TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|


Moderator: Mistress Guendolen

TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|

Postby AshK » Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:45 pm

Once again it has been months since a cure has been found for the previous Virus. A number of people that were infected by the last Outbreak are back to normal including the Schatsiek Siblings.

Now yet another evil scientist has created a third strain of the Virus. Luckily it is contained for now. That will most definitely change and it will change soon.

Here are my characters for now:

Name: Ashton Tyler John Schatsiek

Gender: Male for now

Age: 28

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 210

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Dark Brown and short about to mid-neck.

Bio: Ashton was one of the many victims of the second Outbreak he was also a victim of the first Outbreak as well. He was a She at one time, a very girly She. Luckily a cure was found and him and his siblings took it and were returned to normal.


Name: Sandra Rachel Schatsiek

Gender : Female(She will not change Genders.)

Age: 23

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 115

Eyes: Hazel

Hair color/Style: Brown about Shoulder Length. Has been as long as mid-back length.

Bio: Just like her older brother she was a victim of the 2nd Outbreak. She eventually opted to take the cure and went back to normal. She is currently in her Sr. Year of College Majoring in Dental Hygene. she is visiting her Older Brother at this time.


Name: Lance Michael Schatsiek

Gender: Male for now.

Age: 18

Height: 5' 7"

Weight: 180

Eye color: Brown

Hair Color/Style: Brown short Mid-Neck Length.

Bio: Just like his older Brother he was exposed to the first and second strains of the Virus. He too was somewhat of a Girly Girl until a cure was found and he decided to take it. Now he is currently attending the local Community College.


The way I described my characters is the way everyone must describe them. There are no changes yet


Well here it is. Just post away and we will go from there. I would like someone to play the Evil Scientist that creates the new Virus. If someone would wish to do that. If not I will play the Evil Scientist. Riana Aninikkou is my Co-GM.
Last edited by AshK on Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:21 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Asch » Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:57 pm

Name: David Askan Kimlana

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 160

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Auburn and 3" long.

Bio: David is a poor teenager who was disowned by his parents and forced to live in an orphanage. During the first and second strains of the virus, he was off studying abroad via an exchange program created by the orphanage. Recently returning, he knows some of what occurred, but far from the whole story.

(Hope I did that okay. If not, just shoot me or something. XD)
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Postby AshK » Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:07 pm

OOC: Don't worry Asch you did just fine. This RP starts in a place called Peoria, IL. Nice Post.

IC: Ashton, Sandra, and Lance are at the Shoppes at Grand Prairie at the Borders.

Ashton: It is so great to be back to my original self. I thought it would take a lot longer to adapt, but since I was born with this form I guess I adapted quicker. I didn't know how much longer I could take wearing dresses.

Sandra: Big brother you looked so cute as a girl. Would you go back if you had the chance?

Ashton: Are you crazy? I did like it at one time, but that was before I knew there was a cure. Thank goodness we took it. What about you Lance would you go back to being a girl if you had the chance?

Lance: Actually no I wouldn't, I'm glad to be back to my birth form.

Sandra: We all are, I honestly didn't want to spend the rest of my life as an Angel/Pokemon Hybrid. I'm glad to be back to normal.

Ashton: So am I.

Lance: We all are.
Last edited by AshK on Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dani » Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:23 pm

Name: Dan Fisher
Gender: Male

Age: 16

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 180

Eyes: Blvue

Hair:Light brown

Bio: He survived the first 2 outbreaks by hiding in an old bomb shelter, and he thought this was the end of all the out breaks, with his family gone(car crash) he wandered for about (time limit since 2nd out break?), he decided he needed to find some friends.

((Lol posted this in the older thread then found this one))
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Postby Nikki » Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:08 pm

Name: Bryce Braden
Gender: Male for now
Age: 16
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 150
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Bio: Bryce wasn't infected by either of the previous viruses but will be infected by this one.

(I think the government should have erased everyone's memories so no one remembers either of the two viruses)
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Postby Kris_Roth » Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:20 pm

Name: Kris Rothman
Age: 17
Hair: Blonde
Sex: Male (for now)
Previous infections: (1st Strain): Male to Female, renamed Kristy (short for Kristine); secondary mutation of 1st strain, anthro red fox girl, 2nd strain, Kitsune female
Powers: currently, none, as Kitsune female, used Foxfire and super agility.
Appearance: 5'10", 175, medium to athletic build, short blond hair, blue eyes (kept in all forms, hair changed to red when red fox girl and longer as Kitsune girl)
Bio: Kris was infected by 1st Tg virus, and transformed into a girl. Befriended by fellow transformees May and Hira, they went to get new clothes at the mall. Kristy, as she was known then, attended the local high school with the other Transformees, and then the secondary mutation kicked in, changing her into an anthro red fox girl. Sent home after she passed out, she recovered with Inu-May's help and met Kaldy, a male Kitsune. After being kicked out of her old home, she stayed with Inu-May and then Kaldy showed up in the form of "Ellen," a younger Kitsune girl, (Kaldy's little "sister").

