Boring Story remade! (attempt 2)

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Boring Story remade! (attempt 2)

Postby P-tan » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:39 am

I only have 90 minutes to make this. And.....GO!

The elevator reached ground floor and the doors opened. I was holding my guardian's hand with my blue "bag" over my opposite shoulder. Actually as I look back, it was more of a purse than a bag. We both were walking in a small tunnel with light shining on the other side, then I heard a voice.

"Hey Pete! Over here!"

It was one of my earliest friends from kindergarden, Genesis.

He just called me for a goodbye photoshot, this was our last day in Kindergarden. Snap! I remember all the laughs everybody shared there: singing, snacking, learning, all without prejudice. I didn't cry because I was happy, a feeling that I rarely experience outside of video games.

Ignorance is bliss I suppose.

After saying our farewells, my guardian told me it was time to go home. We proceded to the tram station and went home by the usual slow way.

Info corner: Trams are the cheapest mode of transportation. For less than a US dollar, you can take a 1-way trip across one of the 2 islands here. But it's crowded at times,no air-conditioner, and they go 15mph max..

At last we reached Shau Kei Wan, then we did some shopping at the local market. (Smells bad, but I like it!) I remember our building/apartment crystal clear: 23rd floor, brown, green dragon gate lock, everything. I quickly went to my room and got changed out of my pink uniform. (Relax! The only pink part was the shirt!)

Then I started watching TV while my guardian started cooking supper..
I heard a small voice.

"Peter! I got some news for you!"

Sparx fluttered next to me. "Didn't you hear? You're going to meet your sister!!" I got a bit annoyed. "Yes I knew that, do you have to keep reminding me of almost everything?!" She spat back, "Uhuh! That's my sacred duty as a concience for ya!". She then dissapeared back into my subconcious.

I met that fairy ever since my birth. She taught me the joys of life, how to be positive and optimistic, and is my advisor on my everyday decisions. I named her Sparx because of her energy and enthusiasm.

After watching some hours of Looney Tunes and some Cartoon Network, my parents finally came home. Carrying the toddler that is now my burden. I enjoyed being an only child but things were about to change...

Mother gave me a hug and father put my sister to sleep. He then told me, "You're growing up fast and you need to get ready for the first grade".
We shortly had supper and mom asked me how was school. "It was fun as usual.". Most of the chatting was small talk, like dad's convention meetings,etc.

After dinner, my guardian washed the dishes. (I'm a slave to dishes now...) I got ready for bed and told myself to enjoy summer that was about to start tommorow..

But I thought I saw 2 glowing red eyes upon me that was watching me, or it was just my sister. Whatever.

Summer went and gone so fast, since 5 year olds spend so much time doing meander things: going to the park, staying home sick, watching LOTS of tv.
Ok, I'm stopping there for some plot twists and dramatic irony. (Even though I felt that it was short. Heck, this is my first attempt at storytelling!)

Mother is a catholic extremist. She's not good at handling money and is the disiplinarian of the house. Occupation: Architect.

Father is a satanist. He's like a pioneer but a good father. Occupation: Spokesperson of several companies. (He always wears black however)

We just call her our Guardian. Guardians take Sundays off and swarm in the streets like hobos. (IT'S TRUE!) Occupation: Caretaker/Maid/Guardian.
PS: She's paid for these type of things.

Protagonist: Peter, that's my alias. More names coming soon! Occupation: Grade school student.

Sister/Dora. Annoying as hell. Grows up in story.

Sparx, concience that manifests fairy form. Talks to me in times of need.

My family is middle-income not rich. I'm done typing 4 2day.Phew!

Postby P-tan » Wed Jul 25, 2007 3:06 pm

That was short. I deseve a kick in the nuts for that.

I wonder if I should put new material here or make new topics. Sorry for the slowness but things should pick up in the next installment folks!

Note: Thank you for not making me feel stupid 4 this. Working on my grammar.

Postby P-tan » Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:02 am

Screw the slow advancement! I'm going to skip to school where alot of the action happens!

