by Gee-chan » Thu Oct 04, 2007 11:47 am
Tina had not got up yet. The night had been restless. She had had what she thought may have been a dream like the one she had before. This time however she had been in a long corridor filled with different open passageways. By listening to each one she could hear or feel different things; far off emotions, muffled voices, someone shouting in the distance. However at the end was one passage that was different. Standing in front of it was 'Tom' and Gengar, each with their arms held forwards as is they were pushing something away. Every now and again one of them would falter and a huge scream of "obay me", "follow me" or "trust me" would rush at Tina with enough force to literally knock her back.
"Tina!" yelled Gangar
"Stay back!" shouted Tom
"What is that?" asked Tina
"We do not know" replied Gangar, she faltered and the call rocked the corridor again.
"Whatever it is, it is trying to affect your mind" said Tom
"What can I do to stop it?" asked Tina, still moving forwards.
"All we can tell it is a low-frequency telepathic message that most beings cannot be affectd by" said Tom
"However, you are a ghost and have been made more sensitive to it by the hybridisation." said Gengar
"It does not feel like it is comeing from something alive and it seems to be on a continous loop" said Tom
"Do you mean it is like some sort of telepathic tape-recorder?" asked Tina
"Yes" said Gengar, "This is what has been affecting you recently"
"We can continue to hold it off her" said Tom, "You must find the source and silence it. If you do not your mind will be in its grasp before long."
"How can I do that?" asked Tina, "Last night I couldn't even concentrate properly. How do expect me to track down whatever is causing this?"
"You will find a way" said Gengar, "You always have done before."
"You must." said Tom, "Go! Now!"
Tina awoke with a headache, if she was not hallucinating she could assume that the telepathic wave was still beating at her defences. She woke up Absol.
"Hey Absol," she said, shaking her companion, "wake up"
Slowly Absol awoke. "Morning Tina," she said, "You feeling better than you were last night?"
"No" replied Tina, "If anything I'm worse off than I was then."
"Is there anything I can do to help?" asked absol
"Yes I think there is" said Tina, "Apparently the thing thats doing this is some kind of telepathic transmitter that is nearby. If I can destroy that I should be OK."
"Who told you that?" questioned Absol
"Me" answered Tina, reaching for the door, "or at least part of me"
The pair went downstairs to hear about the weather anomalies on the telly
I'm looking at the world through a Jaffa-cake filling.....
Let the loli's hit the floor.....
Things to do before you die: Number 57: Lunge wildly at The Pope!