have a little chat with some of your young friends."
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Postby Sasha » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:05 pm

Aiko stops and groans. " Just what the heck do you want now. I already burned up all your little helpers and told you what i though of you. That was your clue to leave town."
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:12 pm

"Yeah, aparently you guys don't take leaving seriously..." Mel said sarcastically.
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Postby AshK » Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:18 pm

"That is so totally right! Like why don't you just like leave us alone. I will so not work for you." Erin said.

"Neither will I. Why don't you just leave us alone?" Tina said.

*Espeon and Absol just glared at the Umbreon and Glaceon Hybrids angrily.*
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Postby Kris_Roth » Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:55 pm

Joule, the Pikachu hybrid, glared at the intruders..."You guys sure don'r know when to quit, do you..." Her red cheek pouches start to spark. "Leave or get shocked, and/or a beat down. I prefer the shocking, myself."
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Postby AshK » Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:02 pm

"Like calm down Joule. If anyone is so totally going to attack them it will be all of us. We so better see if we can reason with them." Erin said.

"I don't think we will be able to do that Erin. What do you guys want anyway? Professor Palm what is going on here?" Tina asked.

*Absol and Espeon continued to glare at the Glaceon and Umbreon Hybrids.*
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Postby Gee-chan » Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:23 pm

OOC:ok nothing is happening here so i'm overstepping my mark again and forceing the story onwards. Prepare for some suggested revelations and some distrust forming.

The umbreon hybrid looked at the professor with a smile. "I see you have neglected to tell them, professor" he said, "My, I'm dissapointed in you, I had always though you were the truthful type." As he said this the professor's eyes widened.

"Stop this now" said the professor, a tone that was almost threatening creeping into his voice, "You do not want to continue with what you are saying."

"Oh, do I not?" said the umbreon in a mocking tone, "Tell me children, have you ever wondered how the professor knows so much about our organisation? How he seems to be the only hybrid who is older than 50? How no matter how hard you may try you are unable to even catch a glimpst of his thoughts?"

"I warn you" the professor said disabling his hologram, "Stop, now!"

"How he seems to be so despirate to stop us from saying anything?" noted the glaceon, "Do you really want to know who this man you trust so much really is?"

"Do not listen to their lies!" yelled the professor

"Tell me Professor Palm" said the umbreon, "What makes you think we are the ones who are lying?"

"She speaks the truth" said absol, " I detected no falsehood from either of them"

"Well observed my friend," noted the glaceon, "You will also detect no falsehood when I tell you that you very own Professor James Palm is the creator of..."

"ENOUGH!!" yelled Palm, "YOU WILL BE SILENT NOW!!" and with that threw an enormously powerful psybeam at the pair.

OOC: Oh, its getting very tense now. What was the hybrid trying to reveal? Why did the professor act like that? If the hybrids were telling the truth, then who is/was Professor Palm really?
Ok I'm leaving it here for the moment, to give you guys a chance to give input. I came up with a random first name for Palm because when I was in the mindset of the hybrid who was speaking I was going to use the full name then realised I didn't know it. If anyone objects to the name tell me and I will happily change it.

Edit: oops sorry, I've corrected the gender of the umbreon hybrid now, I'm still assuming the glaceon is female though. Actually yeah it seems the hybrids always work in couple groups. No I didn't ask for permission to do this but I was not letting this thing die. I mean, Shadowmaster's last update we had been waiting for for a week and that was simply teleporting Palm in and breaking the door, now as satisfying that act may be it just seems that this RP is being slowly abandoned.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Wed Jul 18, 2007 3:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AshK » Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:06 pm

*Erin listens to the hybrids.*

"Um Professor, like what do they mean. You so better not be working for them." Erin said.

"That goes double for me too." Tina said.

"Professor is she telling the truth? I hate to say it Professor, but I don't detect any Falsehood either. Are you working for them or not? You so better tell the truth, because I can tell when someone is lying." Espeon said.

"Like Professor I hate to say this to you, but I don't detect any falsehood either." Erin said.
Last edited by AshK on Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:15 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Sasha » Tue Jul 17, 2007 10:07 pm

Aiko thinks and listens and glares at the professor and growls. " So you are using us then. Never around when your needed wanting us to run from fights. I knew i couldn't trust you."
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Postby AshK » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:09 pm

"I so totally don't think we can trust you anymore. If what the Hybrids speak is true, then I so don't know if we can trust you. I also don't detect any falsehood. If you are so totally hiding something from us Professor Palm, you so better spill it." Erin said.

"Yes you should." Tina said.

*Espeon and Absol just glared at Professor Palm wondering if the Umbreon and Glaceon Hybrid's words were true, and if Professor Palm was using Erin, Tina, and the rest of them.*

(OOC: Shadowmaster hasn't done much posting on my RP either. He is probably busy. Most people don't spend hours on RP's. I sure don't spend hours on RP's. Besides that it takes a month of inactivity for an RP to be declared dead.)
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:19 pm

The Umbreon Hybrid had jumped in front of the Psybeam, thus making it ineffective. "Come now Prof. I would think you would know better than that." he said.

"You two...leave. Now!" Prof. Palm said.

"Fine, but we will be back. I suggest you start opening up to these kids your supposed to be helping." the Umbreon said. He turned toward the group. "By the way, you all can call me #197. Perhaps I'll tell you my name, in time. Come on, #471." He said as both left.

Prof. Palm turned to the group. "I suppose you would like some answers?" he asked.

OOC: Yeah, I've been a little busy as of late, and haven't had time to write out an update. I'll try to post quicker in the future.
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Postby AshK » Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:24 pm

(OOC: No problem Shadow. If you're busy, you're busy.)

