Syllinia [Ichi]

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Syllinia [Ichi]

Postby Syllinia » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:42 pm

Name: Syllinia
Nickname: Ichi
Age: 19
Origins: Grew up in the city of Rizzo, where she achieved limited use of a large variety of ninja skills, but unable to master any. One day, the Flying Hamster of Doom destroyed her city and she fled to Muffinville. Upon arriving at Muffinville, Colonel Caprice volunteered to become her master, and Syllinia was easily fooled into believing that she was qualified for the position. Syllinia considers BD, as Caprice's only Superior, to be her lord. Later, for fear of being turned into a Djinn by Kether, Syllinia put on a bracelet that causes the user to resist any transformational energies. As a side effect, when hit with such energies Syllinia will transform into a different shape depending on the type of energy.

Race: Human
Height: 5'10''
Abilities: Extensive use of ninjitsu, although these abilities generally function poorly.

Notes: Is the original form of Syllinia, and she would revert back into this from if she every happened to eat a tomapple. She originally began attacking Himitsu due to a poster put up by BD, but eventually came to dislike the neko-child due to his violent playful manner. She is very gullible, but helps to make up for it by consulting her extremely useful self-help book, Ninjahood for Dummies. Admires her master, Caprice and her Lord, BD

Race: Wolfgirl
Height: 5'4''
Abilities: Is highly proficient with Kunai and Shuriken, as well with a variety or poisons. Is decent with a Katana, as well with unarmed fighting using her claws. Has two Spirit Wolves that she can summon at a moments notice which are easily dispersed by attacks, but will reform quickly. These wolves have sharp fangs and can bite enemies or take a hit for their master.

Notes: Is the result of coming into contact with anti-silliness type energy, or funicide. Has a deep hatred for cats and as such requires extreme concentration to not fly into a murderous rage in their presence. Has common sense and realizes that Caprice is not a competent master, but still serves her and BD out of a sense of duty.

Race: Human
Height: 5'9''
Abilities: None

Notes: Is the result of coming into contact with violet energy. She is nice and completely useless in a fight. Doesn't particularly care about honor or being a ninja, and as such has no special connection to Caprice or BD.

Race: Human
Height: 5'11'' (Including Ears)
Abilities: A Small Variety of Spells, Mostly Defensive in their Nature

Notes: Is the result of being blasted with warp energy by Calamity. Her main concern is returning home to Tokyo where she attends the magic department of Tokyo U. She doesn't particularly care for needless violence and will often try to protect people who are being attacking with a shielding spell.
Last edited by Syllinia on Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:49 pm

So... wait...
You have a braclet, and its main purpose is to protect you from transformations... and its only side effect is that it transforms you when it works?
I hope you kept the receipt.
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Postby Syllinia » Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:59 pm

It keeps me from being transformed into what i'm supposed to be transformed into. And no, I threw away the receipt when I bought it.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:10 pm

Syllinia wrote:It keeps me from being transformed into what i'm supposed to be transformed into. And no, I threw away the receipt when I bought it.

That's terrible. Interesting, but terrible.
(Cradles her denial shield protectively)
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Postby Syllinia » Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:16 am

Updated! I never expected to be hit with this many different transformational energies... go figure. @_@
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Postby Syllinia » Thu Oct 04, 2007 6:11 pm

Next, The warrior based on Disgaea.


Class: Cosmic Hero

Lvl: 9999
Hp: 1,120,834
Sp: 193.2k
Atk: 1,010.4k
Def: 310.8k
Int: 210k
Spd: 222.6k
Hit: 226.8k
Res: 210k

All non-staff weapon masteries at 30+

(Figures do not include a weapon, as it changes often)

Syllinia, having been unable to fulfill her goal of obtaining goods for Axel, the Dark hero, disappeared for several weeks for intense training in the iitem world to increase her strength. In her travels, she managed to accomplish a number of feats, including defeating the mighty Baal single-handedly. Having finally achieved a level of power which she considered adequate, she returns to Muffinville, now with aspirations of becoming the new Overlord.
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Postby Syllinia » Tue Oct 23, 2007 7:20 pm

Now, the Favored Soul.


A D&D based Favored Soul, (Basic Character Sheet Pending) Syllinia considers herself the right hand of Olidammara. Blessed by the God of Luck and Trickery since birth, she has always had exceptionally good luck, as well as amazing inherent talent. She was quickly designated as a prodigy, and now wanders about, trusting in Olidammara to guide her so that she may do his will. Being Chaotic Good, she seeks to defeat evil where she finds it, regardless of the authority of the land - they merely shelter the wicked.
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Postby Syllinia » Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:53 am

Next up: Prinny Syllinia! This is what happens when Syllinia wants to wipe the slate clean...


Level: 64

Stats (After shiny new items):

HP: 1,129,085
Atk: 553,065
Int: 139,000
Hit: 203,350
SP: 76,600
Def: 163,390
Res: 163,390
Spd: 99,400

Items: Prinny Suit. Makai Wars. Cosmo Muscle. Babylon Crown 9All perfect)

By reincarnating as a prinny, Syllinia has been wiped clean of the control Calamity held over her. Now, she is out for revenge and ready to hunt down the doll.

[OOC Note: Not being able to talk gets boring fast. Kinda takes the fun out of posting.]
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