Well this is my changeling the lost game idea. Its taken afew twists and turns but here it is. The idea starts with a particular Fae lady is a great collector of tales.. that is even what she is know as.. the Collector of Tales. Unfortunately for those who would be Pcs she does not collect words or memories but rather people to embody or live the story.
This has a variety of possibilities for the person captured.. perhaps they will be an archtype to represent things.. a princess, perhaps a particular character, or even something that might embody the entirity of the tale..
So if you are interested just create a general concept and place it here, the intial character should be fairly mundane. Your average human they might have some odd knowledge here and there but not anything of particular power.
Once you have a concept here since I will be using sheets and stuff we can work out your character before... via pms.