Moderator: Mistress Guendolen
Dr. Strangelove wrote:"Why do you think I have hidden my past from you?" said Tina, "This is why. You can only see in black and white, there is no grey for you. The professor was one of the ones that made the DNA rewriting syrum, yes. However he wanted it to use it to help people, to eradicate uncurable disease. Is he the one who went around changing small children like us? Is he the one wo is making you force a whole city under his control?" She looked into Tina's eyes, "have you been so consumed by your power than you cannot see what is right in front of your eyes?"
Dr. Strangelove wrote:OOC: They were? Oh ok, I'll edit that out then....strange, I thought they had followed me in....
"You are truely fooled arn't you? It is this very master you serve who stole away your old lives and even if he isn;t the one who did it look at waht he is making you do. How can you justify your anger at the professor for stealing your identity when you are doing the exact same thing to the people here. What have you truely become?" Tina said coldly, trying to tear Erin away from the madness she was being dragged into, "I am here to stop this and if I need to go through you in the process, so be it."
"So history must repeat itself..." absol said to herself sadly.
Dr. Strangelove wrote:OOC: yes I did....10 seconds after posting.....changed now.
Tina pulled herself up. Then with a huge burst of speed rushed at Erin and landed punch wrapped in a nightshade attack straight into Erin's stomach.
The rocket member stepped forwards and pulled out a pokemon. "Blazeken, Come on out old friend" The blazeken emerged and stood next to its trainer, the stance of the pair was identical. The blazeken lauched a fire punch which was dodged but left Leo open for a left hook to the face from the Rocket.
Dr. Strangelove wrote:Unable to block it after the admittedly innefectual but still stunning psy-swift attack, Tina took the Iron tail. It hurt, a lot, but she used the momentum to propel her into the floor. Using the fact that Erin couldn;t see her, Tina launched herself out of the floor to behind Erin, shoving a shadow ball into her back, sending her flying face-first into the door.
The Rocket member flew against the wall hard. As he did so the blazeken used a fire punch to the back of Leo's head, to devistating effect.
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