Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Shadowmaster » Fri Sep 14, 2007 2:58 pm

“Well, Sally and I are actually from the future where you and Aiko are huge stars, so I wanted an autograph from you.” Kris says.
I am a ninja, zam.
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Postby Sasha » Fri Sep 14, 2007 3:08 pm

Undine blinks a bit. " Wow me really? Well i guess i don't mind since You have Aiko's."
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Postby AshK » Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:41 pm

Dr. Strangelove wrote:"Why do you think I have hidden my past from you?" said Tina, "This is why. You can only see in black and white, there is no grey for you. The professor was one of the ones that made the DNA rewriting syrum, yes. However he wanted it to use it to help people, to eradicate uncurable disease. Is he the one who went around changing small children like us? Is he the one wo is making you force a whole city under his control?" She looked into Tina's eyes, "have you been so consumed by your power than you cannot see what is right in front of your eyes?"

196: Tina-Chan you don't understand. Humans fear us and want to kill us. I so do not know what the Master is planning, but I must follow orders. I am taking a huge risk coming here. I needed more training on my power, it has become much stronger. 470 was just transformed today. She lost her womanhood because of that Lying Bastard. He did work with the Master for quite sometime. Will you please join us in fighting the humans and taking over. A powerful Hybrid like you so totally shouldn't be restricted by Giovanni and Team Rocket. The Professor was part of the team that stole my manhood away. The truth is the Professor wants us to be weak like the humans and resort to Pokemon Battles. If you join we will leave you alone, if not you will have to fight against 470 and myself on your own. No help from Pokemon or your team. So it will be you against the both of us.

470: Are you going to join us? I do not really want to fight you either, but if you don't surrender and join us we will have to.
Last edited by AshK on Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:49 pm

OOC: They were? Oh ok, I'll edit that out then....strange, I thought they had followed me in....

"You are truely fooled arn't you? It is this very master you serve who stole away your old lives and even if he isn;t the one who did it look at waht he is making you do. How can you justify your anger at the professor for stealing your identity when you are doing the exact same thing to the people here. What have you truely become?" Tina said coldly, trying to tear Erin away from the madness she was being dragged into, "I am here to stop this and if I need to go through you in the process, so be it."

"So history must repeat itself..." absol said to herself sadly.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby Sasha » Fri Sep 14, 2007 4:51 pm


Undine then signs her book next to Aiko's name. " There ya go."
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Postby AshK » Fri Sep 14, 2007 5:15 pm

Dr. Strangelove wrote:OOC: They were? Oh ok, I'll edit that out then....strange, I thought they had followed me in....

"You are truely fooled arn't you? It is this very master you serve who stole away your old lives and even if he isn;t the one who did it look at waht he is making you do. How can you justify your anger at the professor for stealing your identity when you are doing the exact same thing to the people here. What have you truely become?" Tina said coldly, trying to tear Erin away from the madness she was being dragged into, "I am here to stop this and if I need to go through you in the process, so be it."

"So history must repeat itself..." absol said to herself sadly.

*Espeon and Leafeon exit their Luxury balls.*

Espeon: You totally have no right to talk to Erin-Chan like that Tina. They may have stolen her identity, but did you forget that they also stole your identity and Manhood?

Leafeon: Why did you go back to Team Rocket in the first place? Didn't you help Erin beat the Team Rocket Grunts before? Why do you trust Giovanni anyway. He is a liar and a cheat. Team Rocket uses Pokemon for their own research. Since you are part Pokemon now they may do the same thing to you.

Erin/196: I must obey the master. I guess we have no choice, but to fight.

*Eyes and Jewel glow with Anger and Psychic Energy. Erin puts up a barrier so no one will be able to escape. Only Eeveelutions can get in if they feel like watching or joining in the fight.*

Leo/470: Why must we always fight? This is getting awfully repetitive. I am sick and tired of fighting, and I just joined the fight yesterday. Who started this Hybrid-Human-Team Rocket War anyway?

OOC: I will shoot you a PM Strangelove to see what you want to do with the fight. You have to face two Hybrids now. Nova if you want your characters involved to, feel free to have them join in.
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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:05 pm

Tina's hair flares and takes upon the apperance of black flames as she gatheres energy for an attack. At first it seemed as though she was forming a shadowball, an orb of dark energy growing in her palm, however it then began to burn as she compressed it. She then turned towards the door and launched the attack towards the door, temporaly blasting a hole through the newly formed barrier.

"Get in!" she screamed mentally to her team-mates who were waiting just outside the door, "There is a barrier re-forming in the door!"

Unfortuanatly ony one of the 6 rocket members got into the room just before Erin's barrier recovered from the shadow/ghost attack.

"Who are these two?" asked the fire member

"An old friend," answered Tina, "or at least she was..."

