Garath's Potion Madness!


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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:28 pm

"He's the one who started all this business you've only just managed to stumble on. At least, the... things... appear to have been his...." Rhiannon freely admitted a lot of people had been rather senseless, where these potions were concerned. But that didn't give him the right to be careless and go losing something that dangerous, now did it?
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Postby Kumi-chan » Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:35 pm

"Right.... Well I still say he's a freak." Ken snickers
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:37 pm

"You might not wanna say that, you know," Rhiannon muttered out of the corner of her mouth. "He seems pretty pissed off, and that'll only make it worse...." Yeah, she was furious at the guy. Nothing would make her happier than beating him about the head and neck repeatedly with her lacrosse stick. Except, well, for getting Clark turned back into the boy she'd just realized she loved.... And to do that, she had to try to restrain her other impulses. As hard as that was.
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Postby Kumi-chan » Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:38 pm

Ken simply shrugs. "Well whatever."
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Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Sep 17, 2007 3:14 am

Kristine timidly decided to talk to "Garath" about finding his potions box..."Mr. Garath, sir, I am sorry you lost your potions. They ended up on our college campus...unfortunetly, some of us got a hold of them...and many people were affected. We made a list of all who either drank one or had one spilled on's not a complete list, but, if it will help you find a way to change those back, it's up to you."
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Mon Sep 17, 2007 9:48 am

Garath's anger was building with every passing second, despite his best efforts to keep it under wraps.

So Ken's remarks weren't helping. Garath tried for a few more seconds to remain calm before speaking:

"You know what? Screw it!" He said while reaching into seemingly nothingness. His arm seemed to dissapear into thin air before pulling out a rainbow colored vial. A potion unseen so far.

Garath, was simply not in the mood, and before anyone could react, he had vanished in blink of the eye.

Only to reappear right behind Ken, dumping the potion all over him. The changes were quick and fast changing the male Ken into a female version of himself. The potion being a mimic potion. Designed to copy the potion alterations of a nearby target. Since Rhiannon, Clark, and Kris were the closest. It copied stuff from all of them. The Pink potion from Kris, the wings from Rhiannon (which would probably produce from Ken's back later), and the Pregnancy one from Clark. It wouldn't do this once he had finalized it. (That is mimic mulitple people) But it was only in it's testing phase, and this was a good way to test it.

After all, it was all he could do from simply blasting Ken into the wall. He wasn't about to be a murderer however, but wasn't content with a simple silence or imobilization spell either. So he figured he'd give the guy something to REALLY worry about and just fix him later.

Course he forgot Rhia and Clark were pregnant, him having sensed the life forces upon walking in, but when you're pissed off, it's only natural for things to slip your mind.

He had been so preoccupied with shutting up one of the annoyances, that he only caught the last part of Kristine's speach. Her having delivered it just as he had speed zipped behind Ken.

"A list? You mean there is a LIST of how many people have used MY potions? Didn't ANY of the security spells work!?" He bellowed.
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:25 pm

"Security spells? What d'you mean, security spells? The thing wasn't even locked! It was just- just sitting in the middle of a lot, I'll have you know, completely unattended! What else did you expect us to do when we found it besides try to figure out what it was meant for, huh? Come to that, if these things are so bloody dangerous, how the heck did you lose them in the first place? Or randomly dump them all over someone, for that matter! Even if he was rude...."
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Postby Kohaku » Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:42 pm

Yumiko's ears perked up, she could hear some sort of commotion in the distance. She could hear raised voices, occasionally glancing snippets of the argument. She sat there in a uniquely feline stance for a moment, her ears twitching back and forth, trying to pick out words, her cat tail swishing idly along the floor. She could feel a tingle of excitement when she heard a name. The name of the man she'd been itching to meet ever since she first glanced it on the potions box...

Garath. The potion maker.

She chuckled to herself, her fangs bared in an evil-looking grin, "Garath is here? Great!"

Pouncing on her downed opponent, Amyia, she proceeded to give him a final frenzy of punches, before grabbing Alice and sprinting down the corridor, "Later small fry! I've got bigger fish to... blah blah blah, you know the rest."
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:48 pm

"Security spells? What d'you mean, security spells? The thing wasn't even locked! It was just- just sitting in the middle of a lot, I'll have you know, completely unattended! What else did you expect us to do when we found it besides try to figure out what it was meant for, huh? Come to that, if these things are so bloody dangerous, how the heck did you lose them in the first place? Or randomly dump them all over someone, for that matter! Even if he was rude...."

In one instance, a gun, black as pitch, had appeared in Garath's hand. It's barrel resting directly on Rhiannon's forhead.

"Shut up." He said simply. He of course had no intension of actually shooting her. But he figured his stern expression would get the point across. Besides, if needed he could and would actually do it. He figured it'd never come to that though.

