TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|


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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:43 pm

"That's quite the ability you have there... but how can you be sure it's not just normal rain?" David asked as he pointed to the clouds from the same store the others were in. "I mean, it's pretty inconvenient to be hiding from rain all the time."
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:49 pm

Ash: We have a bad feeling that's all. I hope other people have the sense to take refuge inside.

Sandra: Something tells me that someone just released a Third Strain. Those are the exact same type of clouds we saw with the first and second strain.

Lance: It's best we stay inside where it's dry.
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Postby Dani » Wed Sep 26, 2007 7:55 pm

Dan runs inside with everyone else.
"My names Dan by the way, osrry for not saying that earlier, and your story seems really unbelivable, "I wonder if its another strain of virus..."

As if on cue it starts to rain

((Is it okay for me to say that it starts to rain?))
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:07 pm

OOC: No problem you can say that.

Ash: You see we all made it inside before it started to storm.

Sandra: If it is another Strain of the Virus, then we will be here for a while.

Lance: Hey wait a minute Sibs if we can have Premonitions, maybe we can still teleport. Ash, Sandra do you want to try to teleport home?

Sandra: I don't know if we could do that anymore. I guess it couldn't hurt to try, but for right now let's just stay here. We will wait hoping for the Storm to pass.

Ash: Yes we will try that later. Right now we have to stay here I need to go take care of something.

*Ash Goes over to the Nearest Clerk who knew all about the Virus Outbreaks and whispers into his ear a question.*

Ash: Is the You know what still accessable?

Clerk: Yes it is everything is there. You know where it is.

Ash: Okay.

*Ash walks over to the others.*

Ash: Come on all of you follow us. *Makes sure the coast is clear then goes over to the Up Escalator. He finds a hidden Panel and opens it. Presses a few buttons and the Escalator Opens to reveal a staircase leading down.*

Sandra: Follow us.

Lance: It is safer down there. *Points to the Staircase Leading Down.*

*The Schatsiek Siblings descend the Staircase with the others close behind.*
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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:10 pm

"Apparently there's more going on then I originally assumed..." David said to nobody in particular as he followed the siblings. "If this really is the virus again, won't worldwide panic ensue? Isn't that like... really dangerous?"
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:19 pm

Ash: We aren't sure if it's a third strain of the Virus. That is why we are going down to the base we used during the second outbreak.

OOC: I really don't remember if we had a secret computer room, but for this one we do.

Sandra: That is why we have to check it out.

Lance: Yeah. If any of us gets hit with the Rain, if it is indeed infected we will change. That is why we have stocked a lot of bottled water in case something like that ever happened again. The last two Strains the Viruses were in Tap Water as well. Everyone had to put filters on their shower heads.


Scientist: Perfect soon I will rule the world. Muhhaahahahhahahahha. *Puts Pinky to Lips and continues to laugh Dr. Evil Style.*


*Everyone then arrives at a computer room with all sorts of amenities of what would be involved in a home.*

Ash: We should be safe here. We will have to live here.

*The Escalator then closes as everyone gets in all the lights come on and light up the Dark Bunker.*

OOC: Kris_Roth you need to post. You are already with everyone else. You haven't been changed yet. Please Post.
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Postby Dani » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:22 pm

*Dan looks at David* yeah most likly. *They begin to follow the others downt he stairs*
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:32 pm

Brnin8r wrote:Tony had found himself a clothing store and with his newly 'earned' funds he picked out a decent set of black slacks with a suit jacket with lots of inside pockets. He was all into the old time mobster look considering his family was related to them. He bought a fedora last of all and started walking around the Shoppes. Eventually he came across a large group of people. He figured he had stolen enough for the day...but why not try to see what they're talking about? He made his way to them like he wasn't paying attention to where he was going. After they started running into the store he figured they weren't worth his time. He quickly took refuge in another store.

OOC: Brnin8r your character has to be with the others please edit your post accordingly.

*The Schatsiek Siblings turn on the computer and start typing at the three Keyboards.*
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Postby Nikki » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:35 pm

"Hm it's raining" Bryce said as he looked out the window.
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Postby Asch » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:38 pm

"LIVE here? Won't the rain just... stop?" David, full of questions, continued his barrage as he leaned against a wall. "And what if this thing gets a leak or something? Won't we be like... toast? There's not exactly anywhere to run..."
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Postby Dani » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:40 pm

"Ugh" Dan Said, "Another day, another bunker." He walked off to look around the "lair" like place.
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:51 pm

Ash: This place never leaked. That is what makes it so safe.

Sandra: So don't worry about it.

Lance: It will, but if it is a third Strain of the Virus it will rain unpredictably. We still don't know if it is a Third Strain or not.

*The Schatsiek Siblings continue to type on the computers as three screens combine into one and it shows something shocking. It is exactly what the Schatsiek Siblings saw in their premonition.*

Ash: Yes I hate to say it, but it is a third strain of the virus.

Sandra: From the looks of it, it is even more fast acting then the fastest of the other two.

Lance: the Slow affecting ones are even slower than the slowest of the other two.
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Postby Dani » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:54 pm

*Dan turns around and looks at the siblings*
"A third strain?! Who would even have acsess to the chemicals, and whatd do you mean the Slow affecting ones are even slower than the slowest of the other two?"
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Postby Nikki » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:56 pm

"Attention shoppers the mall will be closing in 5 minutes" The intercom said.

Bryce just looked outside deciding to stay inside until it closed
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Postby AshK » Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:57 pm

Ash: Like I said some of the changes happen slow some of them happen fast. Sometimes when someone becomes exposed it can take anywhere from 24 Hours to 1 Full Week for the Changes to Fully occur. It also has a tendency to affect the mind too.

Sandra: I have no idea who would have access to the chemicals of the last two strains.

Lance: Maybe it's someone that was involved with the creators of the first and Second Strain.

*The Schatsiek Siblings continue to type on the Computer.*
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