TG/TF Virus III-|(*Hiatus*)|


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Postby AshK » Sat Oct 06, 2007 9:34 pm

*Toni Arrives at Borders and the managers are more than happy to oblige in hiring her. Since the Virus Outbreak Started they have had a hard time keeping workers.*

Border's Store Manager: No need to get an Interview. You are hired as a Customer Service Agent/Cashier. You will start off at $10.50 per hour. Welcome to the Border's Team.*

*Toni then takes her place at the customer service desk. Since she is Psychic an Telekinetic now she knows where everything is and how to help customers out.*

*Dani, Lana, Ashlee, and Bree are still busy shopping.*

OOC: I have to go to bed in about 30 minutes or so.
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Postby Nikki » Sat Oct 06, 2007 11:05 pm

"Hmm what color would you prefer to see me in?" Bree asked
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Postby Comartemis » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:17 am

Somewhere across town...

A Greyhound bus pulls into the local station and begins letting passengers off before taking on another load and continuing on to its' next destination. But when the bus pulls away, a figure leaps lightly off the roof of the vehicle and lands in the middle of the road; fortunately, there is currently no traffic occupying said road. Passers-by take no notice of the strange occurance; clearly, whatever it is, it's Someone Else's Problem.

The figure is a girl in her late teens wearing a ragged pair of jeans and a white t-shirt that seems much too small for her. Clutched at her side is what appears to be some sort of high-tech poleaxe. Hanging off one shoulder is a small backpack.

The girl looks around for a moment, taking in her surroundings.

So... this is Peoria. Air's pretty clean, that's a nice improvement...

She shifts her axe, slinging it over her shoulder and walking deeper into town, heading west. And still, no one takes notice of the strange girl.

Maybe I'll stick around a little while...

Name: Vivio (Testarossa) Takamachi
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'10"
Weight: "None of your business!"
Eyes: Heterochrome--Left eye is red, right eye is green.
Hair: Blonde, done up in a ponytail off the left side of her head

Here's a picture of the character she's based off of, but her clothing isn't quite so futuristic; as I said, it's just jeans and a t-shirt.

Bio: Vivio is a young mage from the mean streets of Chicago. Adopted and trained in the magical arts by her beloved mothers, (No, that's not a typo; Vivio has two moms) Vivio became an orphan during the first outbreak of the TG Virus when her parents disappeared while investigating the virus' origins. Vivio has lived on the streets ever since, using her magic to stay away from Social Services and make her own way in the world. She is cynical and tomboyish, but holds out hope that she will see her parents again someday. Until that day comes, she defends herself with her spells and one of her mothers' favorite artifacts, a poleaxe with a distinct high-tech appearance.

Vivio is skilled in a wide variety of spells, ranging from shields and levitation to a limited form of invisibility, but her only attack spell to date is Photon Lancer, a sort of magic-based machine gun attack. Her axe, however, has an attack of its' own... a very nasty surprise for anyone who tries to get closer than Vivio likes them to be.
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Postby AshK » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:48 am

Ashlee: You know what Bree-Chan you would look so totally great in a Tangerine Orange. It would compliment your fur and Hair Perfectly. So like what do you think I would look great in?


Scientist: Oh yes now it's time to unleash this monster onto the Streets of Peoria. We will leave East Peoria and the Towns and Cities East of the River alone for a while. Now Go my Chimera head toward the Riverfront and destroy the City.

Chimera: Roaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr as you wish Master.

*The Chimera was a mixture of all sorts of Pokemon, and Domestic Pets. It was far from pleasing to the eye. It even had several sets of wings so it could fly. It then started wreaking Havoc in Downtown Peoria.*

*Lana and Dani continue to shop for clothes.*
Last edited by AshK on Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Nikki » Sun Oct 07, 2007 9:08 am

"I don't think have orange" Bree said as she picked a bra and panties "How about these?"
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Postby Azathoth » Sun Oct 07, 2007 11:57 am

Sayomi finished a round of dissapointing interviews in various stores... no one really wanted a bunny girl for an employee...

She was sulking in the downtown area when the chimera hit.

"Oh... jeez!"

She looks at the horrible thing.

"Where did that come from?!"

((You never told me if they would hire a bunny girl or not... so I just guessed not...))
Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
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Postby Comartemis » Sun Oct 07, 2007 12:38 pm

((Usagi, you might want to work a little on your spelling and grammer. This ain't english class, it's just a little bitty pet peeve of mine.))

