Wild arms 2 gives you a lot of name customizing.

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Wild arms 2 gives you a lot of name customizing.

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 15, 2007 11:43 pm

Which is evil! One of the most challenging parts of games, for me, is thinking of a good enough name for someone or something.

But it was kind of fun, what kind of names I've used so far. Here are the ones that I can remember:

Slimeball (I think)
Poo gas


I can't remember any more. So much for the effort put into them. ;/

Anyone have an name-sharing that they would like to do?
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Postby Kisai » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:14 pm

You think THAT's a lot of customization?

What about Wild ARMs 3 and its letting you RENAME EACH AND EVERY SINGLE NPC YOU CAN TALK TO!?

Seriously, every single NPC in the game. Someone deserves a reward of some kind, in-game or not, if they do that.
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Thu Dec 06, 2007 5:35 pm

Yeah, but that's not compulsory. The choice to name someone, or some thing, is something that you must do in Wild Arms 2 before continuing. To willingly change every NPC's name in Wild Arms 3 would be a nutball's errand. Thus proving that I'm not a nutball. Ha!

Oh, and I'm having a wonderful time after renaming Maxim, in Lufia 2, to Woman. It's amusing how it looks in some instances.
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