Now to my rant: I finally got my grubby mitts on White Wolf's latest game two days ago and thus far, my reaction to it is mixed. On the upside, the book is brilliantly written, has some fantastic artwork, satisfying nuanced character creation, and it has a ton of fun ideas and concepts that really capture elements of Faerie (both light and dark) to it's fullest (the way oaths work, the idea of your powers being oaths with concepts, the methods for gaining glamour, the mask, dream riding/crafting, seeming/kith, entitlements, the Hedge, Tokens, goblin markets, etc.). no offense to Changeling: the Dreaming fans, but Changeling: the Lost is a definite improvement over it's predecessor.
On the downside, it's irritating how much the book wastes it's word count by telling you over and over again that your changeling character is an abuse victim whose undergone horrific tortures at the hands of the Fae and is trying to everything in his/her power to keep from going back. The whole first chapter just screams "ABUSE VICTIM" while neglecting to elaborate on any of the more interesting points of Changelings (which is really a shame cuz there is a LOT more about changeling life than the history of abuse).
I know White Wolf's products are aimed at a more mature demographic, and that many of the fairy tales Changeling is based on are quite dark (I think one particular tale involved a faerie biting off it's own finger to use as a key to his house; I imagine he must have been quite pissed when he found the original key under his doormat

Overall, once you get past the first chapter and the annoying focus on abuse, Changeling is a great game. Well, that's my list of grievances with Changeling; I just want to see what everyone else familiar with the game thinks about it.