The girl continues heading west for a short while, still completely unnoticed by everyone around her, even when she stops outside a bank and idly levitates a few $20 bills out of an open wallet while its' owner is distracted at an ATM. She pockets the cash and continues on her way.

Heh, I'm liking this town more and more every passing second... nice air, wealthy marks... what's next, a bar that'll serve teenagers?

*What's next happens to be the chimera, which drops down out of the sky about 30 feet in front of her and bellows at the top of its' lungs, sending the local pedestrians into an absolute panic*

What the heck?!

*Unlike the locals, the girl does not panic, nor does she run; instead, she slings her backpack off of her shoulder and throws it under a hotdog stand, then levels the business end of her axe at the beast, waiting to see what the chimera will do*
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Postby AshK » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:48 pm

*All of a sudden Ashlee, Lana, Sandra, and all of the other Elemental Angels have a chill running down their spines. Bree included.

Ashlee: Like we so totally don't have time right now. Downtown Peoria is getting destroyed. We have to head there immediately Bree-Chan. We can shop later. We need to save the Downtown Riverfront. Wind Ring Power Make Up! *Transforms into the Wind Angel.*

*Bree and Ashlee teleport downtown where Bree gets rained on again. She goes through all the exact same changes that the other Elemental Angels did only everything on her is an Electric Blue. A Ring with a Lightning Bolt on it Materializes on her right ring finger. Also in her hands appear a pair of Sickle like Weapons called Kama. They then start searching for the Chimera.*

OOC: Riana your transformation phrase is Lightning Ring Power Make Up!

Lana: Dani-Chan we have to hold off on the shopping for a while. We have a monster to fight in downtown. So like let's go! Fire Ring Power Make Up! *Transforms into her Fire Angel Form only she now has her Flareon Features.*

Dani: Like okay we will shop some more later. For right now let's like go to Downtown and Stop that Monster.

*Fire Angel Lana and Dani teleport toward Downtown Peoria to fight.*


Sandra: Kristy-Chan there is a hidden panel in the Cabinet to the Far Right in the Kitchen. You should find it easily. It will recognize your DNA from the Last outbreak and it will open. There are Comlinks in their that also function as Holographic Watches. There is one for everyone. I have to go help my sisters and their Girlfriends. Ice Ring Power Make Up! *Transforms into her Ice Angel Form and teleports downtown to help out her sisters and their Girlfriends.*


Chimera: I must destroy this town and no one will be able to stop me no one. Ha hahahahahhahahhahaha

OOC: N8, Hira your characneed to transform as does yours Asch. They need all of your help to stop this monster. It is on a Rampage in Downtown Peoria Right now. Everyone of the Transformees may go there and fight. Kris_Roth You will get rained on and you will make your transformation into the Anthro Foxgirl you were that knows how to use Foxfire. I will let you do your own transformation. The second you get the Comlinks and head to Downtown you will get rained on. You must then do your transformation.
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Postby Nikki » Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:57 pm

(Am I already transformed?)
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Postby AshK » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:21 pm

Riana Aninikkou wrote:(Am I already transformed?)

OOC: Yes you are, but Lightning Ring Power Make Up is what you say when you go from your Civilian Pachirisu form to your Lightning Angel form.


*As Ice Angel Sandra arrives in downtown Peoria she gets rained on. She then begins to Transform yet again.* "Why did it all of a sudden get really cold? Ice Angel Sandra asks to herself.

*Everyone arrived Downtown. Ready to Fight even though Sandra was currently going through another transformation.*

Chimera: Oh yes More Victims for me to Crush I will destroy this city!

Wind Angel Ashlee: Not if I can help it! Wind Angel Terrorizing Tornado!

Fire Angel Lana: My turn! Fire Angel Flamethrower of Fate!

Ice Angel Sandra: *While going through the Transformation.* Ice Angel! Avalanche Ambush!

*The Attacks all hit dead on. It was now Lightning Angel Bree's Turn to have some fun.*

Dani: Like take this you ugly monster! Flamethrower! *The Ninetails Hybrid shot some Flamethrowers at the Chimera.*

OOC: Riana could you please do Sandra's Second and Final Transformation Please.
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Postby Nikki » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:23 pm

Sandra gasped as she suddenly felt her ears lengthen, growing light blue fur and shifting into a more diamond-ish form. Her hair began to change as well, flowing down to just above her knees and becoming dark teal in color. Two icicle-shaped bangs hung on both sides of Sandra's head, their tips a darker blue than the rest of the hair.

