Consider your character!

What's the poll you want to ask?

a) Something serious.
b) Something awesome.
c) Something silly.

Moderator: Moderators

Based on your personal reflection of your physical and/or mental condition (doesn't have to be based in reality) and attitude, what age would you peg yourself as most likely being dominant?

Poll ended at Sat Nov 17, 2007 6:20 am

A child/maiden/boy!
A parent/mother/father!
An elder/crone/wiseman!
No votes
Between child and elder without being a parent. :O
Two of the above in equal measure or so!
All three! @_@
I'm ageless! I lack all of these traits, so I don't apply! (Seriously, if you apply for this, then you're saying that you lack all of the qualities of the above. Think about it.)
No votes
I have no idea. X_X
Total votes : 20

Consider your character!

Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:20 am

And so, with internal strife, I throw another poll at ye!

And since I'm having internal strife it foes without saying that I haven't been able to choose anything yet. :?
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Postby Haylie » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:52 am

Uh... what would a 23 year old bounty hunter with a grudge against a dark prophet be considered?
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Postby Brnin8r » Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:53 am

This is a pretty vague poll. We need a anarchist/teen/F***head category. Then in retrospect I don't think I would fit that one either.

So here's what I gather...
child/maiden/boy is something entailing being innocent or naive
parents is something based solely on responsibility
Old people is probably about being wise or crochety and annoying.

I suppose I'd fit the elder/crone/wiseman bit....
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Postby SweetSophia » Sat Sep 22, 2007 1:50 pm

I'd say of the choices above, I'd be pigeon-holed into the between child and elder without the joy of parenting category.
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Postby Helel » Sat Sep 22, 2007 2:45 pm

Lessee, an immortal angel, appearing as a young adult, but is otherwise incapable of having children and does not appreciably age, despite only being a few months old in reality.

That's where I'd peg my character down at. :P
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:10 pm


Whatever you think it should be considered. If it's just the age you're considering, then either option one or four would do, or both.


It's not vague, or else you wouldn't have gathered what you did. ;p It's meant to be interpreted however you want, based on age, whether real or not, or some kind of association of traits with the ages. The category you desire is in the youngest age group, silly. ;p


You're a juvenile delinquent! :O
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Postby Helel » Sat Sep 22, 2007 4:23 pm

That isn't in any of those categories you listed. :P
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:00 pm

Sure it is! It's the first one! 'Cause you're a little rascal! :D
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Postby Tiaiel » Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:41 pm

I don't know.
I am collecting. I collect the best traits of everything to become wise(the wise ones still have the child in themselves)
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:51 pm

Are children really wise, or do they just seem that way because they can be honest and keep things simple?
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Postby Tiaiel » Sat Sep 22, 2007 5:57 pm

Children have wise traits.
They can speak the truth in example. But weather it is wise let yourself fall down on the supermarket floor and cry "I WANT CANDYYYYY!" is difficult to say...
It's still the truth :D
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Postby Helel » Sat Sep 22, 2007 7:17 pm

Sure thing, Nikkou, since Helel may as well be a maiden (having been saved from numerous "villians" in the past), so whateva. :o
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Postby Mitera Nikkou » Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:40 pm

I didn't know that you were mangrub. You poor thing. :(
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Postby Krasus » Sun Sep 23, 2007 1:10 am

i'm often told i'm too naive for my own good. Specially by this one teacher who has the worlds greatest poker face and loves to use it against me :x so i picked the "child" one.
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Postby Helel » Sun Sep 23, 2007 8:23 am

Astraea wrote:I didn't know that you were mangrub. You poor thing. :(

It's not too bad, having about four or five guys pursuing me all the time. Being popular is so difficult. (Get your mind out of the gutter, pervs! :P)
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