The Iron Curtain (Spamlord 40K Campaign)


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Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:59 pm

(okay, maybe Mani doesn't do so. sorry, still working out the kinks.)

Shor'ti took the frag grenades but handed the krak to the marine. "You will know how to use it better." She then ripped the laspistol out of Marcus's hands and started repairing it.

(Also, Shor'ti will try repairing the other items as well. During her repair efforts, the goods will be redistributed as follows:

Sebastian: 1 knife, 1 laspistol, 1 krak, Flak armor
Marcus: Flak armor
Mani: 1 knife (plus the one she has), 1 lasgun
Shor'ti: 3 frag grenades
Vivek: 1 lasgun, 1 knife
Vanya: 1 knife, 1 lasgun,

once again, if you feel shortchanged, feel free to exchange with another char.)

With nothing else to do, Marcus took a look down the corridor marked "armory" to see if it was clear.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:10 pm

(Repairing lasweapons with no tools, Repair 2 and no tech or wargear bonus requires 5+... wow. 5 and 6. Lucky! Both lasweapons are repaired!)
(The armor is bulky and sophisticated enough that some sort of tools are required. Though it's probably not a good idea to spend too much time sitting in an open hallway fixing stuff when there are enemies roaming about)

With a smile on her face, Shor'ti stripped the lasguns of their casings and reworked some wires, fixing the damaged circuits while silently thanking the Imperium for making such incredibly simple energy weapons.

Meanwhile, Sebastian hears noises in the distance, though he sees nothing in the hallways except for dried blood splatters and dead Tyranids... though the noises seem to be getting slightly louder...

Eldar, luckily, have keen senses, and Vanya whirled around as she heard the clicking of talons on metal.
"On your feet, Mon-keigh!"
Three hormagaunts spilled into the hall behind the group, their eyes darting about looking for prey. Of course, by then the Eldar already had their weapons up and ready, with the others swiftly following.

(Three hormagaunts at 18 meters. Vanya and Vivek are the closest , while Sebastian is at 25 meters away - way out of pistol range - lasguns have firing range)
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Postby Mendi-chan » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:24 pm

Taking aim, Vivek fired his lasgun on the savage creatures who were assaulting the group.

Sebastian took off, moving towards the action. When he got close enough he planned on gutting these weird creatures and getting this group to move out of this hall.

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Postby Snow Dragon » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:36 pm

(Waiting for team leader to designate other shooting responses before resolving firing...)
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Postby muffinstud » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:40 pm

Shor'ti, Mani and Vanya open fire with the lasguns. Marcus decides to finish them off with some warp lightning.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Mon Jul 30, 2007 11:49 pm

muffinstud wrote:Shor'ti, Mani and Vanya open fire with the lasguns. Marcus decides to finish them off with some warp lightning.

(Lasguns open up: 2 hits, one wound)
(Lightning arc - not Warp lightning! You are not a filthy Chaos ratman! - 3 hits, 3 wounds)

THe gaunts promptly turns around as lances of red energy splashed into their sides, and one promplty stumbled to the floor, smoke rising from its back.
*Crackle!* Lightning blasted into the remaining two, and the creatures spasmed and their armor cracked before they tumbled to the ground, sizzling blood speeing from their carapace.

Marcus smirked. "Bah, that wasn't so hard. As long as we don't let the filthy xenos get the drop on us, we should be fine."
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Postby muffinstud » Tue Jul 31, 2007 11:06 pm

Marcus nods to the Marine and points down the hall. "Let's find you some weapons worthy for you to hold." They head towards the Armory/Mess Hall.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:37 pm

As the group advances, the sound of more Tyranids echoes through the hall, though this time not behind them.
When they see the gouged, broken doorway to the mess hall, it is apparent that a number of organisms are gorging themselves within; the sound of wet snapping and annoyed hissing is accompanied by the occasional clatter of something metal falling against the floor. It was impossible for those assembled to tell what was inside from the sound, though it seemed that there were more organisms in there than they had faced in the halls.

True to form, the armory laid beyond the mess hall, securely locked up and completely untouched by the Tyranids. A terminal stood next to it.
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Postby Stellar » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:31 pm

Vanya crossed her arms, "I hope one of you Mon-keighs has a plan to effectively go in there. It had better be a damn good one too so as not to 'sacrifice' all of us." She coldly glared at the marine and the psycher.

Mani glanced over her wound before shrugging and regripping her lasgun.
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Postby muffinstud » Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:37 pm

"Plan? Who said anything about a plan? We're just gonna give those creeps one helluva surprise." He points at Shor'ti. "As soon as I open the door, you toss in a grenade. Everyone else, shoot anything that moves." With that, Marcus swiftly opens the door and quickly lightnings up whatever's in there. If Sebastian is in range, he fires as well.
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Postby Stellar » Thu Aug 02, 2007 1:23 am

Vanya had no greater words to describe Marcus then 'stupid,' but she and Mani each positioned themselves and began fireing into the mess hall.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:24 pm

(The frag goes in; 3 hit, 1 wound)
(Lightning arc scores 3 hits and 3 wounds)
(Sebastian fires once; a hit and a kill)
(Note: When faced with doorways, its usually only possible for two people to fire through/blockade it at once. Of course, there are specific tactics you can take around doors, such as surrounding one end to hit an enemy from all sides, or rushing through the door into the other side to maximize the number of guns in the area. Throwing things over/under your companions is also possible. Be creative! Your lives depend on it :p )

Immediately after the fragmentation grenade was rolled into the cafeteria, Marcus and Sebastian move in front of the doorway, firing at the first thing they saw.
The six hormagaunts, and the rippers swarming around them, were still shaking off the frag - aside from the many dead rippers, that is - when lightning lashed out at them from the side, roasting the remaining rippers and killing two of the gaunts outright. Sebastian barked a quick epiphet and shot another gaunt through the skull as it turned to face him, and the remaining three Tyranids rapidly got their bearings.

(2nd firing round; Sebastian fires twice, 1 hit, no wound)
(Marcus uses lightning arc again, 4 hits, 2 wounds)

A second volley of lightning sent two more hormagaunts tumbling to the ground as the third leapt for the larger target, snarling as a lasbolt seared into its leg.
With a grim expression, the Space Marine readied his knife as he prepared to take the lightning-fast charge.

(Close combat phase! Hormagaunt and Sebastian strike at the same time)
(Sebastian strikes twice; 1 hit, no wound. Hormagaunt counter-attacks; 2 hits, no wounds)
(Marcus strikes twice; 1 hit, 1 wound)

The mighty Space Marine did his best to turn away the furious stabbing talons of the Tyranid, the creature's limbs jabbing constantly but failing to pierce the flak armor and the Marine's enhanced flesh. A glancing blow with his knife cut across the guant's neck, but only a sliver of dark ichor began to flow.
Then Marcus blasted it in the side of the head, blowing a charred hole in its skull.

The pysker sighed as Sebastian's eyes roamed for more enemies.
"Well, we're all clear. Shall we move on to the armory, or does anyone wish to grab some lunch first?"
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Postby muffinstud » Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:21 pm

Shor'ti ignored the words from the madman and attempted to open the door.
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Postby Snow Dragon » Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:51 pm

As was mentioned in previous expositionary text, the armory door was securely locked. A terminal sat next to it, similar to the blast door terminal in the Brig (the one you didn't hotwire). Doubtless the terminal activated the lock for the armory, among other things. The question was how difficult the security measures in the terminal were.
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Postby Stellar » Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:36 am

(So, while I'm biding my time for that door to be opened how does Mani go about eating corpses to get extra xp? Are there risks, certain things she can or can't eat? *shrugs*)
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