Dad woke me up early for my first day in grade school. I'm officially primary 1. I showered and got dressed in the school uniform by my guardian. (Yes, It is your typical asian uniform with a navy blue blazer and tie.) Mom was off to work and my sibling was sleeping.

After eating breakfast, Dad took me to school in a minibus. (It's like a taxi but it transports groups of people) Ahh, I remember everything like the back of my hand. The school was located between Causeway Bay and Happy Valley. I was a bit nervous the first time I saw it, even remember bawling a little.

Ok, the school was structured like this: 2 stairs going left and right, each blocked by a swinging metal gate. Parking lot and basketball court on the far side of school, next to an abandoned building.It has 4 floors.1st floor has vending machines, a "studio", few classrooms and foyer. 2nd floor and up is just more classrooms but for the upperclassman only. All have stairs only. We have a music room, teacher's lounge. All in one building!

Info corner: Unlike america, city folk like me don't use cars often. Instead, we do a LOT of walking. Elevators and lifts were considered a me!

Mom was already at work so Dad chatted with the faculty and other kid's parents. I was busy enjoying the scenery. I'm the type of person that doesn't normally mingle with other peers, don't know why. Just then Sparx decided to bug me again..

"Wow, nice place huh?"

"Yep, a little old looking though."

"I got a great idea. You should hang out with the other kids!"

"Uhh, maybe later."

Just then, the bell rang. It was time for class. First days of school are always ice breakers and syllabuses. We all introduced ourselves and every morning, we don't say the pledge, we just say Good Morning to our teachers. Classes rotate on the bell, so we aren't stuck with just 1 teacher everyday.

I was shy but social, I was considered too eccentric for most. That made me feel empty inside. The misfortune doesn't end there however, did I mention the abundance of pakistan students? If their rowdy behavior didn't peeve you, their smell would. And I met a huge fat "kid" that was at least 3 times my size, I don't remember his name but he became my first out of many bullies that I had. (Sorry, I'm advancing a little too fast)

Ahem, we have recess 2 times a day. During that time, the janitors would sell candy outside or in for a cheap penny. My friends were limited and Sparx kept me cheerful. At which, I was content. Now to talk about some kids there that I remember.

Ali, he was the most rebellious student ever. I wonder if he's in jail right now? The Quadruplets, short-term bullies. Leo, Karl, Sabrina, Francis. Good memories...mostly bad.

Before the first day ended, I thought I saw something black and menacing watching me up on the rooftop. I shrugged that feeling off and went home with my guardian.

After my typical ritual of TV,video games and going to the park, my parents came home. My demon of a sister really pisses me off. (Just looking at her boils my blood!)

"How was your day?"

Told them it was fine and we all went grocery shopping shortly. Good memories.. unlike Walmart, where you have to drive miles. The shopping center was just half a mile away. Markets too! But you get used to the smell.

Most of the school week went by so and so since it was the first week and it was finally the weekend. Saturday mornings were spent watching Saturday Disney and enjoying walks outside where the senior citizens are practicing Tai Chi in the park. Followed by more TV,video games or following one of my parents to work. Sundays were church and family time.

St. Paul was my fave, it had many british people in it. I used to go to an extra session of church on Wednesdays for 90 mins. Good memories..I loved the city, The Peak, Ocean Park, Tsim Tsa Tsui, Lantau Island. Oh, getting carried away there.

After a little R&R with my folk, another week of school lies in front of me.

Need to stop here. I gots me some bidniz to take care off. But here's a little trivia:

1. Got addicted to gameboy, but didn't get it until 2nd grade.
2. PS1, played Digimon on it and Metal Slug. (Didn't get it until 4th+)
3. Need to add more fiction on next attempt.
4. Atheist am I.
5. The "studio" was used as a movie theatre, commons area, Taekwondo,etc.

PS: I always log out when I hit Submit!

Postby P-tan » Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:06 am


I guess this is the result of 1 hour quick types.

If I don't get any satisfaction soon, I'll abandon this.

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