Pokemon: The Hybrid Adventures, the rp (Complete)


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Postby Sasha » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:18 pm

The attack its her and has no effect and she grins. " Hehe nice try but Physic attacks do not work on me." She uses her mind reader once more then launches a blaze kick
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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:26 pm

Mary drecovers from the kick. "Okay, your pretty tough. Try this one...Ominous wind." she says as a dark wind blows straight into the Lucario girl.
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Postby Sasha » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:42 pm

She gets hit and fires another dark pulse. " thanks ."
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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:45 pm

By now, Mary is on the verge of collapsing. "There's not much else I can do..." she says. If I stick around, I'll probably be...who knows. "Ominous wind." she says, launching the attack again.
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Postby Sasha » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:48 pm

She gets hit and is feeling worn out also and smirks before using mind reader and Dark pulse again combined with dragon pulse.
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Postby Shadowmaster » Tue Oct 09, 2007 9:50 pm

Mary stumbles over. "I can't...keep going..." She barely manages to stand up. "I'll be back. If it's the last thing I do...I'll make sure you all fail in your plans." she says, sinking back into the ground. Sorry I couldn't be more help, even if we're not exactly allies. she says to the Rockets with telepathy.
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Postby Sasha » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:01 pm

The Lucario hybrid smirks and then joins the others in the fight.
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Postby AshK » Tue Oct 09, 2007 10:31 pm

*They are still keeping an eye on Tina and protecting her.*

OOC: I don't know if I can control Tina anymore, that is why my characters haven't been doing much. I'm done with this RP for the night. Please keep me up to date if there is a massive post session. Good Night.
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Postby Dark Scout Cyclondia » Tue Oct 09, 2007 11:28 pm

OOC: This is just a test. It is me Usagi Tsukino, just a different name. I may use this one from time-to-time to post on my RP's

*Erin/196 andLeo/470 continue to use Protedt to keep Tina safe.*
Dark Scout Cyclondia

Postby Gee-chan » Wed Oct 10, 2007 4:27 pm

OOC: Grr, homework sux, and I can only be on for about half an hour. Looks like this is a one post night unless Mum forgets to unplug the net. If that happens I will be able to use my Wii to post. In other news the post that caused an argument, shouting match and rapier duel between me and Nova has now been resolved. I also know how the control system works now so that won't happen again.

"Oh?" asked Tina in a mocking voice from #382's shadow, "Then what was your plan? To make a new swimming pool for your friends?"
After the pulse was sent out Air Team had been busy collecting unconscious hybrids and taking them to the secure storage room (Do you think I should be sinister and call it room 101?). Harry turned to one of the scientists that were running tests on the hybrids.

"Do you think they will be brainwashed when they wake up?"

"Probably" said the scientist, "We are currently working on a device that should be able to counteract any mental contamination brought on by the changes."

"How will you be doing that?" asked Harry

"We are not at liberty to tell even people of your rank the full details but it will be working on the same basis as your average pokeball" replied the scientist.

"Defence team to labs! Defence team to labs!" came Kate's voice over the intercom.

"This is the lab" replied a scientist

"The pulse has knocked out most of the convertees but there are still a number of hybrids active. We need some backup but we still dont want to hurt them."

"Understood" said the scientist, he turned to one of the rocket members that was carrying in hybrids. "You!" he said, "Go down to base level and tell them that I am authorising the use of the ghost patrol for this situation"

"Yes, Sir!" said the Rocketer, dropping off the charmander girl she was carrying then hurrying towards the nearest lift.
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Let the loli's hit the floor.....

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Postby Sasha » Wed Oct 10, 2007 5:27 pm

((if thats the way you wanna play it when they where NOT knocked out. I didn't agree to that and you didn't tell me what you had plan thus it doesn't happy once more))

Any of the ones that where knocked out when none where and taken wake up and attack the scientists right away as well as all machines in the room. Also the Lucario hybrid also has shown up to help the others that got taken having come across an injector also and jabs it into the scientist.
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Postby Dark Scout Cyclondia » Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:12 pm

OOC: Okay the argument between you two is driving me crazy. Will you two stop arguing and just have fun. That is what RP'ing is all about isn't it? Having fun with friends? It is not worth Rp'ing if there is constant arguing between ROle Players. Come on just have fun and please stop having these petty arguments. They drive me crazy. Just have fun please. BTW, the name may be different but it is still me Usagi Tsukino.