"Which one am I going after?" asked the fire member.

"You go for the Leafeon, me and the Espeon have a score to settle." said Tina finalising her resolve.
Last edited by Gee-chan on Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby AshK » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:11 pm

OOC: Did you not get my last PM? I only wanted one to go after Leo/470 so they will both be mutually knocked out. Leo/470 has a little less control over his powers than Erin/196.

Erin/196: Like Tina-Chan no matter what let's give it our best shot. I'm sure we have so totally improved since we last saw each other. Psybeam Confusion! *The two combined beams were even more powerful than a Shadow Ball from Tina. The attack slammed her in the chest knocking her against the wall.*

Leo/470: Okay let's see if I can do this right. Leaf Blade! The Leaf Blades connected with the Rockets and knocked them against the wall.
Last edited by AshK on Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:19 pm

OOC: yes I did....10 seconds after posting.....changed now.

Tina pulled herself up. Then with a huge burst of speed rushed at Erin and landed punch wrapped in a nightshade attack straight into Erin's stomach.

The rocket member stepped forwards and pulled out a pokemon. "Blazeken, Come on out old friend" The blazeken emerged and stood next to its trainer, the stance of the pair was identical. The blazeken lauched a fire punch which was dodged but left Leo open for a left hook to the face from the Rocket.
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....

Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby AshK » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:35 pm

Dr. Strangelove wrote:OOC: yes I did....10 seconds after posting.....changed now.

Tina pulled herself up. Then with a huge burst of speed rushed at Erin and landed punch wrapped in a nightshade attack straight into Erin's stomach.

The rocket member stepped forwards and pulled out a pokemon. "Blazeken, Come on out old friend" The blazeken emerged and stood next to its trainer, the stance of the pair was identical. The blazeken lauched a fire punch which was dodged but left Leo open for a left hook to the face from the Rocket.

Erin/196: Like that was a nice shot old friend. I will always consider you a friend of mine no matter what side we are on. Take this Psychic Swift Attack. *Normally a swift attack wouldn't effect Tina, because it was a normal attack and normal attacks didn't work on Ghost Types, but since the Swift attack was combined with the Energy from Psychic it threw Tina back against the wall again.

Leo/470: *Dodges the Flame and takes the punch.* Giga impact Hyper Beam! *The combination attacks hit the fire member dead on knocking him against the wall.*

Erin/196: Now it's like time for you to take this! Iron Tail! *Erin/196's tail glowed and she did a flip right on top of Tina's head knocking her Silly on the floor, but not knocking her out.*
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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:46 pm

Unable to block it after the admittedly innefectual but still stunning psy-swift attack, Tina took the Iron tail. It hurt, a lot, but she used the momentum to propel her into the floor. Using the fact that Erin couldn;t see her, Tina launched herself out of the floor to behind Erin, shoving a shadow ball into her back, sending her flying face-first into the door.

The Rocket member flew against the wall hard. As he did so the blazeken used a fire punch to the back of Leo's head, to devistating effect.
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....

Let the loli's hit the floor.....

Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!
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Postby Sasha » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:49 pm

((you do know techally Erin has the advantage agaist Tina since Gengar is a Ghost/Posion .))
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Postby Gee-chan » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:55 pm

((but according to wikipedia a psychic type is weak to both ghost and dark attacks, both of which Tina use))
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Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby Sasha » Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:56 pm

((ture so its basicly a stalemate lol))
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Postby AshK » Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:09 pm

Dr. Strangelove wrote:Unable to block it after the admittedly innefectual but still stunning psy-swift attack, Tina took the Iron tail. It hurt, a lot, but she used the momentum to propel her into the floor. Using the fact that Erin couldn;t see her, Tina launched herself out of the floor to behind Erin, shoving a shadow ball into her back, sending her flying face-first into the door.

The Rocket member flew against the wall hard. As he did so the blazeken used a fire punch to the back of Leo's head, to devistating effect.

Erin/196: Like ow that so totally hurt! Oh well I will just use Morning Sun. *The Morning Sun Healing attack gavve her a bit more strength.*

Leo/470: Double Hyper Beam Attack. *Leo/470's Double Hyper Beam hit Blaziken and the Fire Team Member dead on. Since Leo/470 was weakened considerably as well as the Fire Team Rocket Member and the Blaziken. All three combatants were knocked out.

*Leafeon and Espeon go over to Absol.*

Espeon: Well like I guess we so have to battle now. Quick Attack.

Leafeon: I guess we do. Leaf Blade.

*The two attacks from Leafeon and Espeon hit Absol dead on even though it was just a tap, because they really didn't want to battle.*

Erin/196: Take this Old Friend Shadow Ball Psybeam. *The combination attack hit Tina dead on knocking her to the ground once again.*
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