"They were suppose to be cloaked. Invisable to your eyes. My trip here must have damaged those spells. The only one that seemed to work was the one that would scatter them as to keep them out of the potion finders hands, considering they ARE all over the *&$# place."

He spoke clear and calmly. Determinded to bring this situation under his control.

"Now, instead of trying to kill each other, and BELIEVE me girl I'd win (he said that part in a much more dark and sinister manner, why don't you tell me from the top just what you've done to yourselves..."
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Postby Garath the Shadowshifter » Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:52 pm

Kohaku wrote:Yumiko's ears perked up, she could hear some sort of commotion in the distance. She could hear raised voices, occasionally glancing snippets of the argument. She sat there in a uniquely feline stance for a moment, her ears twitching back and forth, trying to pick out words, her cat tail swishing idly along the floor. She could feel a tingle of excitement when she heard a name. The name of the man she'd been itching to meet ever since she first glanced it on the potions box...

Garath. The potion maker.

She chuckled to herself, her fangs bared in an evil-looking grin, "Garath is here? Great!"

Pouncing on her downed opponent, Amyia, she proceeded to give him a final frenzy of punches, before grabbing Alice and sprinting down the corridor, "Later small fry! I've got bigger fish to... blah blah blah, you know the rest."

Just as Yumiko was about to get away, a horrible yank grabbed her tail.

Amyia had grabbed it before she could go.

"I don't think so, why don't you be a good little girl and stay a bit longer?" He said. Unknowingly causing two things to happen. One causing the dormant Grey potion in Yumiko to awaken. The second, was to possible hit her with the silver sprays effected. That is, if she looked at him...
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Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:57 pm

Kristine gulped as she saw the gun threatening her best friend..."We want to help you get those potions back, and please don't hurt my friends....they've been helping me since this started..."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:00 pm

Rhiannon's eyes bugged out. That was... an extreme reaction.... She gulped, audibly. "If... if whatever you did to them was damaged, d-don't... blame us...." And I'd really like it if you didn't shoot me.... He wouldn't. Would he? In the middle of a crowded room? Shouldn't someone be calling the police, or something, come to that? He was obviously nuts.... Or something.... "But... a lot of things have happened...." Most of the boys were now girls, for starters. Including Clark.... Her arm tightened around her erstwhile "boyfriend," read to push/him her out of harm's way at a moment's notice.

Garath the Shadowshifter wrote:In one instance, a gun, black as pitch, had appeared in Garath's hand. It's barrel resting directly on Rhiannon's forhead.

"Shut up." He said simply. He of course had no intension of actually shooting her. But he figured his stern expression would get the point across. Besides, if needed he could and would actually do it. He figured it'd never come to that though.

"They were suppose to be cloaked. Invisable to your eyes. My trip here must have damaged those spells. The only one that seemed to work was the one that would scatter them as to keep them out of the potion finders hands, considering they ARE all over the *&$# place."

He spoke clear and calmly. Determinded to bring this situation under his control.

"Now, instead of trying to kill each other, and BELIEVE me girl I'd win (he said that part in a much more dark and sinister manner, why don't you tell me from the top just what you've done to yourselves..."
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Postby Mystic Mina » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:31 pm

"N-No! Don't kill her! Don't!"

Clark was scared- No, she was absolutely TERRIFIED, but she wasn't about to let Rhiannon get shot in the head by anyone or anything.... Even if she had to face a god!

"You- You want me! I'm the one who discovered your potions in the first place! I'm the one who used them first! She's not the culprit; I AM!" Clark cried, pushing Rhiannon out of the way so that the gun was trained on her head instead. Her knees were quivering, and her arms shook like branches in the wind, but a look of resolution was clear on her face.

"If there's someone you need to punish, I'm the one. There's no need to involve anyone else...."
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Postby Mistress Guendolen » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:40 pm

"Clark, don't!" Rhiannon cried, trying to push the other girl out of the way. "Don't be stupid and self- sacrificing! I was there when you found them too, you know, and you didn't go around forcing people to drink them willy-nilly, either! Please, don't kill him- her- oh, whatever pronoun you wanna use, just don't do that!" She trained pleading eyes on their opponent, clutching Clark's shoulders tightly.
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Postby Kris_Roth » Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:50 pm

Kristine watches as Clark, or "Claire" as the case may be, defends Rhia...."Put the gun down, sir...I've called campus security, and they'll make you stop threatening my friends." She hoped her bluff would make this Garath person listen...and then she thought about Ryan and her "date"..."Sir, I need a favor to ask you. Can you help fix my friend Ryan? He was exposed to your chemicals and now can copy other people's appearance by touching them through skin-to-skin contact. Fix my friend Ryan for me, and also, fix my friends Rhia and Clark. They deserve to have a normal life."
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