Shoujoland: New Ownership


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Postby muffinstud » Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:52 pm

Naru ducked out from behind the sofa. "Is she out? Oh thank goodness! I got so scared when she started throwing air around, I just..." She looked around in embarrassment. "I'm sorry I wasn't a help guys."
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:02 pm

"Don't worry about it, she should be fine when she wakes up." Amy said.
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Postby muffinstud » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:06 pm

"Well that's a relief. She looked like she was really hurting inside. Here," she said as she started picking up the limp Fuu. "I'll take her to my room and watch over her till she wakes up." She dragged Fuu by the armpits out of the room.
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Postby AshK » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:11 pm

*The sisters hear the racquet outside.*

"Do'h like how are we supposed to watch television with all that noise. Steph, Leigh let's go check it out." Alex said as she led her sisters out.

"Okay like let's go!" Stephanie says as she turns off the TV and sets the remote on the table.

"Okay let's so totally go. We need to see what all that racquet is about." Leigh says.

*The sisters each materialize a pair of Sais out of their newly acquired subspace pockets. They shift their sais to one hand and go out the door toward the racquet. When the sisters get there they notice that Fuu is unconscious so they put their sais back in subspace.*

"So um what happened to Fuu-Chan?" Alex asks as she sees the new girl out cold.

"What was all that racquet about?" Stephanie asked.

"We could not watch TV with all that racquet out here. What was that all about Amy-Chan?" Leigh asked.
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Postby Nikki » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:31 pm

Dannie looks at Amy. "So where do I stay?"
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Postby AshK » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:48 pm

*Right as they get there, the sisters see Naru dragging Fuu by the armpits.*

"Um did we miss something Naru-Chan? What happened with Fuu-Chan?" Alex asked.

"I think we missed something here, what happened?" Stephanie asked.

"Naru-Chan what did we miss when we were watching TV?" Leigh asked
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Postby Sam » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:49 pm

Jack walks into Shoujoland and ponders about what he should do first
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Postby Hira Kanaki » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:10 am

"Oh yeah, Dannie your room is on the first door to the left on the second floor." Amy said as she turned to Dannie.

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Postby Nikki » Thu Jul 26, 2007 10:14 am

"Thank you" Dannie says as she goes up to her room.
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Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:42 pm

"Oh, Fuu-chan here must have been out all night or something. She had a tantrum and just up and fainted. No worries, I'll take care of her in my room." Naru pulled Fuu into her room and set her on the bed.
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Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:50 pm

Kyuubi can be found in the shared room sitting on her bed wrapped in a towel having just gotten out of the shower coming her fur.
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Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:59 pm

Naru finally noticed Kyu-chan in the room. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were in here. I can take her somewhere else..." She grabbed Fuu and started lifting her again
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Postby AshK » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:01 pm

"Oh okay. That's good I guess." Alex said.

"Why did she throw a tantrum?" Stephanie said.

"I think it was because we told her that she was stuck that way." Leigh said.
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Postby Sasha » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:01 pm

Kyuubi shakes her dead. " No its ok I don't mind."
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Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 26, 2007 9:06 pm

"Oh, okay." She sets Fuu back down gently. "So, first date. Have you decided what you want to wear yet?"
"Well, you'll have plenty of time to live in a van down by the river, when you're a van down by the river!" --Matt Foley, motivational speaker
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