*Erin/196 and Leo/470 continue to watch the fight and protect Tina at the same time.*
Dark Scout Cyclondia

Postby AshK » Wed Oct 10, 2007 6:45 pm

*Erin/196 and Leo/470 seem to be fatiguing.*

Erin/196: Sorry Tina we can't protect you anymore. We need to renew our energy. If you get into some serious trouble we will get you out of here and back to the Safehouse so you will be safe.

Leo/470: Yes Tina-Chan we are still your friends even though we are on different sides. I don't know how much longer Team Rocket has as an organization. It all depends on how much our Teammates accomplish.

*Leo/470 and Erin/196 continue to watch the fight.*
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Postby Shadowmaster » Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:54 pm

OOC: Since there seems to be much disagreeing about this part, and I don't want arguments to get in the way, I'm going to do something a bit apart from what I had planned. Hopefully this will make everyone a bit happier with this scenario.

IC: A bright flash can be seen all over the battle field, and a man in a large black cloak that hides all features, even how big he is, appears. "Well, this battle has gone quite well." the master says. "However, I'm afraid we are unable to finish at this present time. This is far too important to leave to so many new hybrids." He turns to the Rockets. "Sorry to interfere with your plans. Can't have my new recruits getting captured." He then teleports away with all of the hybrids in the field.

Mary pops back up through the ground. "I can't believe he would come out here..." she says. Quite a few injectors were left on the ground. Mary picks one up. It was nearly empty. "I'll have to take this to the Prof."
All of the hybrids found themselves in a large open area, seemingly in the middle of a very large city. "All new hybrids, report to the door on the left to be shown to your rooms and where your trainers will be." the master says. All hybrids except Aiko, #383, Jo, and #197 leave.
#382 looks back at Tina. "No, actually my plan was to tilt things a bit in my favor." she says. "So come out of my shadow and fight me like a real hybrid."

OOC: There, that should fix any problems, and hopefully keep arguments away. Each side got something out of this fight, so everyone be happy.
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Postby AshK » Wed Oct 10, 2007 8:03 pm

Shadowmaster wrote:OOC: Since there seems to be much disagreeing about this part, and I don't want arguments to get in the way, I'm going to do something a bit apart from what I had planned. Hopefully this will make everyone a bit happier with this scenario.

IC: A bright flash can be seen all over the battle field, and a man in a large black cloak that hides all features, even how big he is, appears. "Well, this battle has gone quite well." the master says. "However, I'm afraid we are unable to finish at this present time. This is far too important to leave to so many new hybrids." He turns to the Rockets. "Sorry to interfere with your plans. Can't have my new recruits getting captured." He then teleports away with all of the hybrids in the field.

Mary pops back up through the ground. "I can't believe he would come out here..." she says. Quite a few injectors were left on the ground. Mary picks one up. It was nearly empty. "I'll have to take this to the Prof."
All of the hybrids found themselves in a large open area, seemingly in the middle of a very large city. "All new hybrids, report to the door on the left to be shown to your rooms and where your trainers will be." the master says. All hybrids except Aiko, #383, Jo, and #197 leave.
#382 looks back at Tina. "No, actually my plan was to tilt things a bit in my favor." she says. "So come out of my shadow and fight me like a real hybrid."

OOC: There, that should fix any problems, and hopefully keep arguments away. Each side got something out of this fight, so everyone be happy.

OOC: Thanks Shadowmaster. I was getting tired of Nova and Strangelove Arguing back and forth. How fast do you want the battle between #382 and Tina to be. Strangelove hasn't been on for a while so I am going to take control of Tina to make it go faster. Do you want it to end quickly or drag on?

*Erin/196 and Leo/470 continue to watch the fight. They are getting a bit bored.*
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