Before Sandra could even register the new changes to her body, she felt something long and sharp punch through the skirt she was wearing. She turned around to see what had caused it and almost cried out in shock; a light-blue diamond-shaped tail with a dark blue tip was wiggling out of the hole it had punched through her skirt.

A shiver crept down Sandra's spine. It was just so cold....

"I don't like it when people interrupt my shopping" Bree said as she fired a lightning blast.
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Postby Comartemis » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:26 pm

I must destroy this town and no one will be able to stop me no one. Ha hahahahahhahahhahaha


*The mysterious girl grins and chuckles darkly*

Yeah sure you will, buddy. Now eat lightning. PHOTON LANCER!

*The head of her axe glows a bright yellow before discharging dozens of balls of lightning magic towards the chimera*
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Postby AshK » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:39 pm

Chimera: Oh surely Girly you must be mistaken. I will destroy this City, then the Towns around it, then I will destroy all the towns on the other side of the River. Take this Girly! Double Team Hyper Beam!

*The Chimera hit the Mysterious Girl knocking her to the ground.*

Ice Angel Sandra: *Now in her Glaceon Hybrid Form and Her Ice Angel Form combined.* Ice Angel Ice Ball Blast!

Fire Angel Lana: I so totally hate when someone interrupts my shopping! I so totally hate that! Fire Angel Flame Wheel Wallup!

Wind Angel Ashlee: Like here let me help you out Imoutochan! Double Team Wind Angel Wind Gust Wallup!

*The Wind Gust helps make Fire Angel Lana's Flame Wheel Even Stronger as the Chimera gets knocked down but not out.*

Dani: Like how about this Chimera! Fire Spin!

*The Fire Spin Traps the Chimera.*

The Elemental Angel Hybrid Sisters: I so totally hope the other ones get here soon we could so totally use their help!
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Postby Comartemis » Sun Oct 07, 2007 7:52 pm

*The Chimera hit the Mysterious Girl knocking her to the ground.*

Surprised by the speed of the great beast, the girl barely manages to get her axe up in a guard position before the chimera strikes, knocking her backwards several feet.

Oh ho! So it's CQC you want, is it?!

The yellow gem in the head of the axe shines brightly before the blade rotates into a horizontal position at the head of the shaft. The girl charges the chimera with a jumping slash... just as a pair of energy blades erupt from either end of the axe head, turning it into a T-bladed scythe.
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Postby AshK » Sun Oct 07, 2007 8:17 pm

Chimera: *After being hit by each and everyone of the attacks she Growls. * This is so totally not fair, I am outnumbered here. She who Fights and Runs away lives to fight another day.

*The Chimera then vanishes into thin air and goes back to base. She then wills her change back to her disguised state. A girl that looks something like This Only she was much more evil looking than Sayomi originally was before she became a Lopunny Hybrid. She had an evil look to her eyes. She went by the name of Sakoto. Her only mission to please her master.*

Sakoto: I'm sorry master I was so totally outnumbered. They seem to be really formidable opponents. We are going to have to think strategy. I will get a job at one of the stores in Grand Prairie and observe them. How is that Master?

Scientist: Very good Sako-Chan I think that is a very good idea. Try and get close to them and infiltrate their base. It has got to be somewhere around there.

Sakoto: As you wish Master. *Vanishes to look for jobs at the Grand Prairie Mall and the stores surrounding it.*


Fire Angel Lana: It so looks like we won this battlle. But I know we will see that monster again.

Dani: Like so do I Lana-Chan so do I.

Wind Angel Ashlee: Okay everyone we have to get back to base. I think Kristy-Chan found what I asked her to find. Then we can do some more shopping.

Ice Angel Sandra: Like okay Oneechan. Everybody let's head back to base. Including you girl with the Twin-Bladed Scythe.

Wind Angel Ashlee: Bree-Chan you will have to assist us in teleportation. We need your help to get all of us back to base.

*Bree nodded as everybody relied on the minds of The Angel Sisters and Lightning Angel Bree. When they arrived at the base all of the Angels that have participated in the battle Willed their change back.*

OOC: Riana: BTW, Your characters Angel Form Choker has a Lightning Bolt in the Center. I think I forgot to mention it. If I forgot I have mentioned it now, if I didn't forget, I mentioned it again.


*Everyone is now back in the base waiting for Kristy to return with the Comlinks.*
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