"We would so totally like some answers Professor. We would also so like some reassurance that we can trust you." Erin said.

*Espeon nodded.*

"That would help us out a bit." Tina said.

*Absol also nodded.*

(OOC: Gits, do you want Tina to become a complete female in mind body and soul like Erin or not? I am just wondering.)
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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:05 pm

"Very well" sighed the Professor, "As you found out my full name is Professor James Palm. Many years ago, when I was a fairly new university graduate Iworking as a researcher for Silph Co. My research was on the evolution of pokemon, at the time although we knew the effect and circumstances of a pokemon's evolution we did not know how the were able to alter their forms at such a rapid rate and why the enormous amount of cell mutation seemed to have little or no effects on the nervous system.
It was at that time I discovered that each pokemon carries inside it a fully developed sample of all its evolutionary stages from birth, this sample will stay dormant inside the pokemon until the conditions for evolution have been met, upon this the dormant cells release an enzyme of sorts which forces the existing body cells to alterthemselves to become duplicates of the newly active genetic code. In order to gain my professorship I wrote a theisis on this and presented it to the scientific world.
After a few months I was approeched by a man who had an interest in my research. Amongst many other questions he ask if it was theoreticaly possible to use the data I had collected to artificially change cells, even to a form they would not naturally assume. In return for my co-operation he promised that if the research was a success I would be renowned throughout the world." The expression on his face one of pride and joy, as if he were remembering the greatest time in his life. this did not last long however as his face fell as he resumed talking.
"Understandably I accepted his offer and at first we had some success. After closely observing the evolution of hundreds of different pokemon we managed to create a copy of the evolution enzyme. As soon as we were able to make it on a significant scale we tested it on tissue and bone samples. While it was not to huge degrees, we had enough success to be able to change the cells of one type of pokemon to a similar one of the same attributes. Eventually we attempted a test on a living pokemon, starting with something simple we attempted to turn a newborn bulbasaur into a chikorita, however there was no change until the bulbasaur's natural evolution age at which point it began to change. From our observations we could see that the change was highly different form the standart evolution, the pokemon was not surrounded with light, the change took around ten minutes and the cell mutation cause enormous amounts of pain to the subject, furthermore the change was incomplete, what we had created was a cross between a bulbasaur and a chikorita with the distinguising feateres of both. After that we had many other attempts using different pokemon each with a similar result.
We seemed to get a step closer to our goal when an accident effectivly bathed the subject with the enzyme mixed with the blood of another pokemon, while the result was the same as before the transformation was quicker and began instantly. That accident began the next group of experiments.
Eventually we began experimenting with human cells, simple changes like altering the XY chromozone combination even removing the extra chromozone from the cells of a Down's syndrome patient. Then we got careless, doing whatever we could think of at the time, occasionally under the influence of alcohol. It was during one of those instances that we knocked over a container full of partially make enzyme which fell upon me. The state of that particular batch meant that we had no choice but to add another cell sample otherwise it would have wiped my DNA completely in a fatal manner. During this crisis I decided to attempt to enhance myself with pokemon DNA, as my cross I selected the species with the greatest intellect we had at our disposal at the time which was, as you can see, an Alakazam. I need not explain the process of my transformation as you all know what it is like from first hand experience. After my condition stabilised I agreed to be subject to every physical and mental test you can think of, the results of which stated that I had the inteligence of a human and all the pychic talents of an alakazam. This transformation caught the attention of our employer, the one who had hired me from Silph Co. He demanded that we experiment on creating more 'hybrids' using newborns as test subjects. At first we were hesitant, such an experiment was a breach of human rights, however our employer insisted that he would find legal and available test subjects to use. After a week he came in with around 50 infants, each one numbered and with a note giving instructions for what to cross them with. This happened for around a year eventually reaching around 700 subjects used. By then I was becoming affluent in the use of my powers and when out employer brought in the next batch of infants I quickly read his mind to find out where he had been getting these children. I was shocked but not altogether surprised to learn that these children were kindnapees, taken from hospitals all over the world. As soon as I discovered this I left the research team and went straight to the police. When I informed officer Jenny she ordered security on all maternaty wards to be tightened and led a raid team to clear out the lab. Unfortunatly I must have been found out because by the time we arrived the place had been cleared and all of the children and researchers were gone. With support from the Nurse Joys and officer Jennies around the world I have been fighting my hardest to stop the hybrids and their master. Alas I have been fighting a losing battle as it seems for at least 17 years they have been using infants without kidnapping them, as is evident with you lot. I know that you distrust me, but please, help me stop the hybrids before it is too late."

"That was quite the story" commented Tina, "What do you think absol?"

"He's telling the truth and he seems to be sincere with his request." said absol, I think that we can trust him in this fight at least"

"very well, professor" said Tina, "I'm with you"

OOC: geez that took me a long time to write (although the fact I've been watching Guyver for half the time didn't help...) Well looks like we cant still trust the professor a little bit. If there is anything wrong here jst PM me and I'll fix it. Oh ash btw, as far as mental changes go it going to be more mental adaptions as she gets used to her form (in actuality I base most of her peach patterns on a combination of me and my sister) so while not as much as before as she is quite open-minded, Tina is still mentaly a boy.
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Postby AshK » Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:35 pm

OOC: Okay Gits that works. That was quite a long post.


"Well, like Espeon what do you think. I so don't sense any falsehood in what he said do you?" Erin asked.

"I do not sense any falsehood from what he told us either. I say we help him with the Hybrids. I kind of trust him, but not completely. I still say we help him." Espeon said.

"Professor Palm, Espeon and I will so totally help you. I so hope the others will help out too. We so totally have to stop those Hybrids and their boss." Erin said.
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