Shoujoland: New Ownership


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Postby Hira Kanaki » Fri Jul 13, 2007 11:31 pm

"True, that's why I switched into mine before jumping in." Amy said getting into the tub.

"Same here...regarding the swimsuit." Zakuro said, also getting into the tub.

"Oh yeah Kyu-Chan, I overheard the date can go ahead with it." Amy said.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 14, 2007 12:25 am

Kyuubi glomps onto Amy. " Thank you Amy. I promise to be back in time for the night sift."
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Postby muffinstud » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:03 am

Naru smirks. "Ho Ho! So you ARE excited for this date! I knew it!"
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Postby AshK » Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:45 am

"Well duh Naru-Chan of course she is. You so totally would be too if some hot guy asked you out on a date. I so wish Corey would call me. Like what if he doesn't even like me and was just pretending." Alex said dejectedly as she lowered her head and tears started coming from her eyes.

"Shh it is so totally like okay Oneechan. Let's try not to get in a fight over a guy. I also so totally wish he would call me. I am so wondering if Corey even likes me." Leigh said dejectedly as her actions mirrored Alex's.

"But like enough of this! Let's continue to have some fun. If you are going to join us in here Zelda-Chan it's at your own risk." Alex says as she pulls out two water guns from the top of her bikini. She still cannot figure out how she does that.

*Alex hands a water gun to Zelda. She then starts to shoot Zelda with it."

"Oh hey Naru-Chan here you can have one too." Leigh says as she mirrors the same actions of Alex.

*Leigh hands a water gun to Naru and starts to shoot her.*

"Oh and like one more thing Zelda-Chan, no magic. It so totally wouldn't be fair because you know it and we don't." Alex and Leigh said in unison as they start the water fight again.

*This time Stray water streams hit Amy and Riana. Alex and Leigh almost panic.*

"S-sorry R-Riana-Ch-Chan and A-Amy-Ch-Chan. We so didn't mean to hit you with our Water Guns p-please don't hurt us." Alex and Lee stuttered in unison waiting for the worst from the owner/manager and former owner/manager.

*Alex and Leigh were hoping they could keep their jobs. Alex and Leigh are still not certain how they pulled off that water gun trick.*
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Postby Nikki » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:35 pm

Riana smiles and summons a water spell that drenches both the hyperactive girls.
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Postby AshK » Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:46 pm

"Hey you totally drenched my hair again!" Alex said.

"You like did the same thing to me. I guess we so totally deserved it." Leigh said.

"How did we pull those water guns out of the top of our bikinis?" Alex asked a bit confused.

"Like I would so like to know that too. And how did you summon water and drench us. Do you like know magic to? I thought we said no magic. Oh we said that to Zelda-Chan not to you. Sorry Riana-Chan. Are you going to like be alright Amy-Chan?" Leigh asked.

*Both Alex and Leigh were scared that Amy would fire them for getting her wet.*

"Um do we like still work here?" Alex asked concerned.

"I would like to know that too." Leigh said equally concerned.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:01 pm

Kyuubi grins. " Of course I'm happy. its not everyday you meet a cute guy."
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Postby AshK » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:06 pm

"That is too true. I so wish my cute guy would call me up." Alex said.

"I so wish he would call me up too. Corey sure seemed to take a shine to Mero-Chan though." Leigh said.

"Speaking of Mero-Chan where did she go?" Alex asked.
Last edited by AshK on Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:07 pm

Kyuubi blinks. " You two dind't trample over here on your way in did you?"
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Postby AshK » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:11 pm

"What do you mean by that Kyu-Chan?" Alex asked.

"What did you mean when you said that Kyu-Chan?" Leigh asked
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Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:16 pm

Kyuubi shrugs. " She was sitting right next to you two."
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Postby AshK » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:22 pm

*Alex and Leigh look over and see Meroko.*

"Oh Hi Mero-Chan. You were so quiet we so totally didn't know you were here. That's okay if you want to be quiet." Alex said.

"Oh like sorry Mero-Chan we didn't know you were here, you are so quiet." Leigh said.

(OOC: To whoever has Meroko where have you been. That's okay if you've been busy. Your character just hasn't been on much. Since you haven't been on much she hasn't said much.)
Last edited by AshK on Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby muffinstud » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:43 pm

Naru had a satisfied grin on her face. "I knew it. Still, I hope you have fun Kyu-chan. And I hope Corey calls one of you two. I don't think he'd be able to date both of you at once! " She looked into the water dejectedly. "But do me a favor, okay guys? Since the cute boys all seem to like you, send a normal guy my way once in a while, will you? That way, I'll at least have a chance at being happy." She hugged herself in the warm water.

Meanwhile, Corey finished his shift. He arrived in his apartment with light shining all around him (despite it being pitch black outside) and an angelic chorus singing backup for the lights. He gracefully pulled out two slips of paper from his pocket and placed them in his little black book. Which happened to be a three inch binder.

(Good luck, ladies. You'll need it.)
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Postby AshK » Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:52 pm

"Corey is so totally cute. Why would he want to date one of us. We aren't that attractive are we?" Alex asked.

"He must totally have a huge binder of numbers. I so don't think we have much of a chance." Leigh sighed.

*Alex and Leigh stopped talking and went back to firing off their water guns at everyone.(OOC: They had stopped for a little while after they were drenched by Riana.)*

*The Water Fight Raged on.*
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Postby Sasha » Sat Jul 14, 2007 10:14 pm

Kyuubi grins. " he is sparkley maybe he will date all for you at once"
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