2nd virus outbreak occured, and Kristy became faster, and gained the powers of a Kitsune. She fought Chimera creatures with her friends and potential love interest, Kaldy. After defeating the evil organization that unleashed the 2nd virus, she was offered a cure to become back to her old male self. She said her good byes to Kaldy and accepted the cure. Now trying to get back into his junior year at high school, he tries to get back to the old way of life...until it happened all over again.
OOC: KitsuneKaldy, please Pm me if you want to continue Kitsune Kristy and your relationship.
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Postby Brnin8r » Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:51 pm

Name: Tony Newitz
Age: 18
Height: 6' 2''
Weight: 175 (twigboy!)
Eye color: Dark Brown
Hair Color/Style: Slicked back black

Bio: New to Peoria from the streets of Chicago as of a week ago, he's never heard of the virus and prefers to have friends that offer benefits. To say that he had made some enemies in Chicago would be an understatement. He only wants to get away and start a new life...if only he could drop those violent streaks that were so habitual to him.
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Postby AshK » Tue Sep 25, 2007 11:54 pm

OOC: Oh wow lots and lots of posts while I was at Karate! Let's try to keep this one going. I don't want another one to die. The one's that were in the first two RP's know of Sandra, but do not recognize Ashton and Lance. The reason being is because at the time Ashton and Lance were Ashley and Leigh. Some of them may recognize their eyes. They all of a sudden run into each other, not literally of course in the Center of the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. Kris immediately recognizes Sandra, but not her brothers until he looks at their eyes. Then he will remember them. the same thing applies to the Schatsiek Siblings. If I don't have someone submit an evil Scientist soon I will create him myself. Where do you think would be a good place for a lab. It will probably be an abandoned building along the Riverfront or something.

*Sandra is walking with her brothers and notices a guy whose eyes look a bit familiar.*

Sandra: *Looks at Kris.* You like seem somehow familiar to me. Have we met before. These are my brothers the one that is a bit taller than me at 5'7" is Lance he is my younger brother. The one that is even taller than him at 6' 2" is my older Brother Ashton. He prefers to be called Ash.

Lance: *Studies the eyes of Kris.* Um why do you seem familiar to me? Any ideas?

Ash: *Also looks at Kris.* You also seem somehow familiar to me. Why is that? I don't understand.
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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 2:57 pm

"I've been to France, Venice, Saltzburg, Berlin, Munich, Kyoto, Tokyo, and other places and I can't seem to find anything to do around here." David murmured to nobody in particular as he walked around kicking a can, not even really sure where he was at this point, or where he was going. He could have been playing with the little kids at the Peoria Orphanage, but why bother? He was too old for that now, he needed some form of excitement. Hell, he could speak five languages and even that didn't satisfy him! Perhaos traveling was his niche.
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:09 pm

OOC: Okay everyone needs to head to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. That is where this RP will start at with everybody meeting there. I mean the Shoppes at Grand Prairie in the RP not the real thing, somehow I don't think you all could literally make the trip to Peoria to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. Asch: Your character needs to look for the #16 NW Express Willow Knolls Bus. Your character will have to shell out $1.00 to ride the bus. The bus will take your character to Grand Prairie. That is where everybody is going to have to meet up and introduce themselves to everyone. Most of the characters will start off there.

*The Schatsiek Siblings are Browsing through the Shoppes at Grand Prairie.*

OOC: Everyone have your characters get to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie somehow and have them introduce themselves to The Schatsiek Siblings.
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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:56 pm

"Hey kid. What're you doin' in these parts, ginger hair? You ain't part of our little organization." A large man, probably around the age of 22 addressed David in a rude and uncaring manner. The man grabbed the teenager, who attempted to protest but could not. The large man brought David to a bus stop, and threw him on the #16 NW Express Willow Knolls bus, paying the dollar fee to get him away. "Have fun whereva you're goin' kid. And don't come back here!" Some time later, the bus stopped at it's destination, David getting off, unaware of where he was. He had never been at this part of town before. He sees some people nearby and goes over to them.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where I am?"

(That work?)
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Postby Dani » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:00 pm

Dan walked to the next bus station, he decided he needed to go to a place with a good amount of people, when the bus arrive he boarded the #16 NW Express Willow Knolls bus to go out to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. he payed $1. and then sat down, after 2 hours he arrived and got off sitting on a bench in the plaza.
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Postby Brnin8r » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:00 pm

Tony needed a job...he figured he'd be able to get one around the Shoppes. It took a minute or two to sleight of hand someone's wallet when he figured out it cost a dollar. "Not bad..." he mumbled as he looked through the person's things: a few dollars, a credit card, drivers licensce, etc. He paid the dollar for the #16 bus. Hopefully he'd be able to find someplace that he didn't have to worry about gang wars.
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:12 pm

Dan wrote:Dan walked to the next bus station, he decided he needed to go to a place with a good amount of people, when the bus arrive he boarded the #16 NW Express Willow Knolls bus to go out to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie. he payed $1. and then sat down, after 2 hours he arrived and got off sitting on a bench in the plaza.

OOC: It does not take 2 hours to get to the Shoppes at Grand Prairie,it takes anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half depending on where you start.

Ash: Hey Sandra, Lance three people are here that look like they are lost. Let's go over to talk ta them.

Sandra: Okay. Come on Lance.

Lance: I'm coming I'm coming.

*The Schatsiek Siblings went to where the three people congregated.*

Ash: Hey there. My name is Ashton Tyler John Schatsiek. You can all call me Ash.

Sandra: Like hello there. My name is Sandra Rachel Schatsiek would you like to hang with my brothers and me. We could like show you around.

Lance: I think that would be a good idea. We shouldn't leave this complex though. I mean in case some more people come. By the way, my name is Lance Michael Schatsiek. Welcome to Peoria, for some of you that are new. Do any of you recall something about two viruses that infected this town and the rest of the world in the past? Hopefully we won't have to deal with them again.
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Postby Brnin8r » Wed Sep 26, 2007 4:23 pm

It took a while, but Tony got to Shoppes. Another wallet later as the crowd crammed through the doors and he felt like he had a good hold on money. This wallet was one of those technology deficient kinds. There was a fifty a twenty and a ten in it. One of those 'credit card haters'... he smiled a little, but the image of him with three or four bulging pockets filled with wallets might be a little suspicious. He needed something like cargo pants or a trenchcoat...
It's not about how much dough you make -- it's about how delicious a pizza you eat at the end. An ancient dA page that is thinking about standing up again someday.
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