The Iron Curtain (Spamlord 40K Campaign)


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Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:00 pm

Shor'ti turned her head to the Kroot, but kept her eyes on the marine. She lowered the lasgun. "You will be free soon, it is for the Greater Good. The how of that is currently a problem." She did not like how the marine eyed her grenades.

Marcus fumed. "For the love of the Emporer, if someone doesn't let me out right now, you'll all be grease spots when I'm done with you!"
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Postby Snow Dragon » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:18 pm

A quick look around the hall, while avoiding contact with the occupied Space Marine, provided Shor'ti with a possible answer. The brig hall had blast doors on either end; the area that the traitors had come from was sealed off, but didn't seem to be locked. A nearby console activated the door, and could perhaps be used for other things; she had seen such things before in schematic drawings.
Across from that terminal was another, larger terminal with several wires that clearly ran into the machinery of the cells themselves. Shor'ti wasn't too familiar with Imperial technology beyond the basics that they schooled all Fire Warriors in, but using the terminal seemed like the best shot at the moment.

A sudden hissing noise caught her attention, and she as Sebastian whirled around as two more Tyranids - these ones were much smaller, with sharp, scythe-like claws - rounded a corner beyond the brig and spotted them. At about twenty meters away they began their charge, scrambling toward the fresh meat.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:18 pm

"The Krak grenade," Sebastian said boldly, "Give it to me." He didn't care about being rude, he the only thing on his mind was getting out of there. Getting up, he stepped towards the grey and added, "Now."

Vivec observed quietly, immediately seeing where the human was planning. He saw no reason to interfere, he would let the Mon-keighs do the work for him.
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Postby muffinstud » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:27 pm

Shor'ti quickly tossed the Krak grenade to the marine and opened fire on the creatures.

Hearing gunfire again, Marcus grew quiet. "Well ****. There goes my only chance of ever getting out of this hole."
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Postby Snow Dragon » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:37 pm

(Shor'ti fires three times as the Tyranids close; two hits, no wounds)
Before Sebastian could do more than secure the grenade on his belt, the Tyranid hormagaunts fell upon him, as he was the closest target.
They seemed slow, however, and rather confused, slowing in mid-charge and shaking their heads about before regaining their sensibilities and attacking once more, even as lasbolts peppered their carapace.
(Shor'ti fires twice more; two hits, two wounds)
Their distraction proved to be the creatures' downfall, as they halted barely two meters before the Space Marine before a second burst of lasbolts sliced into their shells, punching through their internals and sending them crumpling to the floor.

Shor'ti let out a breath of relief, but it was short-lived; more snarling noises could be heard from around the bend.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:47 pm

Sebastian down the hall to find the cell of the Psyker. He had to hurry, those little buggers would be coming back any second. Finally finding the door to the cell of his objective, he went up to it and yelled, "Get away from the door!" Not to long later, he had gotten to a safe distance and threw the now live Krak grenade towards the cell door.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:51 pm

(Nothing untoward happens with Sebastian's throw, though the GM suggests that when using an explosive against an inanimate, immobile object, he simply place it next time instead of throwing the device)
The concussive implosion shatters the door to the psyker's cell, crumpling it into a few large shards of twisted metal scattered along the ground.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Sun Jul 22, 2007 11:56 pm

(It would seem you deleted the last post, but Shor'ti tried hotwiring the prison control terminal)
(Repair check fails on a roll of 2 - 3+ required - kudos however on finding a creative solution)
Shor'ti winced as she fumbled with the combat knife, and felt like cursing when she found that she had cut the wrong wire and damaged the circuit.
*Bzsht!* The terminal monitor went fuzzy for a bit, but didn't look overly damaged by the mistake. It might be possible to try again; it was really rather hard for the Tau to tell what she had done.
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Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:06 am

(OOC wasn't logged in proper- won't happen again)

Shor'ti tried a different wire. "Crude Imperial trash..." she mumbled.

Marcus hopped up from the back of the cell to find the door in shreds and his ears ringing. "Thank the Emperor! A Marine!" He saw the carnage past Sebastian. "Nice work!"
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Postby Mendi-chan » Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:11 am

The Marine nodded an affirmative but his face still looked grim. "Don't thank me yet," he said, "We still gotta get the hell outta here."
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Postby Snow Dragon » Mon Jul 23, 2007 12:13 am

muffinstud wrote:(OOC wasn't logged in proper- won't happen again)

(Oh, don't worry about it. We all knew it was you :p )
(Oh, and repair check passes on a 5, btw)

With a cut wire and a bit of tweaking, Shor'ti sent a perfect energy surge into the door mechanisms, and each of the cell doors in turn slowly slid open.
Three more hormagaunts rounded the corner, pausing only briefly in strange indecision before shaking their heads and charging toward Marcus, the closest one to that end of the hall (18 meters).
Behind them, small serpentine creatures with tiny, tooth-filled mouths swept along the passageway, chittering disturbingly.
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Postby Stellar » Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:23 am

Once the cell had opened Mani stepped out, "Di-id you ever sto-op to think tha-at an explo-osi-ion would attra-act attention?" She frowned to Sebastian before making her way to Shor'ti, "Fi-ind a-any weapons that I-I could put to use?" Mani glanced to the approaching aliens as she impatiently waited for a responce. (I figure since Shor'ti's a Tau, Mani would be more inclined to stick with her? *shrugs* I'm slowly reading up on this warhammer thing so you don't have to keep redirecting me XD)

Vanya stands and makes her way out of her cell, "About time," she murmered before looking over the scene.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Mon Jul 23, 2007 1:57 pm

(Yes, she would. You're catching on quick.)
(Oh, and you're under attack, BTW)
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Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:21 pm

Shor'ti hands Mani the knife. "Make good use of it, friend." She turns and opens fire on the oncoming creatures.

Marcus smirks. "About time!" He reaches to the Warp and casts Arc Lightning at the rushing Tyranids.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:57 pm

(Lightning arc cast, 5 hits, 1 wound)
(Shor'ti fires with lasgun, 1 hit, 1 wound)

Lightning and lasbolts poured into the advancing group of aliens, and two hormagaunts tumbled to the floor, their carapace blackened and burning.
The remaining hormagaunt merely glanced at its companions before pumping past them, outdistancing the swarm of rippers easily as it dashed straight for Marcus (seven meters).

(Cinnabon, this is where being team leader comes into play; Shuta either doesn't check the RP or simply isn't compelled to post as often, and I have no idea when Starlet is usually even on the forums. In a combat situation, you're able to control all players so you don't end up getting eaten because the guy controlling the Space Marine character isn't around at that moment. Your options include formation - moving the characters around so that your soft, chewable, none-too-beefy characters aren't the closest ones to the enemy, charges, movement of that formation, taking cover if there's any available, and of course, shooting.)
(Hormogaunt is in charge range. One chance to fire again, or charge with Sebastian or Marcus)
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