The Iron Curtain (Spamlord 40K Campaign)


Moderator: Mistress Guendolen

Postby muffinstud » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:17 am

(okay, just so nobody gets killed by your GM'ing self. Hope nobody minds.)

Sebastian let out a primal yell and charged the oncoming Xeno.

Mani takes the knife and runs into the fray.

Shor'ti fires one last time and Marcus hangs back so he doesn't char-broil his fellow prisoners.

Both Eldar continue to watch in an interested manner.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 12:33 am

(Please note that during a charge, characters can't hang back and shoot at the target being charged without risking shooting comrade, unless its obvious that there's no such danger - in a crowded, narrow hallway, there most definitely is. Characters with pistols may shoot as they charge into combat. I've redirected Shor'ti's shot into the ripper swarm)
(Shor'ti fires into the rippers, 1 hit, 1 wound - 2 remaining in that swarm)
(Close combat: Sebastion hits twice, wounds once. Hormagaunt hits Mani once and wounds)

As the Fire Warrior pressed against the wall to spray fire into the swarm of tiny Tyranid creatures, Sebastian rushed up and brought his fist down viciously onto the speedy creature, crushing it against the ground at the same time that it reached forward to stab a talon deep into Mani's leg.
The Kroot hissed and fell back momentarily as she quickly realized that her opponent had already been killed, impressed and little intimidated by the speed with which her opponent - and the towering human - had moved.

(Ripper swarms at 14 inches)
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Postby Stellar » Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:59 am

(that's what I planned on doing with her Muffin! Good job ^_^ I had planned on posting some 10 hours ago >.> but I was too nervouse *noobish jitters, they should wear off soon* days that I work i usually am gone in the afternoon and night time. I can't quite find a use for Vanya at the moment, so i guess she should be in hiding *shrugs and gives it a try*)

Vanya carefully searches the surroundings for anything to use as cover.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:08 pm

Vanya sees that there's very little in the hallway other than her companions for the moment, the various corpses, and the incoming rippers. The cells were open, providing a hiding spot from enemy fire if there were any, but she was wary of ducking back into the cells; the Tau female seemed to have known what she was doing, but Imperial technology was volatile, and she didn't want to risk even the remote chance of the cell doors closing again.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:17 pm

(Deepest apologize for not posting... I'm having trouble getting on until very late. x_X

I should be alright for the upcoming week though.))

Sebastian was running on adrenaline as he rushed at the remaining rippers. With a resounding cry he descended upon the creatures.
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Postby muffinstud » Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:26 pm

Marcus sat back on his heels and watched the Marine at work. "That's right! Teach those filthy Xenos!"

Shor'ti stuck the pistol in the belt of her pants and rushed to Mani. "You are hurt! Please, do not move your leg."
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Postby Snow Dragon » Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:35 pm

(Sebastian charges rippers)
(One hit, one wound; counterattack, no hits)
After a long sprint down the hall, the Space Marine engaged the swarm of tiny creatures, stamping the insecticoids and crushing the worm-like things in his hands as they tore at his legs and tried to worm up to more sensitive areas.
(One hit, one wound)
Despite the extremely ungainly nature of the combat, soon Sebastion crushed the last of the miserable worms into paste inside his fists while he himself had nothing but small, rapidly clotting wounds to show for the ripper's effort.

Though the sounds of hissing and snarling still echoed through the halls occasionally, along with the occasional crack of lasguns, it seemed that the brig hall was, for the moment, secure. At one end, where the Traitor guard had come from, the door was shut, though not locked. At the other end of the hall, where the Tyranids had come from and most of the traitors had gone, the door was wide open.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Tue Jul 24, 2007 11:47 pm

The Marine got up from where he had been pounding the crud out of the rippers. "Looks like we're clear for now," he stated to no one in particular.

Vivec scoffed at the human who had finished the last of the strange creatures. What a crude method to dispose of them, he thought, Oh well, at least it was effective.
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Postby Stellar » Wed Jul 25, 2007 4:48 am

Mani brushes Shor'ti away, "I'll be-e fi-ine," she takes a look at the wound to decide what would be the best way to quickly patch it with any materials on hand.

Vanya took it upon herself to take a closer look at the corpses to see if there was any more useful weapons or armor to use, even if she herself couldn't wear/use it. She figured it best to lend a hand if it meant a greater chance of escaping.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Wed Jul 25, 2007 1:53 pm

(Note: the only corpses currently on hand is that of guardsman, which has already been looted, and those of the Tyranids, which are utterly useless for anything other than being consumed by other Tyranids. By the same token, there are no other supplies in the immediate area to facilitate healing. You must advance from the brig if you're going to find more supplies)
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Postby muffinstud » Wed Jul 25, 2007 10:03 pm

Shor'ti left Mani to her own designs. She had no clue when it came to wounds on other Tau, let alone Kroot. She walked up to the marine and considered him. "You fight well, human. It would be for the Greater Good for us to combine forces to ensure our survival. I feel there are more of those creatures about."

Marcus stepped up and spat on the ground next to Shor'ti. "Look Xeno, this here's a Marine of the Imperium. He don't need any help from a filthy grey like yourself. You might as well run along and get yourself killed so you save him the trouble of doin' it himself. M'kay, pumkin?"
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Postby Snow Dragon » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:06 am

The general tension in the narrow hall rose dramatically at the psyker's words, and the Eldar glanced at each other as Mani shared a glance with Shor'ti.
The aliens had all come to the same conclusion (which isn't to say that the Eldar were happy about it); by staying together and working together they had a much better chance of survival.
Frankly, however, the two humans were absolutely indispensable to the aliens' survival; with only one lasgun and a combat knife between them, there was no way they'd survive an encounter with traitor guardsmen OR even a small number of Tyranids. The Space Marine, however, was capable of withstanding great damage while fighting the insecticoids, while the psyker could wipe out a small group of them with his power. The aliens needed them, but frankly, it wasn't certain that they needed the aliens.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:09 am

Sebastian didn't even look at the Xeno. He simply walked towards the open door at the end of the hall. "We don't require your services, my survival is already assured," he stated bluntly.
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Postby muffinstud » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:37 am

Shor'ti looked on in shock at the situation. Those humans looked like they were about to ditch her and the others. She was not about to let herself die in some hole in the ground. She took out the pistol and aimed it at the control console. "You leave us, and you die."

Marcus snorted. "And just how do you plan to accomplish that, grey?"

"I will destroy the control panel and set off the alarm." Shor'ti stated

"And that'll do what, alert all the dead guards? Don't make me laugh," he chuckled.

Her voice remained flat as she spoke. "No, but those creatures will come investigate the noise. You cannot destroy them all at once."

Marcus folded his arms and scowled. "You're bluffing."

Shor'ti tilted her head. "Am I? I opened the cell doors, did I not? The systems in this facility are a joke. I played with higher technology as a child."

Marcus shifted his weight nervously. "You'll die too. You won't do it."

Shor'ti smirked. "You are the one who stated we will die either way. You choose, human. Go alone and get swarmed, or drag us "filthy Xenos" with you and live."

Marcus was sweating. He nervously looked to the Marine for some kind of salvation.
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Postby Mendi-chan » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:45 am

Sebastian remained steadfast, though this time he did turn around and look at the alien. "We do not need your help. If you can't survive it's not our problem." he stated, now slightly agitated. It was most clear that the Marine would have to be strongly convinced to change his mind on the issue of the group wanted a maximum possibility of survival.
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